


San Antonio, TX

Thursday April 28, 2005

     7:00am  I just woke up. I slept great last night.

                   I was walking by Mr. Bone Family Steak House on Fredericksburg. The wind had knocked down one of their signs, so I put it back on for them. The sign was laying down close to the stand. I put it all back together for them.

                   I'm going to walk to Cristan's and see if I can score some breakfast. I'll see if Bruno will hook me up for a dollar.

     8:28am  Travis hooked me up with a cigarette at Santa Fe. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:42am  I came to Santa Fe and ate my taco and smoked a cigarette. If Lorenzo is home I'm going to wake him up and smoke him out.

     9:24am  I didn't tell you. I decided to walk all the way downtown. I just passed Donaldson right now. All these pigeons were gathered right here and when I walked up I swung my stick at them to scare them away. A bus was driving by right then and saw me and he gave me a friendly honk. I gave him the peace sign.

     10:12am  I am downtown. Right before the library.

     10:52am  What was your name? I'm talking to Tom Florio. What was your email?

     12:21pm  Bart hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Travis Park church where they're giving out lunch. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:32pm  I forgot to mention, like five minutes ago I ate lunch at the church. I got a sandwich and a bag of chips. I saw Ray and Maria walk by. Ray was holding a CD player. I had mentioned to John last night that I wanted a CD player bad. Well, this morning I sold a good pinch of weed for two dollars. I thought I was going to buy a hotdog with it, but Ray just came up and said, "Anybody want to buy this for two dollars?" I said yeah! Great, my prayer was answered. Cool, I have my speaker/CD case and everything.

     2:04pm  Ernest Covea hooked me up with some change for bus fare. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:39pm  I'm sitting here on the bus telling Andre my story. I asked him if he had fifteen cents so I could get a transfer. He just hooked me up with six dollars! That's awesome! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:08pm  Howard hooked me up with a cigarette at the VA Hospital, which is right next to the buses. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:22pm  Isaac hooked me up with a dollar at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:27pm  Jumped on the 610. I'm going to go hike to my mom's and get some of my stuff.

                   Oh yeah, be sure to add somewhere in my webpage, "Let's stop feeding the fire and put out the flames."

                   Oh yeah, on the 92, on the way from downtown I talked to this one black dude who was wearing a crucifix. He listened to my whole story. Well, as much as I could get out before we got to the hospital. A lot though. I've been telling my story like crazy lately. Right now I'm going to my mom's house.

     4:04pm  I just got off the 610. I'm going to walk down the street in the Braun Station neighborhood passing the daycare center. Actually, I'm going to go to the Citgo and borrow the phone. I don't have a key.

     4:36pm  I was outside hanging out in front of the Citgo and Raymond, who I was talking to earlier, he just gave me two bucks! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:13pm  I'm at my mom's house. I killed a lot of time at the Citgo. I went in the Citgo and asked to borrow the phone. Alem told me the battery was dead on the phone, that it needed to charge. I said screw it and just walked home. I was hoping my mom would be here, but she wasn't. To kill time I'm going to water her plants . . . just for brownie points, hehe.

     8:06pm  I hadn't notice the tape ran out. Last thing I recorded was that I was watering my mom's plants. Then I got the impulse to leave. I had like seven dollars and I blew it all at the store. I bought some munchies. I bought two packs of cigarettes too. Two-for-one Marlboros. They were almost five bucks and I bought me some snacks. I called my mom and once she heard I was camping behind the plasma place, she told me she wanted me to come back home and offered to pick me up, but not anytime soon. Umm, ok.
                   I spent the rest of that money I had. I felt like I deserved to. I forgot to get a transfer on the 92 when it dropped me off in Balcones Heights, over here by John's camp. I chilled out at the camp for a while. I smoked a cigarette and I smoked some weed. Then I noticed that John had this little tiny radio/flashlight, that I had one years ago. My mom had given me one. He also had some ear-bud headphones. They were outside by that chair I took a picture of. I really needed some now that I had a CD player. I thought maybe he wouldn't notice if I just took them. I thought against just taking them and decided to just chill out here and maybe he would come back. I sat there for a while and smoked some weed. Then I got the idea, "You know what, I bought these two packs of cigarettes and I really shouldn't be smoking. I'm going to hook John up with a pack. I will leave them in the place of his headphones. Then I went inside the little room he made and I left him a little bit of weed too. He has his own one-hitter pipe. I'm sure he'll appreciate that. I left some presents. Actually tradables. I'm going to go back to my mom's house. I have my backpack on. My Quadforce of Wealth is intact. I look homeless again.

     8:32pm  I was thinking about walking all the way to Justin and Samantha's at Oaklawn Apartments. I got my big backpack on. A 92 just pulled up in front of Santa Fe. I asked the lady, "Can I please get a courtesy ride?" She said, "Oh no, you did that last time." I told her, "That's alright, I forgive you. You don't know better."

     9:03pm  I walked over to Oaklawn Apartments. I'm going to go see if my wallet has turned up. I hope it has.

     9:46pm  They didn't find my wallet. I called my mom from their place and came over to the Chevron in front of Graham Central Station to wait for her to pick me up. She told me 9:45 or ten. She should be here soon.

     10:08pm  My mom just showed up. Cool.

Next day..

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