


San Antonio, TX

Friday April 29, 2005

     7:47am  I am having a good productive time on the computer. I found all these pictures I didn't have on my webpage yet and I coded them into it. Like my badass peace dumpster 

picture I have and some other ones. I had to search through all my backups and it took me a while. I did a lot, so that's good. I am glad I'm back on track again.

     12:06pm  I didn't tell you. I started typing up my days. I can't believe I've waited this long. I've been lazy today. Relaxing all cool. And then shootin' some B-ball outside of the school. When a couple of guys that were up to no good . . . started making trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. She said you're moving with your uncle and aunty in Bel-Air. I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said Fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I would think that this cab was rare, so I said to the cabbie, "Yo holmes, to Bel-Air. I pulled up to the house around seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo holmes, smell ya later." Looked at my kingdom. I was finally there. Something on my thrown, I'm the Prince of Bel-Air.

                     Okay, that's all of the Fresh Prince song I can remember, hehe.

     4:48pm  My mom came home. I'm thinking that she just wanted me back to clean the house. That's all she's been having me do since yesterday. The house isn't even dirty. It's still clean from the last time I cleaned it. She wants me to sweep and mop the whole living room again. I told her it wasn't dirty and she said, "Oh, there's stains from people walking." I told her, "Okay, I'll just clean the stains then." I got exasperated and told her it didn't need to be cleaned. She said, "Okay, then I'll do it." I said, "Alright, you do it then. Mom, you are always doing things you don't need to do. That's the story of your life." I mopped and swept the kitchen great and left the living room for her. She all told me, "You're going to be here Saturday, right? I'm going to have my biblestudy on Sunday(heaven forbid her bible-thumping friends come over and her house isn't spotless). I told her, "I have a date on Saturday," so she told me, "Well, can you help me today then?" At first I even agreed to do the living room too. I walked around and told her, "This isn't dirty at all." I cleaned up some petals that were on the floor and it looked fine. I'm not going to mop and sweep it. I'm not going to move everything out of the way when it already looks fine.

     6:47pm  I am leaving my mom's house. It's Friday. I'm going to go downtown.

     6:56pm  Cool, right when I walked up the 610 came. Perfect.

     7:45pm  I'm at the hospital.

                   Well, from this point on my tape recorder stopped working. I'm not sure what happened to the rest of the 29th and all of the 30th. In place of my recorder I wrote everything down in my little composition book. Not only did I compensate for my lack of recorder, but I believe my loggings became more detailed and accurate because I could think things through before I wrote them down, instead of just recapping things off the top of my head.


Next day..

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