

                                                                                                             Sacramento, CA

Monday April 27, 2009

     9:30am  I should make an update already. I woke up around six. I slept with my beautiful Peg last night. We didn't do anything, she was out cold. She hadn't slept that much the night before, but we had an awesome morning. I'm going to go to the college with her and catch up on my typing.

     9:45am  We just got off the light rail at City College, me and Peg. I paid disabled fare. I'm going to get caught up today, watch.

                    I don't think I mentioned, but Rene went to Footlocker yesterday and bought a pair of high tech Nike walking shoes for $130. Then lo and behold, he says he got me some walking shoes too! They're Adidas and I didn't even try them on. I told him I didn't really need shoes and he could spend that money on something else.

     2:25pm  I am making this entry off-the-brain. I had a good typing session. About halfway through this black lady needed to use the scanner and I volunteered to help her. She had a lot of other stuff to do and I let her. I went out and took a smokebreak. She tied up the computer for about forty five minutes, but I told her to take her time. I'm in no hurry.
                   Oh yeah, Peg told me she wanted to see my website and I was eager to show it to her. At first some dude who finished with his computer gave me his card and it was in a crowded spot. Peg said she just wanted to look over my shoulder. I sat down and turned around and Peg disappeared. Maybe she went to the restroom.

     2:56pm  I am all done with my typing. I'm going to catch the light rail back to Meadowview for free. I'm going to go spread the word on the corner. I'm hungry. Maybe I can manifest some money and some weed somehow. I've got five bucks. I don't know.

     3:10pm  Thomas, who I told my story to the other day with his friend James, he's going to meet me at the Meadowview Food Mart and give me some weed. He told me he just got two hundred dollars from work and bought an ounce of purp and that he would give me some! I just got done with my typing and that's my reward. Oh yeah, and he even gave me seven bucks too! I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit.
     3:15pm  I just got off the train at Meadowview. It seems like I chose the right train to get on. See, when I walked up to the light rail I was wondering if I was going to take it downtown or back towards home. I brought a WPTMJ shirt to trade for some weed. I was really hungry after all that typing and at the last minute decided to head back to Meadowview. When I got on the train Thomas called me over and I asked him if he knew where I could get any world peace and pointed to my shirt. He told me he was going to get off on Florin and go home and get weed and then he was going to ride his bike to Meadowview and was going to meet me at the Food Mart and hook me up. He said he was going to give me a twenty sack! He also said he had a couple blunts rolled too and he wanted to smoke one with me. He even gave me seven bucks too, so I've got food money. I'm all caught up on my typing.

                   When I was walking from the library to the train station these two white college girls saw me and said they liked my shirt. I gave them my site.

                   I am hoping that Thomas will be good on his word. I even told him how I got burned twice last Friday[4-24-09:4:25pm]. he told me not to trust anyone. He assured me he would be there and he gave me seven bucks, so I don't really have a reason to doubt him. If he doesn't show up I will still get weed somehow.

                   I called my mom with Rene's phone and gave her his address.  She's sending me sixty bucks.  95832 is the zipcode here.

                   Oh shit, when I got to the Food Mart to meet Thomas I took my bags off and noticed my backpack was unzipped and my yellow folder with all my printouts was missing. That's pretty mission-critical, but I had a lot of havethisbook.coms in my wallet.

     4:20pm  I waited at the Food Mart until 4:20 and Thomas never showed up. Man, I could've sworn he would've. Goes to show how cheap talk is. I really don't appreciate it when people get my hopes up like that. Why lie? At least he gave me seven bucks and I can move on to Plan B. Now I'm going to secure my post again on 24th and pass out my website.

     1:04am  I should really make an update. We had a party here tonight. Derrick and his girl came over. Peg came over too. Oh yeah, I flew my sign today and spread the word. With those seven Thomas had given me I made $17 towards weed and Derrick and Rene threw in and we got an eighth of dank. Right when I walked up to the stoplight Rene drove by in his white Astro and told me Peg had called for me. Ahh, I told him that I had just gotten here and really wanted to spread the word and that I'd come home later. Right after that some cool black dude gave me six bucks! I passed out my website for a couple hours. I could do that all day, with all the smiles I put on people's faces. The cops still haven't bothered me one time on that corner. Anyway, Rene told me that Peg called and that she wanted to take us out to eat. How, I don't know. Rene said she said she'd use her foodstamps card. That's great I know I'll eat good later. I flew my sign for maybe like an hour more after that.
                   Afterwards, I went back home and called Peg. She told me that she was at the City College right then. I asked her if she could do me the favor of going to the library and seeing if anybody turned in my yellow folder. She did and called me back and nobody turned it in, bummer. I am hoping that whoever has it will email me and return it to me. After all, it's jam packed full of my website. In it are my pictures, like the one with the dead dog. I also had my eyeglass prescription in case I ever needed to replace my glasses. Everything in the folder is replaceable, but still I hope to have an email awaiting regarding its location.
                   Peg said that her friend was going to bring her to the light rail station. When she called again we went and picked her up and came back home. Derrick scored the weed real quick for us and we smoked. Rene then let me borrow his van and Peg and I drove to the grocery store to buy food. It was already like ten. We went to BelAire and Peg bought like four or five Sirloin steaks! We paid for the groceries and went out to the van only to realize we had forgotten charcoal and lighter fluid. I went back in the store and bought some charcoal. With the spare change I had from spreading the word today I had exactly enough, to the cent to buy the charcoal and a pouch of Bugler. We were going to use the neighbor's grill. Rene drove off to buy some, but when he came back he had gotten the Ronsonol lighter fluid you put in Zippos and it didn't work too well. After much deliberation he went out again and bought real BBQ lighter fluid and that's when the party started. It was only about five people but we had lots of fun. Everybody else was drinking beer, but not me. All I need is weed. Derrick tenderized and cooked the steaks great. They were delicious.
                   Around one o' clock Rene said he needed to crash and he sleeps on the couch, so Peg and I went to the back room where the mattress is on the floor. She hasn't had a period in two years, so I don't have to worry about getting her pregnant so we didn't even need a condom. Last night I voiced my concerns about having had sex with a girl with Herpes on the East Coast last year. I told her I didn't think I had it, but that anything was possible. I told her I had never had an outbreak. We had music playing too. At first Rene put in some Weezer, which is my all-time favorite band. Pre-sellout Weezer, that is. We ate, they drank and we were all merry last night. I feel so welcome here. It truly feels like my home away from home. Rene is The Grand Bestower of Blessings. He is totally charging up his Karma-slingshot. Anyway, I'm going to bed now. I'm tired.
                   Peg and I have been getting it on these past couple of nights. Rene is trying to sleep on the couch, and there isn't a door to the room we're sleeping in. Unless he is asleep he has a straight view of us, but it's dark and we are underneath a sleeping bag. It sucks that without a condom I'll come even faster. I have come to grips with the fact that I am a premature ejaculator. Always have been. Well, there have been times when I've lasted long. I don't get laid too often, so I can't practice that much.

Next day..

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