

                                                                              Morro Bay to Cayucos to Monterey, CA

Wednesday April 15, 2009

     6:30am  I just woke up. I only got seven hours of sleep.
                   I'm having some technical difficulties with my tape recorder. I think my batteries died. I need to spare change in Morro Bay like last time[2-5-09:12:48pm].

     6:54am  My camp

     7:12am  Up and at 'em. I'm going to walk into town. I'm going to the Quota Club bench and eat breakfast. I still have a burrito from yesterday morning at Prado. Hopefully I'll get recognized. Let's see what happens. I need to manifest me some batteries.

     8:08am  I walked Main Street to Morro Bay Boulevard. I'm turning left.

                   Steve was nice enough to give me a cigarette on Morro Bay Boulevard.

     9:30am  It's about time I made an update. The random time I got to the Quota Club bench and sat down, see, I went and ate breakfast and then I got a hair up my ass to do a sewing project. I recently cut out the phrase Thank You For Pot Smoking from the shirt, since I never wear it. I also recently took off the WPTMJ that I had sewn on my pack in Santa Barbara[12-28-08:8:37am]. I wanted to sew the Thank You one on instead. I was like halfway through it and I messed up the stitching. Frustrated, I stood up and right when I did I look in between the buildings in front of the bench and see Josh, the architect guy from last time[2-5-09:9:22am] outside smoking a cigarette. I waved at him and he recognized me and asked me what was going on. I told him I was just coming through again and that I had my stuff at the bench. He told me to go get it and bring it back by his house. I did and we went upstairs where he has a badass dual-system computer setup I should've taken a picture of it. He smoked me out. I got to show him himself in my journal and that long story he told about why marijuana is illegal. I'm going to try and get it out of town. I'll go over by the onramp.

                   Josh is really smart and he knows a lot of complicated architecture stuff. He was busy on the phone talking to people about plans and bids, all this complicated stuff. I waited for him to get off the phone and told him, "Hey, I know it's a little low-tech, but you wouldn't happen to have a microcassette recorder lying around, would you?" He told me no, so then I asked him what about Double A batteries. He thought for a minute and went upstairs to check. When he came back down he handed me two rechargeable Doubla A batteries! Perfect! I already have a charger and everything. What a total manifest! I'm going to walk to the Albertsons and use the bathroom. Then I'll go to the onramp.

     10:23am  The coolest shit happened. I went to the onramp and scouted for a good spot to thumb it. All I found was this awkward spot not on the side of the direction I wanted to go. I visibly thumbed cars that were going that way. Dude, like the third car I thumbed pulled over, even though there isn't a shoulder. Jetta is being nice enough to mobilize me. She's giving me a ride to Cayucos.

                     That was just awesome. She pulled over real quick for me. Jetta even told me that she usually doesn't stop for people, but she pulled over for me. She dropped me off right at the edge of Cayucos and I'm walking into town now. By the cemetery. That burrito I had for breakfast has been fueling me pretty good. I've got some fruit, a couple oranges and a couple apples.

                     I'm walking into Cayucos and I pass this house where there's a guy going out to his truck. He takes one look at me and says, "Hey man, you look like you're on a great adventure." "Check out my website, it's free." You know me, hehe. Planting the seed.

     11:03am  I just had an awesome little presentation with Heather. Beautiful girl. I was walking and she was across the street. We made eye-contact and I shouted, "Hey, check out my website!" She crossed the street and I gave her my site. I asked her if I could tell her what I was doing and she said sure. She was all smiles, but when I got to the part where I ask her if she's willing to listen she told me she was doing something else, but she would for sure check out my website. I smiled and closed out the presentation. You know, two favors. I asked her if I could take her picture. I'm walking into town now. She was on her way to San Francisco, but couldn't give me a ride because she was with her mom.

                     Road kill marker


     11:07am  About five minutes ago I got to the gas station, Cayucos Gas.

                     Badass, see I was walking towards the highway and as I was passing the skatepark I got this weird impulse to go over to it. I was walking down the street and these guys pull up in a car and ask me, "What's going on? Can you do us a favor? Can you buy us a twelve pack?" I told them, "Maybe. Do you have any weed?" The driver said yeah, so I told him consider it done. I walked over to the liquor store and got their beer. When I got back to the car the driver had walked to his house to get my weed. He came back and gave me a fat nugget in a Altoids tin. Remember how I was all bummed out because the cops took my tin I had since Santa Maria last December[12-07-08:2:49pm]? He thanked me for buying them beer and I said sure, fuck the system. I got a replacement tin. Perfect. He also gave me a thing of strawberries too, so I have more food. He told me if he saw me walking on the way to Cambria he'd pull over for me. Now all I need are cigarettes. I'm almost out.

     12:28pm  I walked all the way to the highway. I didn't walk directly to it. I'm going to thumb it here for a little bit. I'll eat some fruit and smoke a cigarette and take a hit of weed. I'm going to keep walking. Maybe I'll walk all the way to Cambria again.

     12:39pm  I got tired of thumbing it. I ate a big orange and I'm going to walk.

     12:55pm  In no-time, I was walking the highway for just a little bit and Tom pulled over for me. He had seen my shirt at the gas station. He told me that when he saw me he thought to himself, "There's my smoking buddy." He was going to smoke me out, but I had already taken off. He saw me walking on the road and he pulled over.

                     Coast pictures

                     He told me, "Your shirt got you this ride." He's about to drop me off in Monterey. What did you think of my presentation, Tom? Tom: "You're pretty good. You're a smart guy. You're gonna go places. Your name ain't Victor for nuthin'."


                     Man, what a magical ride that was, hell yeah. I wish I would've logged some more, but I'm all stoned. He said I really inspired him. He said I was right about everything. He gave me ten dollars at first and I bought some cigarettes. He didn't like that too much. Almost seven bucks I spent on cigarettes, creiky, or however they said it on Dangermouse. Right before he dropped me off he gave me another five dollars. I'm in Monterey, I'm going to catch the bus. I've got bus fare.

                     He dropped me off to the Big 5 Sporting Goods store that I've been to before[2-13-09:12:15pm]. I'm on the bus already to downtown Monterey. I'm going to catch the bus all the way to San Jose.

                     I'm going to hit up Turtle Bay taqueria where I scored last time[2-12-09:4:05pm].

     6:28pm  Thank You For Pot Smoking

                   Not sure where

                     No chance. It was packed. I didn't waste my time.

     7:08pm  Greg hooked me up with a dollar. I had given him this bus book somebody gave me. I saw him talking with the driver and heard the driver say that he could buy a bus book for a dollar. Some guy had just given me one, so I offered it to Greg. I told him it was meant for him.

     7:59pm  Jordaine let me borrow her cellphone so I can call my mom and find out how she's doing from her surgery.

                   I am on the bus to Salinas. I've been on the bus for a while. This Blake guy I told my story to, I had a good presentation.

                   The greedy ass bus driver driving the 28 won't give me a courtesy ride to Watstonville. Don't you know we are all connected?

                   Another driver won't give me a courtesy ride. Man, nobody wants world peace!

     8:39pm  Sweet, I'm getting a courtesy ride to Watsonville! He who knocks persistently ends be entering! I just walked up to the bus and asked the driver. Her supervisor was on the bus and he okayed it. He asked me where I was going and I told him I was on my way to save the world.

     9:10pm  I just got off the bus in Watsonville, I believe. I wonder if I can score some free food anywhere, hmm.


                   El JalapeƱos, I'm going to eat.

                   I was going to go hit up the taqueria, but it was real busy. I'm going to go hit up Denny's.

                   They told me no at the Denny's. Nobody wants world peace! Hmm, Fish and Chips across the street.

                   They closed at nine, that sucks.

     10:19pm  Laura at the KFC is feeding the peace machine. I really appreciate it, Laura. Everybody gets credit.

                     Wow, Laura even hooked me up with more food to-go. Thanks, sister(Laura is my twin sister's name too).

Next day..

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