


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday April 26, 2005

     7:02am  I just woke up. There's about to be a beautiful sunrise soon. I'm going to take a picture of it.

                   I have acquired a near-perfect memory. I can just read myself. Look myself up. Do lightning-fast searches on myself. Search particular thoughts.

                   Here's a way to look at what I'm doing. With all these good deeds that I am doing, you can say I am investing in my future. It all comes back. Now do you understand exactly why things go my way so much? It's because I have some excellent karma.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. It seems like my mom has stopped proving me right. She kicked me out. Thanks for all the help you've given me, mom. I forgive you, even though you could be a bit more grateful for the work I am doing.

     8:06am  I am popping out of the woods by the bus circle at the Walmart. I hope I have the letter of the day.

     8:18am  Rizzo hooked me up with a cigarette at the Walmart. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:22am  I ran into Josh again. We sat in the grass by the bus stop and smoked some weed.

                   The letter of the day is F as in Frank. No F's.

     8:32am  I asked the guy on an Out Of Service bus if he'd hook me up with a transfer and he said no. And I asked this girl who was sitting there if I could tell her my story and she told me no, that she had a lot on her mind.

     8:43am  R.T. Avila hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:11am  I had a great presentation with this guy I met at the Walmart. I even got into my odyssey story. I got past the part where I show him my sign and he had to get off the bus. He ended up getting on the wrong bus. He meant to go to Ingram. But in all actuality, he was meant to hear my story. That's why he got on the wrong bus.

                   The coolest shit. I hadn't synchronized my new watch with the GPS satellite that runs the buses yet. I was sitting there and I noticed it was five minutes off from what the real time was. Well, just using the LED display, which scrolls the date and time at five second intervals, I set my watch. I was curious, so I got up to check the TransitMaster to see how close I had gotten to the second. The second just happen to be two seconds off. I could already forecast what flash the minute would be different on, on the LED display. Oh yeah, and then at the hospital I was able to stash my backpack in a closet inside the transfer center. I asked the maintenance dude sweeping the floor if there was a closet I could put my bag in while I walked over to the dental school. He let me stash it in a utility closet. Now I'm going to the dental school.

     9:49am  I am telling beautiful Satvi my story at the dental school. She's the dental student who's checking my teeth for me today. Doing x-rays and stuff.

     10:36am  I am coming out of the dental school. I need a root-canal. I'm just going to get it pulled. Screw it, I have more teeth. At least now I know. I'm just going to get it yanked. If I wanted to get a root-canal it would be like fifteen hundred dollars. I thought that's what going to the dental school was for. So you could get your teeth worked on cheap.

                     At least I got to tell that girl my story. She was a beautiful girl. I believe her nationality is Indian from India. She reminds me of all that Hare Krishna stuff that Sam has in his apartment. The girls from that religion. The people, how they appear. She was beautiful.

                     This guy gave me a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:04am  I got on the 91 and my good friend Robert hooked me up. He let me on for ten cents. He told me, "I have to tell you something. You've got a reputation going. Everybody is talking about you." I told him, "Oh, I know. Just like I want them to. I am just trying to make people think. I am testing everybody. I'm trying to prove that all we need is love and people(like you) keep helping me." I can't help it.

                     I told him, "I'm not going to stop until I'm done."

                     Even if they ban me from the bus, I'll still walk.

                     You can't stop me. You can just get in my way.

                     Oh yeah, and I ran into Nanos at Fiesta. Remember when I said a while ago, when I found out that he was on jail, "Ah, he'll be out in a couple months." I'll put a link to that(11-23-04, paragraph that starts with, "I smoked a couple people out and bummed a couple cigarettes.").

     12:09pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:28pm  Don hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Don.

     12:33pm  A.M. Garcia told me no. I got the idea to go smoke out my friend Angel, that ex-stripper girl who lives in La Bella Apartments right in front of the Deco District HEB.

                     Nobody is hooking me up. Gonzales told me no, the 91 told me no, and the 92 told me no. Damn.

                     I'm telling JC my story in the park. He had walked by and he recognized me. He said, "You're still here?" I told him, "Yeah, do you want to smoke?" I smoked him out. What was your email?

     1:21pm  Adrian hooked me and JC up with a cigarette. We appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:50pm  We randomly walked down Broadway. At Fourth this homebum Happy hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Happy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:52pm  We ran into Happy and he has some cool wood carvings he's showing me. I took a picture of them. Pretty cool.

     2:06pm  I came over here to go hang out with Happy. All of a sudden Tree and Laramie shows up! I ran into them in San Francisco and Denver and somewhere else. Where else? I gotta look it up. I met them in Austin too(8-3-04, 3:40pm).

                   Wow, what a magical encounter with this kid JC. I told him my story at the bus stop. We went for a walk and ended up that corner, Broadway and 4th. We rolled a big fat joint and smoked with Happy. I'm going to walk back to the park. I want to go smoke my friend Angel out.

                   Happy was a really cool dude. Happy Easter is his name.

     2:26pm  This guy just came up to me in the park. Some black dude. He told me, "Hey, I want to get marijuana legalized and everybody will chill out." This dude just walked up to me. I tried to tell him my plan, but he walked off real quick.

                   The guy driving the 92 told me no. Nobody is hooking me up. I bet you anything it's because I am wearing this backpack and look homeless. Everybody is so quick to judge.

                   208 told me no. See, it's the backpack, it's the backpack.

     2:50pm  I noticed some snobby looking rich bitch walking around in the park. I walked up to her and hit her up for my story and she just kept looking straight ahead the whole time. Hmm, have you always been that ignorant?

     2:55pm  Sam hooked me up with some busfare. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:01pm  I'm telling Sam my story. What's your email, bro?

     3:25pm  I'm over here at the La Bella Apartments. Let's see if Angel is home.

                   The greedy ass at the Peter Piper told me no.

                   I'm reading some Watchtower bible thumper pamphlet I found. It says, "Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness' sake, since the kingdom of the heaven belong to them." Matthew 5:10

                   Suffering brings happiness when it is endured for righteousness' sake.

     6:09pm  I went to Santa Fe and nobody was home. I didn't go knock on Melissa's door or nothing. Lorenzo wasn't home. Teo wasn't home. I sat down and smoked a cigarette and read some of that Watchtower magazine. I changed out the stick on my ball too. Umm, I mean the ball on my stick.

     6:21pm  Tony, at Pizza Hut is hooking me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Ms. Tovar gave me a courtesy ride on the 92. I appreciate Ms. Tovar. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:56pm  Guess who I ran into in front of Santa Fe at the bus stop. Justin. I had just been thinking I was going to go visit Justin and Samantha, that I'd walk over to Oaklawn. I got hooked up at the Pizza Hut with a buffet. I'm full. We're going over to his house. He's got some marijuana.

     2:46am  I lost my wallet! It's just missing. It disappeared. I fell asleep on Justin's couch. I crashed out. I took a nap. I'm thinking I left it in the grass in front of his apartment. I had been sitting outside on a peace of cardboard there earlier and got a hit of weed out of it. I don't think I put it back in my pocket. I got up and went inside and played Tetris for a little bit. Then I just crashed out. When I woke up my wallet was missing. My ID, my social security card, some email addresses I had gotten, my story-telling visual aids like my pictures and list of cities, my very valuable transfer-stash and most importantly I lost my weed, it's all gone. This sucks! That was some really important stuff. That's such a big hit to the mission. I have to let it go and hope the universe makes it better. There wasn't any money in it so hopefully it will be returned. It has some important documents in there. Some stories. Oh shit, what am I going to do?? I just got kicked out my house and I already lost my wallet.

                   Please Saint Anthony, let me get my wallet back.

Next day..

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