

                                                                                                              Santa Ana, CA

Sunday December 7, 2008

     7:03am  All packed up and ready to go. Some maintenance guy came and woke everybody up. I'm going to walk into town now. They tell me they're feeding lots of food here today.

     7:40am  Loo hooked me up with a cigarette at the Civic Center. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

Sam is out here at the Civic Center giving out donuts and coffee. We appreciate it, Sam. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                    Sam is this Asian bible thumper. He was preaching for a long time before we could eat. They had badass donuts. I ate me a huge apple fritter. I had a good breakfast. I'm walking to the bus terminal to use the restroom and make my morning deposit. This shit ain't paying rent. It's gotta go.

                    Girl I told my story to.

     9:49am  Leaving the transfer terminal. I took a shit. They only have one toilet stall with a door on it, but the toilet was a bit dirty. I wiped it off with toilet paper. It sucks, they have little slips of paper for toilet paper. Luckily, I had a little rolled up in my CD case. I covered the seat and was able to wipe my ass with the last I had left.

     9:25am  The nice people from The Salvation Army came by the pagoda and are giving people donuts. We appreciate it, guys. In a community of plenty none should go hungry!

     11:53am  I had an awesome presentation with Michelle. I had to cut it short because I'm going to go to Laguna Beach with Portia from the Isaiah house.

     12:26pm  I walked to the transit terminal and ran into all these residents from the Isaiah house. Mama Sherri and Portia. Portia is a beautiful Irie princess from Jamaica. I figured I didn't have anything to do. I can't do any typing today. I was going to ask David if I could borrow his laptop. At the public library they won't let me in with my bag.

     12:49pm  We have landed at the Laguna Beach Transportation Center.

     12:54pm  Jim hooked me up with a cigarette at the Laguna Hills Transfer Center.

     1:51pm  We just got off the bus at Laguna Beach. Portia is giving me a hard-on, hehe.

     2:04pm  What are you doing in Laguna Beach again, Portia? She's checking out a site for a Jamaican restaurant she wants to start. Location, location, location. I'll go scope it out with her. Then I want to take a nap on the beach. Hopefully with Portia, hehe. Just sleeping. Cuddle-buddy.

     2:25pm  Alan was nice enough to give me a cigarette in Laguna Beach.

     2:49pm  I just got searched by Officer Gaytan. I had asked this bag-lady if I would get hassled for taking a nap in the grass. She told me I would, but I could in the sand. I started walking in the sand and immediately the police approached me. I instinctly handed him my ID before he even asked for it. After I handed him my ID he asked me if I would consent to a search. I told him sure, that I had nothing to hide. He searched my pockets and found my old scripture mints tin, which was empty. He said he was going to keep it because it had a little residue. Whatever, I just found me a backup tin in a dumpster at the Civic Center in Santa Ana yesterday. It was a brand new clean one. Exact same kind of tin. I tried telling them my story, but they just took the website.

     3:03pm  After the cops walked off this Asian guy walked up to me, so yearning to give me advice. He wouldn't listen to me one bit. Have you always been that ignorant? He was a brainwashed bible thumper. Do you see how nobody listens? I was just testing you.

I tried to take a nap on the beach, but I couldn't fall asleep. I just made my bed in the sand right where the cops searched me. I'm going to walk to the library and then I'm going to ride the bus back to Santa Ana.

                    Couple who listened to me.


     5:22pm  I got on the 89 bus going North back towards Santa Ana. At the bus terminal these four high school girls were outside. I overheard them say blunt and I told them, "I know what you guys are talking about," and exposed my shirt. They jumped up real quick and walked up to me.

                  Oh yeah, earlier today in Santa Ana somebody told me they saw my webpage tagged in some ladies bathroom. That's just awesome.

     5:35pm  I also forgot to mention that when Officer Gaytan talked to me he told me that there was somebody else going around preaching world peace through marijuana. Some guy riding a bike backwards around the country. I have to look that up. That's my phrase, damn it.

     5:48pm  The driver told me to get off the bus over on Moulton to catch the #70 to Santa Ana. I got off and they don't have the schedule for the 7 here so I don't know. Maybe the driver lied to me. I'll just wait for the 89 to come again. The next one comes at 6:03pm.

                   El Toro and Moulton is where I am.

     6:23pm  I forgot to tell you I am back at the Laguna Hills Transfer Center. I got back like five minutes ago.

     6:25pm  Man, the ignorance is thick at the bus terminal tonight. Everybody just assumes I am asking for something. Have you always been that ignorant? Good little slaves.

     6:30pm  Leaving on the 83.

     6:57pm  San Antonio has returned to Santa Ana. I'm going to go to Dwight's house. Hmm, I probably should not. Tomorrow morning I'll go by there and see if I can borrow David's laptop. I don't know what I'm going to do tonight. I am glad I have a secure place to crash, that parking garage. Right now I'm trying to find DC. This cute redheaded girl who braided my goatee.

     8:07pm  I found that parking garage I crashed at last night, but I sat down on the steps outside and did some sewing projects on my boots. The boot's built in "sock," both liners had holes in them. I pulled them out as much as I could and stitched it. I layered down, but I should layer back up.

     8:25pm  Sweet, there's an art show thing going on in the little plaza on 2nd and Broadway. I am posted up here with my shirt and there's lots of people here.

     8:32pm  Tiffany was nice enough to give me a cigarette at this art fair thing they're having over by the Gypsy Den. Everybody gets credit.

     9:05pm  I had an awesome presentation with Logan and Chris right now. Logan gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:10pm  I am talking to Lorenzo and he's got a funny rhyme. What was it again? "English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh. That's enough to make you belch. And add a little Dutch and German, just how much I can determine. To figure it out would set me a' squirmin' and itching and scratching as if I had vermin. Add a little pinch of French, Italian, Arab, Jew and Greek or should I keep my tongue in cheek, cause if we venture further South you know I have such a great big mouth."

     10:26pm  I had a good presentation with Elena. She was a good listener, just like she said she was.

     10:27pm  Reina hooked me up with a cigarette at the Art Walk. I appreciate it, Reina.

     10:45pm  Leaving the Art Walk. I had a great night passing out my website. I'm going to go crash at the parking garage. 

     10:57pm  I walked away from the Gypsy Den, the wrong way towards the parking garage. Well, because I walked that way this one guy who I had hit up for my story and didn't have time for it told me, "I'm ready for your story." I started up and he was agreeing with everything I said. I didn't get too far because his friend called.

I am all settled in and going to bed. I'll take pictures in the morning. I am leaving my batteries charging over on the outlet. I hope they are still there when I wake up.

Next day..

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