

                                                                                                            Portland, OR

Sunday April 29, 2007

                   This morning I woke up at eleven. Me and Aaron just did laundry at the laundromat right now. We're just finishing up. I have decided I am leaving in a week. Next weekend I am leaving.

     5:07pm  I spent all day at the house basically, typing. After I did laundry I stayed on Aaron's Macintosh and typed up a whole shitload of stuff. Now I came to the sign-flying spot on Foster and 205. I'm going to try and manifest me some marijuana. Wish me luck. Please Love, grant me some marijuana.

     7:01pm  Oh man, it didn't take long at all. I just got hooked up with a big fat nugget! I am walking back home now. Hell yeah. Look what I manifested!

                   Talk about prayers being answered. I got hooked up. Just like I said I would. Presto-manifesto. Some purple stuff too!

     7:42pm  Let me make an update. I've had a badass day. I went to go manifest a nugget and I got it real quick. A big purple nugget! Hell yeah. I came back to the house. Aaron was gone. I was going to bring him home a taco, but he's not here. I guess I'll eat it. I need some more gasoline for my stomach. Anyway, there are these two kids over here. Devin's friends, Minion's friends. Gunther and Rick. King Scumbag of the 503, that's Gunther. I'm out here telling Gunther my story. Everybody else was listening at first. He hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man.

     8:53pm  Jenny's other roommate Chris has some thoughts. Chris: "You're going to have to be able to also not only talk to those who are like-minded and actually would love to see something like that, you're going to have to be able to convince all these rich folk who have vanity. You don't see a rich person, or rarely do you see a rich person [Damnit, that spoiled brat Devin started talking right here and I can't understand what Chris said.] Because you can be rich and not be vain. It can be done. But the thing about is that you have to convince a lot of the vain fucking individuals." I'm going to hit a homerun. Chris again: "I hope so, because personally I am getting tired of good people who actually have something to say, that makes so much sense, it may sound crazy at first, but Victor's actually coming at you from a very, very intelligent well-read standpoint and that is what's going to make people go, "Hmm." It may not sound normal at first, but when you listen to it, really listen to it you'll say, "Hmm, this guy's done his homework. He's researched this shit." Listen, I've listened to you talk and I know the plans that you've come up with, you've had to do a lot of research." It's actually all very self-evident. Chris: "That's what I am saying. that's research. Life experience is research. All I am saying is, my point is, I would love to see somebody who's actually doing some good, who actually bears the potential to be a hero, live to see and enjoy it. Because we have had too many people in history.." Maybe I should go into hiding, hehe. Chris: "No, because then you are considered a coward. But you'll have people here who will look at that and really be impressed. I mean, if you establish that shit here and it becomes renown, becomes seriously renown, that's what you need. You need renown." That's what the internet is for. Chris: "Yes but you have to get, you have to catch the right people, you've got to meet the wrong people at the right time. You have to catch them in the right frame of mind at the right time, because they do actually, they do actually, as a fucking collective like you say, human beings do as a collective. There comes a time when you have people go, "We need something new. We need to change." Everybody. And it's been proven that that can happen in a collective. If you get enough of those who actually have the power to do something backing you and you come up, that's really what I am hoping for, if anything that I am parleying to you, it's all leading towards I don't want to see you die. I don't want to hear that you died because of your beliefs. I want to hear that a hero, or my hero in this case, has actually done it right and he's still here because he was smart. That is what I would love to see. I mean, I would've loved to have met Martin Luther King the night that I met his wife. It would have been great. I would love to have seen Malcolm X. Malcolm was a New York man, are you kidding me? I would've loved to have met that man. Well, he did basically fuck himself up when he made that comment after Kennedy died about the chickens finally coming home to roost. I simply would have said my condolences to the family and left it at that. Because even though he made a very solid point, he cut his own throat. And when you lose your base, you are fucked. Don't get me wrong, principles not withstanding, they will still stand, but you have to do it in a way, you know what it really is?  Most people would think that my thinking is more step-and-fetch it. No, it's not step-and-fetch for the simple fact that it's a system of give-and-take. You may give a performance that smacks of I just got off the bus, but you can do it in a way that's extremely slick without actually being weak. The trick is to basically have gift-of-gab. Because you're going to have to talk to these people. You're going to have to come at them in a way, especially the people who can really help you make this happen, you're going to need somebody who actually has some cash to say hey." I had fifteen visits of over an hour on my website this month. All in due time. Chris: "All I am saying is that you would love to have the backing of not just one rich person, but what I am saying is that they're going to want to do something. The trick is not to say something that smacks of them being a little pissy. Because when they start being pissy, then that shit turns to vinegar quick. It goes from hissy-fit to their a little angry now to I'm starting to get mad, to motherfucker, I am pissed! That is what you have to avoid. You say certain things can happen. If you play it right, if you show some intelligence, and I mean, let me finish, let me finish, and you show some intelligence using the gift-of-gab, and you're able to talk to these people, especially the ones, I'm telling you man, it's going to spread like wildfire, but it's going to need to take off somehow. You're going to have to talk to these people, and you're going to have to talk to them smooth, guy. And that is what is called diplomacy. You have to have some serious, serious diplomacy skills. Because these are the people that can make or break you. If they don't want that shit, if they don't want your beliefs to even remotely reach the press..." I don't even need to be alive for it to happen anymore. You can't stop bytes. It's out there already, taking off. I can't be stopped. Chris: "It'd be nice to see you live. That's what I'm talking about. I'm getting tired of good people who have something to say die for their ideals instead of actually being able to see. I've had enough. We live off of their sacrifice and don't get me wrong, I am honored and privileged, but it'd be nice to see our hero once in a while live in the dream with us. It'd be nice, you know. That's what I'm sayin'."

Next day..

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