

                                                                    Walking to Hood and ride to Sacramento, CA

Sunday April 19, 2009

     5:45am  I woke up around five thirty. I got plenty of sleep, 8.44 hours. I am sitting here in the orchard waiting for the sun to come up. I smoked some weed and am eating breakfast. I'm having a great time. The sprinkler never came on.

                   Camp under tree

     6:20am  I'm all packed up and leaving. Hmm, I might've woken up an hour earlier than I thought.

                   Sun peeking


                   I've got plenty of food. I've got some apples and pairs and oranges. I'm going to walk now. 21 miles now. Maybe a little less.

                   Please LOVE, make some more magic happen for me today.

     6:25am  I'm still walking River Road and I am passing Randall Island Road. Hmm, that sounds familiar. I hope I'm not walking in the wrong direction.

                   11275 Greene and Hemly

     6:39am  Mike marker 25. I'm going to stop somewhere pretty soon and take a break and layer down.


     7:25am  Whoa, I walked into the town of Hood and I passed up a sign that says "To I5."

     7:30am  I turned to go to I5, but I just decided to turn around and keep walking 160. I'm probably not that much further from Sacramento. I need to find somewhere to take a shit.

     7:34am  That's so awesome. Just because I changed my mind and started walking back to 160, I walked by 970 whatever street this is and this guy outside just offered me a ride to Sacramento! At first he asked me where I was headed and I told him I was on my way to save the world. I asked him how far the next gas station was on 160 and he asked me what I needed a gas station for. I told him to get a ride. He tells me, "I was about to go into town anyway, I'll give you a lift."

     9:30am  I have to make an update now. The guy I scored a ride from close to I5, he gave me a ride all the way to South Sacramento and dropped me off at Florin Street at a gas station. When he dropped me off he asked me if I had anything and I assured him I did. He took off and I did my pocket-content check only to find out my tape recorder was missing! I left it in his truck. I could even remember pulling it out and not putting it back in my pocket, so it must still be on the passenger seat somewhere. I freaked wondering what I was going to do. I loathe losing history like that. Anyway, I was only nine miles away from Hood and figured I could walk all the way back if I had to. My tape recorder was that important. I went out to the road and stuck my thumb out and within like five to ten minutes Rene pulled over for me!
                    He gave me a ride to Hood and I was able to successfully retrieve my tape recorder. We pulled up to the guy's house and I saw his truck. I ran to it and looked in the window and got a visual on my tape recorder. He came outside and unlocked his truck for me and I was whole once more. Way to backtrack, Victor. Rene is taking me back to Sacramento. Tomorrow is 4:20!

     9:50am  Rene and I came to Home Depot and I'm going to help him. I told him if he had any projects at home that I am always glad to help. I'm going to help him out with his house.

                   2336 Craig, 24th and Meadowview, 63 bus or 56

     1:00pm  I just got dropped off on Capitol Avenue, downtown! I am so excited. Rene is fuckin' awesome. He's 28. He's a total angel. He took me to go get my recorder, so I am whole once more. We came back to his house, that his Dad owns and he's getting fixed up. I'm going to totally help him out. I'm going to clean it good. He says he has lots of projects for me to do. He's going to let me crash there too. I told him thanks for hosting the liberator in Sacramento. He said, "I wish I had more room to host other people." He gave me a ride and dropped me off at some park downtown. I'm over by the capitol. I'm going to see if I can get some weed somehow. Oh yeah, Rene gave me twenty dollars! That's so awesome.

                   parkcapitol domepark againdude I told my story to, Masonic Templeentrance

     2:27pm  Download the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

                   Dude in wheelchair I told my story to.

     5:55pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Joey and Bree. In the end they both got up and shook my hand. The first time I asked if they were willing to listen they said they had to go, but I got to close it out with the two favors and then hit them up for "something else, not nearly as long and kind of funny." They listened to the entire Note From the Rich.

     6:10pm  Right now this old guy asked me what my shirt said. I offered him my website and he refused it, nor would he listen to my story at all. Damn, have you always been that ignorant? I told him I was just testing people anyway and walked off.

                   Gilbert, the old guy who wouldn't listen to me, just rode up on his bike and gave me a dollar. Cool, thanks.

     7:15pm  I just got off the light-rail. I didn't pay. Fuck the system. I got off on the stop before the last stop, Meadowview. I got off on Florin. I should've stayed on all the way to the end, but I'm going to walk. I'll have to research the address. I know it's on Craig Street.

     8:40pm  At long last I am coming up on Craig Street. I got lost. I had stopped at the Habib mart and realized I had spent all my money. $5 for a pouch of tobacco, $7 for weed and I just bought $5.50 in snacks. I only have like two dollar left.

     9:47pm  I forgot to mention, I am already in the house. When I first got here Gary was still working on the plumbing in the garage. He already left. I'm just sitting down on the recliner in the house. I slept for a little bit. The broom I think is in the garage, which Gary left locked. I'm pooped. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed now.

                   Sacramento is a little lame so far. I didn't have that much fun today. This town doesn't appear to be too aware. I'm going to take a shower now. Tomorrow is 4:20 and I'm going to be at the capitol all day smoking weed on the front steps.

                   Umm, maybe I won't take a shower. There's no hot water.

Next day..

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