

                                                                                                                                     Portland, OR

Monday April 30, 2007

     7:30am  I woke up not too long ago. Man, I still have some of that purple nugget weed. I've been smoking everybody out with that stuff. I do believe it's the best marijuana I have ever inhaled. Some dank purple chronic. Kush, baby. I still have some left. I waked and baked with Aaron. He went out last night when I got here. We waked and baked right now. We're all stoned. It was really cool. Chris had a big heart-to-heart talk with me last night. I recorded it. I'll show you guys.

     8:54am  I never told you, yesterday Minion aka Devin, right after I got hooked up with that purple nugget I came back to the house and all these people were here. I smoked everybody out. I was telling them my story and they were all into it, and fucking Devin opens the front door and cuts me off saying, "Hey man, my girlfriend's on the rag. Can you load a bowl for her, you know?" I sternly told Devin, "I will after I tell my story." He got all pissed off. He flipped out. He said, "Have some respect! We let you stay here!" I calmly told him, "You could kick me out for all I care. This is more important." He started whining like a little spoiled brat. Even later on he hadn't dropped it and brought it up again. I told him, "I'm not going to say I'm sorry. I didn't do anything wrong. Telling my story is more important than anything to me. Even more important than having your girlfriend wait for my weed, which you just assume I'll give you." Dude, I even sent a hit inside for her like ten minutes later, but Devin was steamed. He's still bitching about like a little kid. HAHA Devin, I made your punk ass cry like a little bitch! WHAAA WHAA WHAA. Hehe, I can't wait 'til he reads this.
     Bottom line is that Devin is too used to getting his own way whenever he wants it. He is just a spoiled brat. I should've told him that Ween lyric, "So if I choose to help you, don't look like you expect it, because it's a gift that God gave me at birth." I'm going to write him a note saying that and leave it for him, teehee. It's such a beautiful day in Portland today. I can't wait to take off traveling. Next weekend.

     9:14am  I am leaving the house. I actually did leave Devin that note. I wrote it with a marker. I put it where he's going to see it when he opens his door. I cleaned the whole house spotless again. It had been a couple days since I cleaned. I did everything. I even cleaned the bathroom. Mopped the floor and everything. I have a dollar so I'm going to go get a taco and see if they'll let me borrow their phone because I am paying for something. Remember last time?

                    Be sure to put on my webpage somewhere, "Anyone who takes a picture of me please email me a copy."

     9:39am  I was walking to my corner. I was going to fly my sign on Foster and 205 again. Right across the street from where I stand I saw these kids and they asked me if I had a cigarette. I told them I had rollies and let them roll some. Just then, this old man comes out of the house in front of us and starts yelling at me to leave. I told him, "Man, I'm on the sidewalk, giving these guys a cigarette. Actually, fuck you, grandpa. Call the cops. You ain't got shit on me." Hahaha, it's because he seems my marijuana sign all the time since I fly it right in front of his house.

     10:05am  Driver didn't give me a ride. I'll walk all the way to Powell.

     10:20am  The nice driver hooked me up with a ride to Powell. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:23am  Just got a courtesy ride to Powell. The nice driver gave me a day pass. I appreciate it, bro.

     11:14am  I am in Gresham waiting for the SAM.

     11:37am  Man, I had an awesome presentation on the bus, hell yeah. I am out of havethisbook.coms to give people, so I'm handing out the Note From the Rich which has my website on there. I scored me tons of copies at Free Geek.

     11:55am  Damnit, I got to Gresham. I was walking and I saw some kid sitting down smoking a cigarette. I asked him if he had a cellphone and he let me borrow it. I called Brian and Melissa's house and Quinn answered. She didn't know what street she lived on. She couldn't remember it. Then I thought I might be able to research it, but I just switched out to a new tape. Brian ended up not being home. I figured I would walk out there to get my stick, once I remember the name of the street. Let me think about it.

    12:32pm  I'm so stupid. All this time I've been in Gresham. I'm supposed to be in Sandy.

                    Well, I guess I was meant to get off here, because I told my story a lot.

     1:27pm  I just got my stick back, hell yeah. Brian drove out to the Shell station in Sandy and gave me my stick back. I'm going to go back to Portland now. Hey, maybe these guys working here will give me a donut for the cause, hehe. I've been telling them my story.

                    Check out this message I eventually got on MySpace from Horgos:

What's up man? My name is Josh, I had the priviledge of meeting you in the Shell gas station where I work in Sandy, OR. I love what you're doing. I liked the quotes you have on your page (
I believe we live our life based on quotes because they are short. "Brevity is the soul to wit" Do what you do man because "trying is not succeeding" -Joshua Horgos

     1:30pm  I got my stick back. Brian and Melissa brought my stick back for me. I traded it in with one I had taken from their backyard. I would be telling Jason my story here at the gas station in Sandy, but he's busy working. I offered him my webpage. Since I ran out of flyers I can give out my Notes From The Rich, which has my webpage on it. Oh, and he hooked me up with a donut. I appreciate it, man.

     1:38pm  I got my stick back and I walked to the bus stop. Meinid and Proctor Boulevard. I'm going to fly my sign here at the bus stop.

     2:19pm  The bus came and everything. I didn't get on. I changed my mind. At the last minute I noticed there was a thrift store across the street. Hell yeah. I went in there and found these badass Nike AGC pants, some cargo pants. I thought hmm, how am I going to steal these? I couldn't conceal them, all these old ladies were out cleaning. Cool, they got a dressing room. I went to the dressing room. See, I got three pairs of pants, so I could come out with two. I went to the dressing rooms and they were locked. This old lady came out and yelled to another lady, "He's got three things and he's going in number one!" Shit. I can't take these. The Goodwill on the corner right in front of the bus stop.

     2:30pm  I'm still in Sandy waiting for the bus. Mike volunteered me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:04pm  I need to make an update. I was standing here waiting for the bus flying my sign to the traffic. I was talking to these kids and all of a sudden this cop comes up to us. The kids tell me, "There's a cop behind you." Alright, it's showtime, hehe. Officer Burns and I forgot the other one. I told him my whole story and everything. The bus came. I've been giving out my webpage like crazy. I want to tell somebody my story now. Wait, I see a bunch of little kids.

     3:21pm  I had a great presentation with Andrea on the bus. Rode the SAM back to Gresham.

     3:47pm  I got off the MAX at 122nd and I'm walking to the public library.

     3:54pm  Midland Regional Library.
     4:19pm  I have to wait like forty five minutes for a computer, so I came to this little park they got next to the library. Midland Park. I came and smoked the last of my resin. I just ran out of that big purple nugget. It's some good ass resin. I'm all stoned right now. Resinated, hehe. I'm going to go back in the library and wait for my turn.

                   Be sure to download How To Survive 2012. By Patrick Geryl
                   Be sure to download Inside of Time, My Journey from Alaska to Israel. By Ruth Gruber.
                   Also Journey Back to Eden by Mark Gruber.
                   Weaving a Virtual Web by Sibylle Gruber.

                    I am searching the library catalog for Gruber, if you hadn't noticed.

     4:33pm  Just got on the computer. Let's see if I have a surprise in my email. I want to talk to Kali.

     5:22pm  When I was walking to the library I passed a taqueria called Don Pedro. I'm hungry.

     5:34pm  They told me no. The 'ol manager is not here line. Oh well.

     5:42pm  I was bored, so I started flying my sign to the traffic. This guy just drove by and yelled, "Get a fucking job you lazy bastard!" I yelled back, "This is my fucking job! You're a good little slave!" I want his ass to come back. Talk is cheap, motherfucker.

     5:44pm  Man, I'm hungry. They didn't give me anything to eat at the Don Panchos. I was standing on the corner flying my sign and Judy was nice enough to give me a sandwich. I appreciate it, Judy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:28pm  About five minutes ago I got off the MAX on 82nd. I walked to Glisan and I'm going to hit the Pizza Hut up for any mistakes.

     7:29pm  Amy, at the Pizza Hut on Glisan is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, Amy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:52pm  I got hooked up at the Pizza Hut. I was going to take my score all the way to Jeni's. Then I thought screw Devin and I walked like a quarter mile to 92nd and Glisan to Sara's house. I walked to her street and I didn't see her truck. I turned around and walked all the way back to 82nd. I'm going to catch the 72 to Jeni's. I'm going to test the driver and ask for a courtesy ride and go psyche, I got a transfer, hehe.

     8:11pm  I just got off on Foster Road on 82nd. I'm waiting for the 14 to come. Hopefully the 71 will be underneath the bridge when I get there and I'll be able to catch it all the way home so I won't have to walk that far with these pizzas.

     10:31pm  Be sure to save this Financial $lavery article in one of Jenny's Exotic stripper magazines she gets from her job. It's a great article. Let me transcribe:  Damn, didn't back it up, sorry.

Next day..

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