


San Antonio, TX

Friday April 25, 2003

     10:00am  Okay, this morning I crashed out in the other bed at Air's. I slept great on a mattress, cool. We both kind of woke up at the same time and I told him, "Let's start the day." He said, "Let me get my blood flowing," and put on the stereo. He took a shower and gave me a Camel filterless.
                     We went for a great big walk for Air's father. We walked to Data Food mart to buy a pack of Camel filterless and two lottery tickets(the lottery is for people who are bad at math). Then we walked over to Don's and Ben's Liquor Store on Wurzbach/I10. After that we went over to the same restaurant I had got hooked up fat at last night, El Gallito De Jalisco(The manager's name is Aurelia). Air had money and offered to get me something to eat too. I forgot I still had cash and accepted. In the restaurant I remembered and pulled out my wallet. I still had like four dollars left. I had been wanting to buy a pack of cigarettes with it, so I gave Air a buck and told him I would buy cigarettes for us later. When he asked me what I wanted I told him to surprise me, like I always do when I'm getting free food. He told me no, to decide. He said I could get two. I remembered how good the bean and cheese taco they gave me last night was, so I said, "Okay, a bean and cheese taco and umm.....another bean and cheese taco." I just couldn't think of another kind of taco.

     11:30am  We took it to-go and walked over to Terry's on Datapoint/Wurzbach. I ate my two bean and cheese tacos and they were yummy. As we were sitting down eating, the TV was on and we saw some stupid commercial advertising Mary Kate and Ashley videos. I told him, "Mary Kate and Ashley sold out hardcore." Air said, "Yeah, too bad they're not making porn." I tell him, "Yet." He chuckled and agrees.

     11:45am  Remember, Air had said yesterday that he was going to go get a haircut(he's been growing his hair out for two years and it was halfway down his back). He had an appointment at Avant's Hair Designs on Datapoint/Gardendale. So, we walked over to the salon.

***From here Air's going to continue. I'm going to go smoke a cigarette.***

                     Victor decides to tell someone else about his book of generosity to get a no. 2 buzz cut, but she couldn't see life for free. I got my long braid of hair for donation at Locks of Love for children with cancer.

     11:50am  We then headed back to Terry's which should also be noted for her generosity because she took me off the streets. Well, my best friend Christopher Palomo, a kindred spirit, found out that his girlfriend's child is not his own. After having told his mom's side it was his already. Instead, my friend a devout man was faced with a great sadness. After reading over my words, I realized Linda his girlfriend should be noted to find that the real dad is deadbeat.

     11:56am  I saw an advertisement for a movie faking a Viking funeral and told Victor, "I've always wanted a Viking funeral into which you are placed on a boat with a bonfire on top of you. While two of your most trusted friends launch flaming arrows to ascend unto the sea."

     12:00pm  Victor took a shit. It must have been a good one to be so duly noted.

     12:08pm  With three dollars in his pocket and a remark in the book of generosity for Manjid at the Data Food Mart he purchased a pack of Marlboro No 27. I've never heard of them before.

     12:20pm  He had a cigarette, A man by the name of John bummed a smoke and said, "I've never heard of these. Are they good?" Victor replied, "They're a cross between Mediums and Milds."

     1:10pm  Just before we walked back to Terry's my haircut was done. Chris give us a ride to Victor's house which en route we convinced him to give us a ride to California finally I will see my family. Not today, of course but soon.

     1:18pm  I got Chris some gas and bought a Gatorade.

     1:30pm  We have arrived. We got the smokes and had some cigarettes. Then we decided to get to work. I realized I bought a Gatorade for nothing everything we need is here.  So the path has been laid before us and we will ramble on or in the immortal words of my latest favorite band Modest Mouse, "Well, the universe is shaped exactly like the earth if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were."

Victor again:

     3:18pm  Met Crystal in Crackrock North.

     4:49pm  Some girl gave me two cigarettes.

     5:14pm  Met Ashley.

     6:17pm  Girl crossing street.

     6:21pm  HC Jones gave me and Air a courtesy ride to West Telemarketing.

     6:40pm  When we got to West, there were people lined up outside to get hotdogs. I gave the server my gasoline-for-the-stomach line and he hooked Air and I up with two hotdogs each.

     6:52pm  David hooked me up with a cigarette after I ate my hotdog in the smoking cabana.

     7:35pm  David gave me two cigarettes.

     7:45pm  Found red marker on street.

     8:20pm  Air and I went to Chris' and smoked a joint on the back porch.

     8:26pm  We walked all the way to McDonald's. Ashley ended up hooking me up with a double meat burger combo(sans soda).

     9:36pm  Jennifer(don't remember anything about her).

     10:30pm  Watched some show about Hugh Heffner on TV at Carlos'. He logged his life too. I respect him, even though he made his fortune with the sex-industry.

     12:35am  Went to Carlos' and he gave me some Triple Sec before I crashed out on his couch in the garage.

                      Okay, after I checked rightprotect, I checked writeprotect and look what I got:


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                       Oh shit, the feds are onto me. Good thing they haven't figured out my rightprotect address. I don't know. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight. ZzZzZzzzzzz.

Next day..

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