


San Antonio, TX

Saturday April 26, 2003

     8:50am  Cute little white dog by Bob's.

     9:19am  I met this guy John on the 604. He seemed crazy like me so I told him about my ideas.

     9:35am  Transfer center at the hospital.

     9:40am  Donna gave me cigarette.

     10:04am  Smoked weed with Sean.

     10:25am  Jason.

     10:41am  Abram on 92 .

     10:59am  As I was sitting on the bus I read the back of some guys shirt. It said, "Get rich or die trying!"

     11:00am  Crossroads Park and Ride.

     11:15am  This dude at Crossroads recognized me and asked me about my generosity-theory.

     11:50am  I talked to this old guy Jack on the 604. Told him all my ideas and he surprisingly agreed with a lot.

     12:00pm  Walked through Oak Hills County Club.

     12:10pm  Waited for 92 at Louis Pasteur/Ewing Halsell.

     12:14pm  A. Hawkins the third hooked me up with a ride on the 92.

     12:26pm  Jumped on the 605. Jim, #6735 gave me courtesy ride.

     12:50pm  Crackrock North.

     1:28pm  Checked my email at Carlos'.

     2:59pm  Did dishes at Carlos'.

     4:02pm  Bob gave me fourth cigarette for doing dishes.

     4:07pm  Courtesy ride on 604. Mr. Guerrero, #1738.

     4:21pm  David gave me cigarette.

     4:31pm  My security guard friend at the transfer center gave me his usual two thumbs up. He goes with the flow.

     4:47pm  I thought to call my mom and check to see how she was doing. I was hoping she would be over my whole telling her she doesn't have any balls thing. I thought to go into the hospital and use the courtesy phone at the entrance. I went up the elevator in the transfer center, and when I got to the hospital elevators, I saw my friend Ola, who works at the hospital. I then got the idea to ask him if he had a cellphone and he did! So, I didn't have to walk all the way to the entrance to call my mom.

     4:54pm  Driver EJ Martinez said no.

     4:56pm  Asked the 90 driver, Mr. Meadows for a courtesy ride. He told me he wasn't leaving for another thirty minutes. I said that was cool, that patience is virtue. While I was sitting there I told Mr. Meadows about my ideas. He was eating a donut and I asked him if he could spare on for the cause. He reached for one and handed it to me saying, "Here you go, buddy." Mmmm, it was good.

     5:11pm  Mr. Meadows stepped outside to read the newspaper. I asked him how much longer we had and he said about ten minutes. I rushed up to the sixth floor, saw my friend Cheryl and went in the Nourishment room. I loaded up my cargo shorts with two Repletes in each pocket. I grabbed one to hold in my hand, walked back to the elevators and went back to the buses. Score! Five Repletes!

     5:20pm  I saw my friend Thomas from West. The old guy who's going to give me some potato salad soon. He reached into his pocket and said, "Here, I have something for you." He gave me seventy five cents without me even asking. I asked him if he was sure and he said of course. I told him, "Thank you. No one is paying me to do this, so every little helps." He smiled.

     5:30pm  Meadows turned the wrong way.

     6:22pm  I forgot what girl told me this but it's cool. "Don't hide it, divide it."

     6:52pm  Enrique at Travis Park gave me a cigarette.

     7:15pm  I went to the Battle of Flowers parade downtown. I started walking with the parade, next to this YMCA float that had a Channel 5 news guy on it. When I got to the origin of the parade, I walked through this motel and heard someone calling my name. It was this dude Raven I've smoked out with at West.

     7:24pm  Some bible-thumper tried to hand me something in the parade.

     7:26pm  Whoa, the weirdest shit. I was walking with the parade and looking at the crowd. Suddenly my eyes were directed to a certain face. As I got closer, I noticed it my friend Marie who was sitting in the first row with her friends. Isn't that amazing? How in a crowd of thousands I accidentally end up looking at someone I know? This is my town, damnit.

     8:25pm  This shithead cop told me to get out of the parade.

     8:45pm  I went up to some girl to ask her for a cigarette and her greedy ass said, "NO, NO, NO!" even before I asked.

     8:51pm  I stopped and had a long conversation with a traffic cop, Officer Falks. He seemed very cool and open-minded. He was however, as ignorant as the rest of his generation. He would not let me finish any points. I neglected to tell him I was going to get marijuana legalized. I had actually considered it at first, but changed my mind.

     9:48pm  I walked all the way to Travis Park and there were three guys sitting outside a tattoo shop smoking. I went up to them and told them, "What's up brother. I want to tell you what I'm going to do." I went in and gave them most every script I have. In the end I say, "Now, all my life I have sworn never to get a tattoo. All the old people that have them regret them. But, after my whole West Coast experience and my mission, I realize that there is one tattoo that I require. A small peace sign on the back of my neck." One of the dudes went, "Ohhh, that's what you want." I told the owner Patrick that it would be an excellent chapter in my book if I got it for free. I told him, "If it's a big problem, I'll go make another tattoo parlor famous." He just nodded his head. The owner said he would do it! He took my phone number and email address and said he would call me when he had the ink. BADASS!! I'm going to get a free tattoo! For the cause!

     10:25pm  At Travis Park I jumped on the number 8 bus headed to the zoo. I got off close to Huisache and St. Mary's to go say hi to my homeless, hippie friend Bill. Bill was there with some other dudes. I played with his dog a little. I asked Bill if there was anywhere I could crash for the night and he said sure, the same place I crashed the last time. I wasn't tired so I asked if there was a coffee shop close by. I was going to go bum cigarettes and tell people my ideas. Bill told me yeah, to just walk down St. Mary's.

     11:50pm  I ended up walking the strip all the way to the White Rabbit. I went around to the back of it to try and bum a cigarette. Nobody had one, but I started telling these kids my ideas. Soon, everyone crowded around me and was listening. I was interrupted when I heard my name called out. It was some guy in a minivan hauling kids from the show. I asked him, "Where do I know you from?" It turned out to be Emmit, this dude I met at the Vineyard church. I ask him if he's going home and he says yes. He ends up giving me a ride to the Jim's on Fredericksburg and 410. I went inside and said hello to my friend Renee. She was way too busy to hook me up. She let me borrow her phone and I called Chris' house looking for Air. I think it might have been too late to call and I apologized.
                      So, I walked all the way down Fredericksburg to Medical and started walking down to see if I could find Air. The light wasn't on in his apartment, so I gave up. I was dead tired and wanted to sleep. I decided I would walk to the bamboo forest camp and crash out there for the night. I walked all the way to it. Someone had left an old sleeping bag under a covering. I spread it out, lay my head and crashed out.

Next day..

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