

                                                                                                             Sacramento, CA

Monday April 20, 2009

     10:35am  I am leaving from the house. I made my camp on the living room floor in front of the couch. I had a good morning. I woke up at 4:20am this morning! I had only gotten five hours of sleep, but I smoked weed anyway just to celebrate. I went back to sleep. Now I've decided I'm going to walk into town. Oh yeah, Rene came by. He volunteered me some more money. At first he gave me a twenty, but right before he left he gave me another twenty! Shit, I forgot the money. I'm going to go back.

     10:38am  I got the money. Man, I am still in shock at how I was provided with a headquarters in Sacramento right off the bat. I got a whole empty house all to myself. Rene didn't stay here last night. He's staying in a motel room. He's not staying here tonight either. I could invite some friends and girls if I knew any in town. This morning when Rene came home I was busy cleaning up this big pile of trash in one of the empty rooms. I took before and after shots. I fit all that trash into five trash bags. It sucks, my batteries on my recorder might die today. I got rechargeable ones, but I forgot to leave them charging last night. Anyway, I'm leaving now. Earlier Rene next door neighbor Juan came over to see if Rene had any laundry he needed to wash. Rene asked me and I gave him all my dirty socks. I have two clean pairs left.

                     I'm totally free today. I left my bags at the house. I have my backpack stashed in the attic just in case. I left all the doors unlocked, well, Rene does too. There's nothing in the house anyway. But now my bags are in there and I felt I should hide them incase a stranger walks in. Right now I could lose it all and keep going on my mission. The stuff I need to type up is all on the tape I am recording on. Anyway, I'm walking into town. Today is four twenty and I'm going to go hang out at the capitol and smoke some weed. I have some money so I'm going to buy some weed too.

                     I am totally free today. I am wearing my CamelBak, that's it. I've got Timberland shoes on. My camo boots have thin soles and they are only getting thinner. These shoes kicks ass.

                     I just walked Craig Street to 24th and I'm going to walk to Meadowview and catch a bus or something.

     10:55am  Screw the bus. I walked to the Meadowview Station and I'm going to get on the light rail for free.

     11:21am  I just got off the train over by 9th and O. I saw a big group of people in front of the capitol. I got off the train. Hopefully it's the 4:20 thing. I've got one of my white WPMTJ shirts on.

     12:57pm  I celebrate today every day of the year. I just had an awesome presentation with Jessica here at the park. I took her picture. She chose to listen to my whole odyssey, like over half an hour she listened to me. I really appreciate it, Jessica. Everybody gets credit. She told me that she was a massage therapist so I for sure hit her up for a neck rub for the cause. Jessica really made my 4:20 great. What a delicious neckrub. I told her I wish I had one of her in my back pocket.

     2:07pm  I got a hair up my ass to go to a Walmart and buy the compass for my stick. I have an image to maintain. I'll ride the light rail for free. Fuck the system.

     2:39pm  I just got off the train at Arden Del Paso. I'm going to catch the 14 bus to the Walmart. I paid the $2.25 fare. I wasn't going to ask him for a courtesy ride.

                   It's real awesome being able to be this free out here in this new town. I am totally grateful to Rene.

     2:48pm  I am already on the 14 bus. ETA to the Walmart is 3:18pm. That beautiful girl Jessica was hot earlier. She's got a boyfriend though. She listened to me for like forty five minutes. I had rolled her a cigarette, but afterwards she went to go buy some at the store. She asked me if I wanted anything and I told her my usual, surprise me. She bought me a big jug of Gatorade. Oh yeah, and there wasn't a marijuana rally at the capitol. That was a big biker rally I stumbled onto. Some stupid protest about taking away the helmet law or something. Protest don't offer answers! I do!

     3:20pm  I just got off over by the Walmart. Truxel Road and Gateway Park.

     4:10pm  It's about time I made an entry. I went to the Walmart and bought all the supplies I needed. I was tempted to only by a tape recorder. I am still using the one I bought in Ventura, the one that wouldn't record anymore, so I bought a new one in Berkeley, but that one broke and the Ventura one magically works again. I am sure it's on its last leg though. Maybe the Berkeley one will work when this one gives out. Anyway, I'm waiting for the 11 to come. I don't know when it comes. I bought a compass at the Walmart and a small tube of Crazy Glue at Michael's. I was going to buy two compasses, but I thought against it. I was looking forward to ShoeGooing my compass onto my stick at the bus stop, but I don't have my ShoeGoo with me today, so I bought some Crazy Glue. I'm at the bus stop right behind the In and Out Burger, which I went to and ate at before I went in the Walmart.

     4:30pm  I am already on the 11 going back downtown. It's 4:20.

                   Sacramento rocks, man. I was bored before but I am living it up now. Just think, I just got here yesterday and right off the bat I have a place to stash my bags and not look homeless. I'm all professional walker walking around downtown. I'm all free and I don't look homeless one bit. I am blowing people's minds and passing out my website. Everybody takes it here. I'm all stoned. I want to tell someone my story.
                    Oh yeah, I went up to all the black dudes at St. Rose of Lima Park where the light rail stops and asked them, "Anybody got any world peace?" I bought ten bucks worth of some great weed. I'm all stoned.

     6:15pm  I was bored and looking for somebody to tell my story to. I found a coffee shop. I made eye contact with this pretty Asian girl Kuan and Andres sitting down. I am about to tell them my story and Kuan just volunteered me some ganja chocolate, awesome! Two of them from a dispensary.

     6:25pm  Man, those two kids were ignorant as hell to me. At least I got some weed chocolates. Kuan wouldn't let me tell my story, even though she gave me permission. I was just testing them, anyway.
     8:39pm  I had an awesome presentation with Shannon on the light rail right now. When I first got on I had received permission to tell this other girl my story, but there was this drunk black guy in the back all shouting and cussing at people. I attempted to scream over him but he was very distracting so I just gave the girl my website. Eventually when the drunk guy finally got off this other pretty girl who was sitting in front of me wearing headphones started talking to me. I told her my story and she listened to me superbly. We both got off at the Meadowview Station and I told her my entire Odyssey. She called her friend and decided to go back downtown. She said that she loved my story and if I could go back with her so I could tell her some more stories. What did you think, Shannon? Shannon: "I think you are wonderful. I think you're fantastic. You are definitely a light. I had a pretty rough day today and sometimes I lose the sight of hope and you really are refreshing on that level."

                   Man, that girl was just beautiful. When we had gotten to Meadowview she was waiting for her bus to come. I told her my story was totally worth waiting for the next one and she agreed to. She listened to my story wide-eyed and gave me the greatest reactions, what a beautiful girl. Every point I made she was all animated. "Get out of here?!"  I should've gotten a new tape recorder with that money I got today. I need to charge those rechargeable Double A's Josh gave me in Morro Bay[4-15-09:9:30am]. I'm back downtown now. I didn't pay fare. If I want I can only pay $1.10. Screw it. I don't care if I get a ticket. I'm leaving soon. I'm traveling. I'm not going to pay train fare at all. I have my scripts prepared for them. Think of all the empty seats being chauffeured around out there. How wasteful we've become! You're either part of the cure or you're part of the disease!

                   I totally made Shannon's day better. She told me I really had inspired me and that she loved listening to my stories.

                   Kitty cat on train, best buds

     9:25pm  I am like a pinball tonight. I had another awesome presentation with this black girl at St. Rose of Lima. I walked up and her and her friends liked my shirt. When I tried to tell my story only one girl listened to me. She had her eyes locked on me, in fact. Her other two friends were talking together. She was agreeing with all of it. The train and we both got on it but I didn't continue on the train. I am waiting to get busted. I don't care. I'll take a ticket. I am leaving soon anyway.

     9:56pm  I just got off the train at the Meadowview light rail station. I'm going to walk to Craig now.

                   Remember I had made a prayer to love that day when I got to Sacramento? I had said, "Please LOVE, make some more magic happen for me." Love did make something happen. LOVE made Rene happen. I now have this overwhelming feeling of gratefulness towards Rene. He totally gets mad props from me.

     10:03pm  Shit, I overshot Craig, I think.

     10:30pm  I had to break in the house. All the doors were locked, hmm. Rene doesn't lock his door so it must've been the plumber, Gary. Luckily I was able to climb in through an unlocked window.

     12:07am  I am all stoned. At around 11:30pm or so I thought, hmm, maybe if I go outside there will be someone out there that will let me borrow their cellphone. Stupid-me, I assumed there would be a pizza delivery place open on Monday night. It was weird, right when I go outside I see some black dude outside talking on his cellphone, how perfect. I walked up to him and asked him if I could use it to order a pizza, that I would give him a slice when it came. He told me to hold on, that he was in the middle of a conversation. I told him to take his time. After about five minutes he hangs up and walks over. I told him I didn't know the number to the pizza place and he tells me that there aren't any that would be open. Well, then I knew. I told him sorry and gave him my website. I told him it was all about what it says on the shirt and if he had time I could tell him my story. He said he wanted to get back to that conversation and I told him thanks anyway, that that's what the website is for. Whenever you get the chance, bro.

                   See, when I was talking to Jessica today I told her about my accommodations, but that there was no hot water. She was all, "You can take a shower in cold water, come on." So tonight I tried to muster up the balls. I got all naked and stepped in. I immediately withdrew. Screw that. I don't need to be clean that bad. I'm going to bed now.

Next day..

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