


San Antonio, TX

Friday April 18, 2003


sa room




                   Ha! When I woke up the computer was still here. She's such a liar. I was all prepared to jump on the bus and have a big adventure today. I thought the computer wouldn't be here. I had saved all my files and I was going to go type stuff up at Carlos' today. It seems my mom was just talking shit about taking the computer away. Either that or she was too lazy to unhook it and put it in the car. Either way, it was there when I woke up and I jumped on and got to work some more sending out my ideas. Both SUCK A BIG DICK and DONT BE WASTEFUL died. Now, LICK A SNATCH still works, but I don't want to use it that much because it will die quick if I do. So I uninstalled like three AOL's and made a new installation so I could sign a master phish on as a new user and make a sub account. I made HEY WATCH ME WIN. That should be okay for a while. I checked the billing on the master account and the dude barely got on. No existing sub accounts either. This phish should last me a while. Now, I know not to do that much bulk mailing this time.
                   Okay, well I had a really interesting conversation with Smartchic3401. What sucks is that I accidentally switched AIM sn's and lost the conversation before I could log it. I hate it when I lose history like that. Damnit.

                   The time is now three oh eight in the afternnon. I'm getting kind of bored on the computer. I'm going to go smoke on the back porch.

                   Okay, it's three thirty and I just got back from smoking. Damnit, the lighter Bob traded me for a bowl of weed the other day ran out. I was able to light a cigarette first. So, I took the cap off my sneak-a-toke and touched the cigarette cherry on it and sucked. I got a dirty tobacco hit, but that did the job. I'm nice and high and now. If I want to smoke more I'm going to go out in the city and find someone to smoke out, since I need a lighter. I'm going to email this so far to myself, just in case my mom is going to take the computer away soon. After that, I'm going to go take a chower and go catch the bus. Okay, I'm going to do that now.

Friday April 18, 2003

     3:15pm  I was at Bob's and I asked him for a cigarette. He said no.

     3:21pm  Bob, Genavol(Shit, I don't know how to spell his name.) and I were hanging out in the garage smoking. Bob was scanning radio stations and I heard an old song. That sparked a hidden memory that was in the recesses of my mind. Do you remember that one commercial that advertised a collection of old songs? Well, back when I watched TV, I saw that commercial so much, they've been showing it for years, that I remembered the sequence that they played the songs on the commercial. Ever since then, when I hear a certain song, I always follow it up with the next one from the commercial.
                   Well, when Bob and Genavol(I think, it might have been Tim instead) heard me doing it, we all began to reminisce of old songs. It was hilarious. Each of us knew a different classic.

     4:41pm  Let's see, I woke up this morning and got on the computer. I talked shit on AOL and I sent my ideas around. I had woken up late and around this time I ran out of stuff to do. I had run out of Bugler tobacco too. I then decided I was going to catch the bus with my last dollar. I walked to the elementary school and as I waited there I noticed I still had a pocket full of seeds from that other night I smoked out with Frank. In the landscaping in front of the school by the bus stop I took a key and dug a little hole in the dirt. I reached into my pocket and grabbed a pinch of seeds and planted them. Then, I covered it up and watered it with my water bottle. Let's see if they grow.

     5:15pm  I caught the bus over to Bob's. Hmm, I have "smoked out with kids" written down, but I am having trouble remembering what kids. Oh yeah, I remember now. I was walking from Bob's house to go catch the bus. As I was walking down the street, I see these two young kids walking around. This black dude and Mexican dude. I ask them if they care to hit my peace pipe and they said yeah. It turns out the were going door-to-door doing demonstrations for something. I started telling them about my ideas and they listened well.

     6:08pm  I walked up to the Pakistan(as Bob calls it), the convenience store over on Babcock and Spring Time. I walked in and the cashier was indeed Middle Eastern. But he was young and looked cool. I asked him if he could spare a cigarette and he said sure. His name is Arul.

     6:21pm  I have "Valdez, 91" written in my calendar. I think he gave me a courtesy ride.

     6:25pm  Some guy named Alex gave me a cigarette. I think it was at West Telemarketing.

     7:05pm  David gave me a cigarette. Nice guy.

     7:15pm  I was just hanging out at the smoking cabana at West Telemarketing telling people my ideas and strangers were overhearing and coming up to me to tell me I was right. It was cool. Afterwards, I walked in front of the 8000 building and saw this guy Alex whom I had smoked out at University Hospital. I told him to follow me and he asked me where we were going. I asked him, "You mean you don't know about the rocks?" He shook his head no. I asked him how much time he had and he told me as much time as he wanted. So, I took him down that little paved path by the bus stop and showed him the rocks.  

                  The rocks is this badass place at West Telemarketing where I used to smoke every day on my breaks(all fifteen time I have worked there). Over a decade ago, when they were building west, the construction people had dumped all these boulders in the woods closeby. Well, if you climb back behind the boulders, there's a hole in the back where you can sit on the rock. Someone had scratched into a rock, "The Sacred Circle of Intoxication." It was a badass hideout.
                  People were always back there before. Not so much now, though. About three weeks ago I had gone to check it out and found that someone had dumped all these logs in the way of the rocks. It was a real bitch to climb over and very inconvenient. I was bored so I took it upon myself to move the big pile, bit by bit. It was tough, but in the end I did it in only thirty minutes. I felt so accomplished that day. "Whatever you destroy, we'll create it again."(Operation's Ivy's Officer)

                  Anyway, I showed Alex the rocks and smoked him out.

     7:22pm  I walked down the hill from the rocks and went to the bus stop. I saw this cat sitting down. He didn't look like he worked at West or anything. His name is Scott. He was an older white dude with long hair. Hitch-hiker lookin', ya know. I read him off my scripts and offered to trade one smoke for another. He gave me a cigarette and I gave him my sneak-a-toke and told him to put the fire in the hole. We had a great discussion.

     7:48pm  After I talked to Scott some more I asked him if getting another cigarette was in the realm of possibility. He told me only had one left and I told him thanks anyway. I walked over to the smoking cage by the Inbound building. I can always get one there. There were only a couple people behind the fence. I asked them if they could spare a cigarette and they told me no. Damn. Just then, I noticed the picnic benches in front of the human resources department. Like a year ago, I had tagged it.  I walked over to the bench to see if what I had written was still there. I had written it with a pen so it had faded off by now. Damn, I need to replace it.

                   I have been carrying two black Sharpie markers in case an occasion like this pops up. I sat down and wrote, " - Send me an email and I'll blow your mind - Victor" Hehe, spamming spammers.

     8:12pm  These black dudes gave me a cigarette.

     8:36pm  The bus came at West and I got on with a transfer. I sat down and asked this lady next to me if she could spare fifteen cents and she told me sorry, that she didn't have any change. Just then, the guy behind her hands me a quarter. I tell him how generous he is and stand up to sit behind him. I had to tell him what I was doing. He agreed with a lot of what I said. He even asked me if I was hungry. I told him I could always eat, but that I was on my way to go get free donuts(I was hoping the Shipley's would still be open). I told him thanks anyway.
                    I didn't know where I was going. The last 91 back to West goes by Travis Park downtown around ten thirty, I thought. I was going to just ride the bus downtown, hang out at the park for however long, and jump back on the bus and walk the seven miles home from West.
                   Tim was wearing this really cool John Lennon shirt that had a quote on the back. I told him that his shirt was beautiful. It said, "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you will join us and the world will live as one."

     8:55pm  This Shipley's ended up being closed so I thought I would walk to Jim's. Maybe my friend Renee is working and she always hooks me up. As I was walking to Jim's I stopped at this gas station to get some water and these two kids asked me if I wanted to buy some candy from them to keep kids off drugs. I told them sorry, that I didn't believe in money and started telling them my stories. It was a black kid around fifteen I'm guessing and a cute Mexican girl. Their names are Chris and Azalea. I just went off on my scripts on them. The dude wouldn't listen, though. He kept interrupting me until I told him that he would be listening to me soon, along with everyone else.
                   I went inside to get my refill. I asked the cashier(another Middle Eastern dude) if he had a sink I could get some water from. He pointed to the room in the back and I went in there. Turns out he only had warm water at that sink. I walked to the bathroom to get water from that sink, but there was a dude outside waiting to use it. I finally gave up and walked out to go find water somewhere else. The black kid asked me where was my water. I told him how someone was in the restroom and I couldn't get it. He looked surprised and said, "You were going to get water from the restroom?" I told him yes, from out of the sink. He said, "Isn't that unsanitary? From the bathroom?" I told him, "Only if you are ignorant," and walked off. As I was walking off I heard him say, "Hey, I am not ignorant. I am very smart."
                   I walked some more after that and ran into these older white guys. I told them what I was going to do and they turned out to be bible thumpers. I told them I thought I was my own god and I, solely, was responsible for my decisions. This one guy got all heated up. I told him to prove to me what he believes. He tells me to look at the sky and the trees and the birds. Just then, I think of a clever quote - "Mere existence doesn't prove anything. Prove it's creation."

     9:40pm  After that I walked to the Jim's in front of Crossroads mall. Renee is there! I walked in and she was taking somebody's order. I rudely grabbed her while she was talking to the customer and gave her a big hug. She was surprised and smiled. I waited until she was done talking with her customer and she told me to sit down in an empty booth in her section. She asked me if I was hungry and said she would hook it up with a soup and salad. Mmm, free tortilla soup. Yummy.
                   She was still doing things and she told me it would be a minute. That minute turned into like twenty five and I ended up only having fifteen minutes to catch the last bus. I stood up and went over to Renee and told her I only had ten minutes left. She apologized and told me, "Okay, how about just salad?" I thought for a minute and decided I was now going to go walking in Medical Center and collect Marlboro Miles at all the bars. I told Renee to go ahead and give me the soup too, that I had all night. I was a bit hungry by then. When Renee finally brought out the food I ate and was surprisingly full. This was just too perfect. Gasoline for my stomach. I was going to go walking in Medical Center and see what happened.

     9:46pm  Right after I got there I asked Renee if there was a phone I could use. She reached into her apron and gave me her cellphone. She told me not to stay on it long and I told her I was just going to check in with my mom, that she was probably worried. I hit talk and dialed the number. It was way too loud in the Jim's and Renee told me to go use it outside. I went outside and called my mom. When she answered I told her, "I apologize for not calling sooner and having worried you." Then, I told her, "Oh, and I also wanted to thank you for not taking the computer away this morning. It served me a great use." She made up some excuse like, "Oh, I didn't want to wake you up(I'm a real heavy sleeper and she knows that)." I told her that she could put the chain on the door because I wasn't coming home. She told me bendiciĆ³n and I hung up. That was easy.

     10:09pm  In the Jim's some lady complimented my rainbow beanie. She told me, "Fantastic hat!"

     10:20pm  Some guy named Charles gave me a cigarette.

     10:51pm  I walked over to Medical past the Papa John's. I went inside the Pressure Cooker bar and just walked around scanning for Marlboro smokers. None in there.

     11:05pm  I walked Fredericksburg to Datapoint and to Gardendale. I went to Smitty's Pub. The guy at the door asked me for my license and I showed it to him. I asked him, "Do you mind if I go through and see if I can get people's Marlboro Miles?" He smiled and told me, "Not at all, go right ahead." Shweet. I walked in and scored like four things of miles.

     11:15pm  I walked down Gardendale to Wurzbach. I looked over at the Baker Street Pub and it said some whack shit on the marquee. It said: "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Man, what a load of shit. I can't believe how evil alcohol and money is. That's what the bar thinks will get more people to come and buy beer? Geez. The sad part is that is all they have to do. I went inside and scored some more miles.

     11:21pm  Joey gave me a cigarette at Baker Street Pub.

     11:30pm  I walked over to this sports bar called Half Time. There was a live band playing inside and I asked the dude at the door how much it was. I could've sworn he said it was free and I got happy. Then he repeated himself and said, "It's three." I told him forget it and left.

     11:50pm  After that, I took off walking down Wurzbach towards I10. I walked to Datapoint and over to Planeta Mexico. I have Brandon written in my calendar for some reason, but I don't remember why.

     12:04am  I walked past Planeta and got on the access road to I10. I walked it all the way past the Carmax. I was going to go see if Methie was home over at Fountainhead apartments. It's Friday night, they should be partying. I got to the gate, cracked the code and opened it. I walked up to Methie's apartment. I could've sworn I heard something inside but I knocked and nobody answered. The last two others times I had just stopped by, no one was home either. I think they've been home every single time. They probably think I am crazy and just don't open the door. I wouldn't put it past them. They're dumb. Bunch of AOL losers.

     12:41am  I left Methie's and walked all the way through her apartments. The back corner of the apartments where I was at was a lot closer to Medical than going out the exit up front. I was hoping there would be a good place to jump over the fence so I could take a shortcut. I looked at the fence but couldn't find a place where I could jump over it. The bushes were way too thick. I found this ditch, which was fenced off except for a little opening. I crawled into it and found myself on the other side of the fence. I sloshed through the shallow water with my army boots and got to another fence. I had to walk through the woods a little and ended up on that little street in between Promontory Pointe and those Section Eight apartments. I crossed Medical and went to go walk around The Stratford apartments. I walked around the Stratford and ended up behind them.
                    I was walking down the sidewalk and saw these people hanging out outside. I walked by and asked them if they wanted to hit my peace pipe and they told me sure. I started talking to them and telling them about my plan. Soon enough, they told me to hop the fence and join the party. Wow, that's what I get for walking. Friday night and I find a cool party. I need so little to be happy.
                    I smoked the two guys out and their wives didn't want any. They ended up giving me some shots of whiskey and some food. Around two in the morning I told them I was going to take off for the bamboo forest camp over by Fredericksburg and Wurzbach and crash in the woods. One of the guys asked me if I wanted to crash in his car. I said yeah! He showed it to me just so I knew where it would be. When we went to his car I saw another party going on. They were all younger kids too. Perfect. I excused myself and walked over to the other party. I introduced myself and everybody smiled. I shot off my scripts at them and gave them my email address. I offered to smoke them out too, but I had left my sneak-a-toke at the other party. Shit.
                    After I finished talking to the kids, I went back to the other apartment to get my pipe. The door was closed and nobody was outside anymore. I heard someone inside so I gently rapped on the front door. This little kid answered it and told me his parents were already asleep. I told him okay, that I would come by tomorrow. So shit, no weed until tomorrow. I walked over to the car, got inside, reclined the seat and crashed out. I wasn't even going home tomorrow. There's a big fiesta downtown!

Next day..

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