

                                                                                                              Santa Ana, CA

Monday December 8, 2008

     6:42pm  I just woke up. I wonder how much sleep I just got.

     8:40am  I forgot to tell you, the cops came. Somebody broke into the pharmacy right over the garage last night. Just so we wouldn't get blamed for it, Iris called the police and made a report. The cops got here in like five minutes. They searched everybody.

     9:35am  Oh yeah, Rod, Iris and I walked over to the bus terminal and we ran into all these Iisaiah House people. Mama Sherry and stuff. I'm going to go with them to the house and see if David will let me type.
     4:30pm  It's about time I made another updated. Oh yeah, I went to the Isaiah House. Today is Sunday, so men are allowed to visit, so there's tons of people right now. I did a lot of typing on David's laptop down in the basement. I am already like six or seven days away. After my typing I went outside and noticed there weren't any guys anywhere, so maybe it's wouldn't be appropriate if I remained. I'm not special. So I'm leaving, I'm going into town. Oh yeah, David told me he was going to let me borrow his laptop and he did. I've got it in my pack.
                   But, I'm taking his walking stick into town. I am borrowing it. It's badass. I still think it's too heavy, but it will give me some weight-training and build my arms up. It's got a lot of momentum too, which helps walking. He is really hesitant to give it to me. It means a lot to him. I hope he doesn't get mad because I just took it without asking. I'll be back tomorrow. He's going to let me borrow his laptop tomorrow, so I am sure he wouldn't mind me borrowing his walking stick too. And it will also serve as an excuse to walk to the Isaiah House later on to talk to him about borrowing his stick. I don't want him to think I've just appropriated it. I'm already at Fifth Street walking down Main Street.

     7:20pm  It's about time I made an update. I am all hungry and it turns out they're not feeding at all downtown. I don't know what I'm going to do. I had passed up a Las Brisas place on Broadway I haven't hit up yet. I'm going to walk around and see if I can find that again.

     8:41pm  Man, nobody is hooking me up tonight. I am going to stand in front of the Jack in the Box and ask for spare change. I am damn hungry.

     8:47pm  Juan me dio cambio para un burger. Te lo agradezco, Juan. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

                   Cool, that guy gave me seventy six cents. I had twenty so I have ninety six cents total. I just need a little more so I can get me a burger.

At long-last I got my burger. I came to the parking garage right across the street and there's a new person sleeping here tonight. I forgot their name. Oh, but I was told some redheaded girl with a dog has an infatuation with me, sweet. I'm going to crash now.


Next day..

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