


Gulfport to Saint Petersburg and back, FL

Saturday April 26, 2008

     8:39am  I am leaving from the Patch this morning. See, last night, Echo and I made out again. I couldn't resist. She's hot. I love her a lot. I wanted her to come traveling with me at first, just an evaluation run. I thought maybe I'd get the change to prove to her how delusional she is and how my system works. I really thought I could help her see how the things she believed were not true. Argh, I've got my work cut out with her. She's a minister and that's how she pays her bills. I still think she's beautiful and I still want to try and help her wake up. Today is Saturday so I want to go to Tyrone and pass out my website again. I'm all out of weed. I took my last resin hit this morning. I got a good seven hours of sleep. Right now I'm walking over to Echo's. I think I left my water bottle over there. I'm going to go get that before I take off.

     8:58am  I didn't see my bottle there. I didn't want to wake anybody up, so I didn't knock on the door. I just walked around to the side of the house to see if I could spot by bottle anywhere. Echo ended up being awake and seeing me through the window. She came outside and John was still sleeping. She might give me a ride to Tyrone so I can fly my sign today.

     10:19am  Echo brought me over to her friend's house Steve and Ben's. Steve smoked a roach with me at first. I got to start telling my story.

                     Be sure to look up the book Dark Majesty.

     11:28pm  Echo and I are leaving from Ben and Steve's. I had an awesome presentation with Ben's girl friend who had been asleep in his room when I first got there. She's Jamaican, I think. Steve, he listened to my whole Odyssey outside. It was awesome, even with Echo's interruptions.

                     What did you say, Echo? Echo: "Umm, I'm working on communication skills. I'm really thankful to be hanging out with this journalist who's all about communication, because without a man like this in our world and in our society, what are we to do? I just pray. I think if I was talking to George Bush and I was on the phone with him, if I had better communications skills and I could talk to him I would say, "You gave me an empty tank of gas to fuel a whole damn economy." That's what I would say if I was sitting down there with my friend in Fort Lauderdale with Janet Reno and the United States Department of Peace and non-violence, come on now, this is not a local issue, this is a national and international one that we're talking about. We're talking about relating human beings in the name of world peace through marijuana."

                     I'm trying to murder the government and they've got you tied around their little finger.

                     Echo: "Antidisestablishmentarianism. Look it up. Really, we have a very strong government in place.."

                     No, that strong government you talk of is killing the world! You need to wake up, Echo. I think I can ake you up. You're almost there! I get frustrated though because you're still hung up on the need for a government. The government is NOT going to make anything better. If we haven't learned by now representative government does not represent. The government has safeguards in place that won't let it fuck itself. You can't kill the system from within. We don't need money!

                     Echo: "Peace, Victor. Shalom. Shalom be unto you today. If nobody else but me noticed on four twenty, let it be known, the pope came to New York Stadium. The pope came to New York Stadium on four twenty! Haha! Let it be known unto all nations! Jah, Rastafari! Let it be known to all nations that the pope himself came to the United States of America in four twenty, folks. That's right, four twenty. I hope everybody that reads this is beautiful and happy and enjoying a peaceful day. Praise Love, haha."

     12:01pm  Echo just gave me a ride to my spot, my sign-flying spot in the shade on 22nd/66th. Today is Saturday.

                     Hell yeah, everybody is taking my picture today!

     12:20pm  Haha, a cop just ran me off. I was on the median and he told me, "You gotta go. I'm having way too many calls."

     12:36pm  Sarah just volunteered me some food. I appreciate it, Sarah. Everybody gets credit. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

     12:49pm  I had a great presentation with Officer Tom Tully. I took his picture.

     12:51pm  I just the most awesome presentation with Officer Tully, dude. When he walked up to me I had my ID out. He walked up to me and actually asked me, "How was your four twenty?" I just busted out with my story. He agreed with everything I said, even the marijuana part. In the end he was all, "Victor, I don't doubt you." Hell yeah! I asked him, "Can I continue with my protest?" He said go ahead.

                     I've got permission.

     12:57pm  Cory just hooked me up with a dollar for the cause. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:01pm  I just offered my website to this guy in a blue Durango, X47-MDY. He told me, "I already got one." He was the dude that gave me the Newport the other day. Hell yeah.

                     Some guy gave me another dollar. He told me, "I have to hook you up for your shirt."

     1:41pm  I got hooked up with some weed! Hell yeah! Made my day. A little roach.

                     I just gave my website to this guy and he told me, "I'm taking this to New York." Hell yeah, tell your friends. Water my seed.

     2:40pm  I'm going to take a break. I'm going to go to the CVS and get some water and take a piss.

     3:15pm  I had an excellent presentation with Robbie and Andrew. I took their picture. You guys will be on there when I update it.

     3:34pm  Hell yeah, that roach I got hooked up with earlier is lasting me a long time. I still have another hit left.

     3:41pm  The 79 driver is hooking me up with a ride to Gulfport. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                     I'm going to go all the way to the library.

     4:11pm  I had a really good presentation with Lisa the bus driver. She gave me a ride all the way from my undercover spot.

                     Download High Society by Ben Elkton.

     4:20pm  Damn, I left my sign on the bus. That sucks. That bus driver loved me. When I got off she told me, "You have a great day, Victor." It sucks that I lost my sign. Oh well, I'll make another one. I got dropped off on Gulfport Boulevard. I'm going to walk to the library and type this up.

     4:27pm  Coming up to the Gulfport Public Library. Shit, they closed at four. They don't open again until ten 'o clock Monday.

     6:39pm  I am finally telling Aaron my story here at The Patch. He's got a story of his own. Aaron: "Okay, the story is I'm in a car for three days trying to find this particularly rare magical crystals. They cost a lot of money. I'm driving around, driving around, driving around looking for them. The bass was pounding. I hadn't been to sleep for a long time. I finally can't understand why in the world I am doing this. I stop at a gas station and it suddenly occurs to me that I'm having a nervous breakdown. I am crying wondering what in the world this is all about. Why am I on such a persistent quest to get these things. What am I trying to do really? Suddenly it hits me and I write it all down. It goes like this. One time, blew your mind, put the brain pills on decline, get your thinking to the details of the divine design, burst the symbols, the signs, you're reading in between the lines, fearlessly facing federal fines, an infenitismly free mind, not the form, but each and everytime..." I can't understand the recording too well. Hopefully Aaron can send me a copy of the right rhyme. It's some really good stuff.

     8:00pm  I forgot to tell you. Me, Aaron and Echo came to this festival they're having at the waterfront district here in Gulfport. I'm walking around letting people see my shirt. I'm passing out my website and getting good reactions. Aaron is going to hook me up with a store on his webpage,

     9:43pm  Aaron and I had a really productive time on the Internet on his laptop at this coffee shop. Aaron Sun Camacho. My stuff is rolling faster now.

                   I don't know what time it is. I don't have my watch on. Echo just went crazy, man. See, she made it seem to me like she had finally decided to break up with John. She had already said she wasn't going to sleep at her house with him tonight. She got all tired and said she wanted to sleep with me in my room at The Patch. So, we got into bed together and started kissing and hugging and groping. We started going at it. She even brought my shorts down and asked me if I wanted to be inside of her. I thought about it for a second and told her, "Let me get a condom." She was all, "For what?" "So you won't get pregnant, duh. Plus, I won't want to pull out." We went at it and after a few thrusts she told me, "Tell me you love me," and I did. Then she asked me, "Will you marry me?" I said, "No way. I'm never getting married. Marriage breaks people up. It's the number one cause of divorce." I asked her if she wanted me to stop and she said yes. She got all pissed and butt-hurt and started walking around the room. She even went out of the room. Just then John had come over and told her it was finished with them. He had told her earlier if he caught her sleeping with me it was over. Now she's trying to blame all this shit on me! I never twisted her arm. It takes two to tango. She's the one who asked me if I wanted to be inside of her. She's all nuts. I'm just going to go to sleep.

Next day..

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