

                                                                                                                           Portland, OR

Tuesday May 1, 2007

     1:11pm  I'm all loaded up and I am gone from Jenny's house. Aaron has some stuff he needs to wrap up. He's going to help the neighbors move a car for seventy five bucks. Aaron and I are taking off soon. I'm going to see if I can crash at Kali's tonight.

     1:32pm  I just got off the 14 at 82nd. I paid $1.45.

     2:01pm  I just hit Powell. I'm going to go to the Carl's Jr. and get a couple sandwiches. Aaron hooked me up with three bucks this morning. I appreciate it, Aaron. Thanks a lot. I'm really hungry. I haven't eaten all day.

     2:59pm  I just finished eating some French fries and wanted an after-meal smoke. I walked over to the bus stop and Jessie was nice enough to let me roll one, just then Melissa hooked me up with a tailor-made.

     3:00pm  I forgot to tell you. I barely flew my sign at all. For like ten minutes or something. I ate my burgers in front of the 7-11 sign. Then my friends Jason and Janelle came up. They're telling me about their camp. I'm supposed to meet up with them and they're going to show me their camp. I'm going to hike down to Free Geek already and go check my email and stuff. I need to make some more copies of The Note From the Rich.

     3:32pm  After a long ass wait the 9 bus finally came.

     3:56pm  Just got dropped off at Powell and 10th. I'm going to walk to Free Geek.

     4:13pm  That sucks, Free Geek isn't open right now. I was supposed to meet Kali at five thirty here. I hope she shows up. I need to get on a computer somewhere.

     5:27pm  Kali still hasn't shown. I don't know how long I should wait for her.

     5:48pm  I didn't tell you. I gave up waiting for Kali and I walked to City Team Ministries again(4-11-07). I'm going to eat, cool. I'm going to go to the library.

     6:14pm  The nice driver driving the 6 is giving me a courtesy ride to the library.

     6:41pm  I didn't tell you. I was almost to the library on the bus and I see this big group of people. A big crowd. Like a big immigration protest. I got off the bus and walked around holding my sign. I went to the library and Kali emailed me.

                   Here, let me show some emails:

                   This one Kali wrote me last Sunday:

WTF? I thought you said you were going to hang out in ptown for a while?? And things were going good with your job? Portland is just starting to get the bestest should hang for a while. oops..there I go again, telling people what to do with their lives.

Let's try to hook up tuesday, around 5:30ish at the geek..sound good? I want to tear some stuff up for a while, then we can go get coffee's or something. I have some all zone bus tickets I won't end up using. I believe there is 5 of them total left. So you have to stay long enough to use them! just kidding, I know you will just probably give them away. And, I have your page linked up now to mine, so I want to give you $10 for the site, to make sure it stays active! :-)

Peace and Love
Grateful to have run into your rainbow


                   Today I wrote back with:

My dearest Kali,
I showed up at 4:15pm. Free Geek ended up being closed today for May Day. I waited until about 5:35 or so. Then I said screw it, and decided to go to the library knowing I would have mail from you. On the way there I passed by this big bum-feed at some church place, so I ate. Then I got a courtesy ride to the library on 10th and here I am writing you.
I would be totally down to hang out tonight(if this is the same Tuesday you're referring to). I wonder if we'll be able to connect. Here's hoping. I have 49 minutes left on the computer at the library, so I'll check it once in a while and hopefully you'll be able to get back to me. ::crossing fingers::


- Victor Antonio

     8:27pm  I haven't made an update in a while. I went to the library, checked my email. I missed Kali. She didn't know that Free Geek was closed. I asked her if she wanted to get together tonight, but she never answered, I don't know. I guess I'm going to go to Alberta and see if I can crash at Henry's house again(4-9-07).

     8:45pm  Scored a transfer! Ask and thou shall receive. I hit up the 89 driver for a transfer and he gave me one.

     9:55pm  Just got dropped off at Alberta and 33rd.

     10:49pm  I didn't tell you. I went to the coffee shop at around 10:10pm. They were closing up and the guy let me borrow the phone. I called Henry, but nobody answered. I walked all the way to his house, but nobody's home. I'm going to walk to The Know, this bar where he goes a lot. I'll see if I can check my email there too. Then I guess I'll go see if I can stay at the Alberta House tonight. I'll even try Karen's. Or, I could just stay up all night telling my stories.

Next day..

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