

                                                                                                             Sacramento, CA

Sunday April 26, 2009

     8:25am  I have yet to make an update. Let me tell you about last night. I got to sleep with Peg last night. I got me a cuddle buddy. We had sex this morning, yeehaw! Last night she went down on me. I wish she could take off with me. She said it had been over a year for her. She really likes me a lot. I care a lot about her too. She's my Sacramento girl. She lives with her 87 year old dad, she's his caretaker, so she can't come traveling with me. Not to mention, I don't think she could keep up.

     9:18am  I haven't been too descriptive lately. Peg and I are riding into town. I'm rolling the dice on the light rail again. Fuck the system. I know, I never learn, haha. It was so awesome I got a cuddle buddy last night. I don't know what's going to happen today. I'll let you know.

     9:51am  I told this lady my story in front of the county jail, I think.

                   I walked with Peg to the cathedral. She wanted to freshen up in the bathroom and after that go to her dad's, so we parted. Right afterwards I ran into Shannon[4-20-09:8:39pm] who I met the other night on the light rail. She had reacted great to my story. She's here at church. We're going to go on a journey. I'll take a picture of the cathedral square. Saint Patrick too.

     11:47am  I just got off the light rail at Meadowview. I paid $1.10 for a disabled ticket. Ugh, it makes me so mad that every time I pay train fare they never check my ticket. I'm going back home. I'll go help Rene out. I'm bored. I kind of want to skip town already. I'll catch up with my typing and then I'll skip town. I'm like five days away. I couldn't do any typing today because the college library is closed on Sundays. The public library today opens at one, but I'm going to want more than one hour of typing. I'm hungry. I might go spread the word on the corner a little bit. Peg was awesome. She went down on me, she told me she was going to give me a treat. She said she hadn't had sex in over a year. She's all down on herself because she thinks she's fat, but I think she's hot.

                     She's got this habit of always saying "Whatever." To her it means holy shit instead of not believing what you say. Oh yeah, when we got home last night Derrick, a neighbor of Rene was there. When Peg kept saying whatever Derrick though she thought he was lying. He was all, "I really did, I swear."

     11:53am  Hell yeah, I just stood at the light in front of the station and flew my shirt there. Right off the bat, first car that lined up at the light, this girl saw my shirt and sign and promptly gave me a dollar and I gave her my website. I always give something back.

                      Bonsai Zen Dog, look that up. Some guy I gave my website to.

     12:55pm  I walked all the way over to 24th and did my thing there for a bit and Erica was nice enough to give me some money for the cause. Awesome.

     1:25pm  It might be showtime. I see a cop.

     1:44pm  I spent a long ass time spreading the word on 24th. Tons of people were accepting my site. I did yell at a couple people. I was supposed to be back at one to help Rene, so I'm late. I had fun. In the end I got six bucks total. I want a nickel sack.

     1:47pm  Man, I was putting so many smiles on people's faces. I don't call them ignorant in their cars. I just say nobody wants world peace. I yelled that at one lady and she was all, "What did you say?" I repeated myself, shouting again, and she said, "You want me to call the cops?!" I told her go ahead, I wasn't doing nothing wrong. I yelled at her, "I got a permit! The Constitution!" I'm walking back to Rene's now.

                    I am thinking about going to Davis next, a college town.

     3:48pm  I am back at my post at 24th and Meadowview. It's awesome, Peg is going to come visit me again! That makes me happy. She's busy until five, then she's going to make her way to Meadowview on the light rail. I told her if Rene was home that we would probably come pick her up. If not she's willing to walk and I'll meet her halfway.

                   Just another day at the office for me. I am still waiting for the cops to come.

                   Be sure to add to my website a section called I Spam For Peace, so be it.

                   57p-s922, I just got hooked up with weed! Sweet. I was giving my site to this one car and afterwards the dude in the car behind me called me over and I gave him my website too. He asked me, "You want this roach?" Yeah! Way to support the cause, I told him.

     4:49pm  Man, absolutely no cops came at all and I was spreading the word there for a long ass time. I've got some sort of protection. Isn't it obvious by now? Towards the end I wasn't even holding my support the cause sign. I was just walking back and forth with my shirt giving people my website and yelling at people when they refused it. I ran out of little papers, so I'm going back. I have some more in my bag, but my dear Peg is supposed to call. It's awesome how I found some lovin' in Sacramento. Well, the love found me.

     4:55pm  I just walked back to the house. I'm going to see if I can borrow Rene's cellphone and call Peg.

Next day..

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