


San Antonio, TX

Friday April 16, 2004

                     I thought I was going to go for a hike, but I got lazy. I smoked some resin hits in the back yard. I worked on my webpage. I got all the NOFX lyrics ready and in HTML files.

                     I never told you I found an ATM card at Travis Park yesterday. It belongs to Gilda B. Terrazas. I found her phone number right here. She lives at 5622 Evers Road, which is some apartment complex. 681-7561 is her phone number. I called it, but nobody is home. If there was an answering machine I would leave a message. I don't know. I found the card in the park yesterday.

     10:57am  I just got to the Exxon at Braun and Bandera. Let's see if I can find a cigarette in the ashtray. Man, I haven't done this morning hike in a while.

     11:17am  I played Frisbee with a guy and a girl here at the fields at OP They were playing out here. I said, "Hey, can I play?" They tossed it to me a couple times. I passed it back.

     11:30am  I'm going to walk and see if Dana is home. Maybe she'll smoke me out.

     11:40am  There was this big convergence on the trail with three people. This guy on a mountain bike, this guy walking his dog and me. We came up to this intersection on the trails. I told them, "Whoa, maybe this convergence is a sign. Can I tell you guys a really interesting story?" I told this old guy wearing a marines hat my intro and mission objectives and asked him if he was willing to listen. He told me, "No, no, no. I've already been through that. I know the evils of it." I told him. "The kids are taking over soon and I'll be the first in line." He said, "That's what we were saying when we were your age." I said, "Oh well, you'll hear about it when the rest of the world does. Have you always been that ignorant?"

                     I just took two random pictures of the woods here. In the creek bed. The first two pictures on the new camera.

     11:57am  Passing Snarlwood.

     12:10pm  I am at the Walmart already. At the buses. I wonder what time the 610 comes. I want to go inside and play videogames.

                     I just checked the schedule. The next 610 doesn't come until 12:55. So, I have a whole forty five minutes to play videogames.

                     I'm kinda hungry. I want to get spare change for a burger.

     12:57pm  Dave is hooking me up with a cigarette. The 610 bus driver. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     1:34pm  Richard hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:03pm  I just got done checking all my tapes. I'm paranoid as hell. Since both my recorders aren't playing back, they might not even be recording either. I was sitting here on the bus hitting my recorder over and over. If I hit it enough times it'll play so I can hear it. I just received confirmation. I have been recording this whole time. I'm going to go downtown. Fiesta is in town this weekend. I'm going to go make an appearance. I'm hungry. I need to get some spare change for a hotdog at Travis Park. I'm on the 92 right now over by Crossroads mall.

     2:30pm I'm downtown already.

     3:05pm Diedra hooked me up with two dollars for my hotdog! I appreciate it, sister. I was hungry. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:13pm George hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:25pm  My friend Joseph A hooked me up with some change for a joint. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:29pm  Allan hooked me up with two cigarettes in the park. We're all jamming to my NOFX.

     5:00pm  I just put my pants on in Travis Park. Changing my uniform. I gotta go hit up the carnival. Crowds of people. They will see me.

     5:07pm  Teo, we were walking to the carnival, he tells me, "Do you remember me, man?" I told him, "Man, I talk to so many people every day." He said, "I got you that joint in Travis Park." "Oh, I remember you," I said.

     5:12pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, me and DeadCat are walking to the carnival.

     5:45pm  I just had a good presentation with Rebecca Adkins and Ron Hares.

                   Ron: "No doubt this will come back to haunt me when I run for president."

                   It's alright, I'm going to murder the government. We can govern ourselves.

     5:47pm  I had a badass presentation with those two. They took my picture and everything.

     5:48pm  I just took a picture of those two people I talked to.

     5:56pm  Jake and Clyde just walked by while I was taking my thermal off. I've already told them my story.

                   Juan Ortega is hooking me up with a beer at Fiesta. I was telling him my story. He's got a Chronic shirt on.

     6:27pm  This guy who won't give me his name gave me a cigarette. He's wearing a weed rag around his neck.

     6:32pm  This guy came up to me and told me, "I wanted to know what you use that stick for. Are you going to beat somebody up with it?" I told him, "If I have to." He laughed. It's always good to be prepared.

     6:35pm  I just took a picture of this big cow here at Fiesta.

     7:24pm  I'm walking back to Travis Park. I'm hoping the hotdog guy is still there. I'm hungry. I think I'm going to walk over to Mando's. This place with a Puertorican flag on the side. I've never gotten hooked up there before.

     7:32pm  I came up to this guy and asked him if there was any free food nearby. He handed me a plate of food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   I was just sitting there eating the food I just got hooked up with and Turtle came up to me and said, "You don't gotta put this in your book," and he hooked me up with a cigarette. He told me he didn't want me to say who it was, but it was Turtle. Hehe. Anyway H.P. walked up to me when I was finished eating. I really wanted a cigarette. He came up to me and asked me, "Hey man, do you wanna go with me to smoke a joint?" Alright. He gave me a cigarette too. Things are going my way.

     7:48pm  I ran into Charles. He said, "You don't remember me, man? You was hitting a pipe a the bus stop and offered me a hit." I told him I could look it up. Cool, man. Thanks for making contact.

                   It's so awesome. I came to Travis Park and got smoked out. I didn't even ask for it. First, Turtle came up and smoked me out. Then, H.P. came up and smoked me out. He even gave me a little tiny nugget for Fiesta, when I go down there later. Good things are happening to me. I love San Antonio. I love you San Antonio.

                   Dude, I just got hooked up with some USDA trail mix. Gasoline for the stomach.

                   I am so glad I came back to the park, you know. I got fed, smoked out and a little nugget for later.

                   On my way to save the world.

     8:00pm  I came to the Nix to use the restroom before I go back to Fiesta. I rode the elevator up with these two ladies. Right when I got to the sixth floor I told them, "With the Internet I'm going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace. Victor Antonio," and I walked off.

     8:04pm  I'm walking around and oh yeah, I forgot about Mando's. I'm going to go see if I can score there. It would be really awesome if I could score there. Then I'll be all fueled up for Fiesta. I even got trail mix to eat for later.

                   Cool, a Delorean just drove by.

                   Back to the future.

     8:10pm  James just hooked me up with a cigarette outside the tattoo shop. I just talked to Patrick. I appreciate it, James. Everybody gets credit.

     8:24pm  I just took a picture of the big crowd here at NIOSA. The sun's going down.

     8:32pm  I walked by the roasted corn place. Some guy yelled at me, "Roasted corn!" He got my attention and I walked over. I thought, "I'm going to hit this place up." I hit him up and the manager came and talked to me. He's in the back right now eating. Than all these people with money came. The manager told me, "We'll be with you in a second."

                   He saw me recording myself and called me back over. He said, "Whatta ya want, man?" I told him, "Surprise me."

     8:35pm  David at the tamale place hooked me up. He gave me a tamale. I appreciate it, bro.

     8:36pm  I ran into the girl from Shipley's(2-9-04, 5:21pm). What was your name? Erica.

                   I just took a picture of the big crowd.

     9:39pm  I have to make an update. I went and smoked out with this homeless dude underneath the staircase. I walked the whole length of the market square to go find a place to smoke weed. I smoked and I got up. Then two girls walked by and they recognized me. They were all, "Remember us? We talked to you at the bus stop." Dude, that's been happening to me all day.

                   I got kicked out of the carnival for having my stick! Mr. Trevino told me he was a supervisor. These cops came and I asked them right away, "Do you think my stick is a weapon?" They said, "Well, it can be used as a weapon." I told them, "It has a compass on top. It's a walking stick." I told them, "I just got 86'ed from the carnival. What's going to happen if Mr. Trevino sees me with stick again?" The cops told me, "A lot things could happen to you." I told them, "Well, what's life without a little risk? Except boring."

                  Screw that, I'm going back in there. Fuck the police.

     9:50pm  Joe hooked me up with a cigarette here at Fiesta. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:15pm  I ran into Kittie, Velen, Chelsea. They're making contact. Thanks, guys.

     10:25pm  I came back where that cop had talked to me. I just stood there and smoked a whole cigarette. Screw it, I don't care if they see me. It's Fiesta. I'm not going to let them ruin my Fiesta weekend. Fuck the police.

                    Alex hooked me up with a cigarette downtown. I appreciate it, brother. '

                    I was hungry so I ate some of my trail mix and I even have an after-meal smoke. 

     11:12pm  Another guy who's seen me before. I'm famous.

     11:14pm  I ran into Jackie who I talked to at the bus stop. At the hospital.

                    Whoa, another guy. I asked him, "Where have I met you before?" He told me, "You met me on a bus. You were preaching."

                    This guy came up to me and I asked him, "Have I talked to you before?" He said, "Nah, we saw you at Marleyfest."

     11:24pm  Jaime hooked me up with a cigarette here at Fiesta. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                    That guy asked me, "Hey, weren't you at Bob Marley?" I said, "Yeah, I was."

     12:24am  Another dude who won't give me his name gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:41am  This guy saw me and asked me, "Hey, you worked at West, right?" I told him, "Like a million times."

Next day..

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