


San Antonio, TX

Monday May 2, 2005

     12:10pm  This morning I had a thorough shave and vegged on the computer a bit. I'm leaving the house right now.

                     I walked up to the bus stop in front of the Citgo. This black dude gave me two Newports when I asked him if he could spare a cigarette.

     12:52pm  The 610 going to Medical Center came.

     1:40pm  I caught the 92 from University Hospital.

     2:07pm  I was on the bus wondering what I was going to do today. I know I wanted to spend five dollars on marijuana somewhere. I got off in front of Santa Fe Apartments to start my hunt for weed.

     2:12pm  Lorenzo! Lorenzo is like the only person I look forward to running into at SF. Everybody else has way too much drama. And Lorenzo is the gay dude, sheesh. When I was walking through the apartments I saw Lorenzo sitting in his doorway smoking a cigarette and listening to headphones. Cool, Lorenzo is home. He's never home. I walked up to him and said what's up. He told me he was just rolling and smoking. Then he asked me if I wanted to smoke some weed. Shweeet. He invited me in and smoked me out. I also got to listen to one of my old CD's that I had left over at his house. It was awesome getting high and jamming out to my old tunes. Oh yeah, I took two pictures of Lorenzo.

     3:07pm  I was telling Lorenzo about how I need to replace my water bottle and recorder. I told him I was going to donate plasma afterwards. All of a sudden he says, "Let me see what I can donate," and gave me a dollar. I told him I wasn't asking for nothing. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Oh yeah, after a while Lorenzo turned my music off and put in Less Than Jake. Oh well. You can't always get what you want. 

     3:19pm  I left Lorenzo and started walking South on Fredericksburg. Right when I walked in front of Luis's Tire Shop, these three grease monkeys yell at me and give me the peace sign. Hell yeah. I just pop out on Fredericksburg and bam, recognized. I've never told anyone my story at Luis's Tire Shop. And I know it's a typo spelling it Luis's with the s at the end, but that's how they have it on the sign outside real big. I've always wanted to go there and tell them their sign is wrong, hehe. I should take a picture of it.

     3:40pm  I walked over to ZLB to donate plasma. I signed in and walked around looking for people to tell my story to. There wasn't that many people there. I gave up and just sat down in a chair in the corner. I was just sitting there bored and then I realized the dude next to me was reading a book. Perfect. When I see people reading, in the park or something, I always tell them, "Excuse me. Can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen. It's a free story. It is more interesting than what you are reading. I promise." I told the guy that and he quickly put down his book. The guy told me it would be tough to top what he was reading. I told him I liked a challenge. I got through my intro and mission objectives and it looks like I had him snagged. The first time I asked him if he was willing to listen he told me sure. Then on the second one he told me he was losing interest. I said, "Let me see if I can get it back," and went in about how I got free food and all the emails I had. I am positive the guy would have listened to the odyssey if his name hadn't been called.
                   Oh yeah, they called me shortly after. I love killing time with my story. The guy doing my screening was Leo. Right when I sat down, I guess it's because of my garb, Leo asks me, "Have you ever read the book The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, A Book That Changes Lives. By Dan Milman?" I told him I had never heard about it, but wrote it down quick in my composition book. I told Leo thanks for helping me educate the masses. Since he had suggested that, I assumed Leo knew about my mission. I asked him if he knew what I was doing and he said no. I jumped into my intro and mission objectives. Leo started laughing at me and not taking me seriously. I told him to do me the two favors and started really trying to make him think I was crazy. I had him cracking up, yelling stuff like, "The kids are taking over soon! Babylon shall fall! Viva La Revolucion!" Hehe, I bet you anything they're all going to be talking about me at the ZLB.

     4:00pm  I was called and taken to a bench to donate. They stuck me at four. Oh yeah, right next to me was this Mexican dude a little younger than me. I talked his ear off and he listened good. Then I found out that he was the son of the lady who stuck me, the lady who works there, Viola! I got into my odyssey with him, but didn't get to the spirits part before he was done "donating." Rest assured, he's going to tell his mom all about me when she gets home from work and his mom will tell even more people working at the plasma place. I really am the talk of the town now.

     5:00pm  One hour donation exactly. Wow. That was awesome. I didn't even look to see how many ml I was hitting per cycle, like I usually do. I think it was because I drank a lot of water this morning. They gave me a little slip of paper with a password and I went to the cash machine and got my fifteen dollars. I was thinking I would save it towards a new recorder, or buy a new Nalgene water bottle with it. I would still need ten dollars more to buy a recorder, but the water bottle is ten bucks alone. I'm thinking I'll get the water bottle tomorrow, then Wednesday, when I donate again and get thirty, I can get the recorder. I was even thinking that I didn't need the recorder that much, since I'm compensating so much better with writing it down and typing it up. It's way more detailed. I have like a big fifteen-day gap in my typing(4-12 to 5-01) and I need that recorder so I can listen to the tape and transcribe.

     5:05pm  I walked to John's camp behind the ZLB, where I crashed at the other night. See, I was thinking about him yesterday at my mom's and remembered that he needed a candle for his camp. He's got this tarp over these pallets and he's made like a little civilized room with a couch and everything. Well, my mom had his big round red heart candle in the room I sleep in. My mother is so unorganized that I was positive she wouldn't miss the candle, so I put it in my bag. After donating today I walked back there and put it inside his room. I noticed that the little bit of weed I had left him was still in the same spot. I should've checked to see if that pack of cigarettes was still there too.

     5:28pm  I left John's camp and walked to Texas Thrift Store. That cute girl Crystal that Jimmy was hitting on that one day(3-5-05, 5:10pm, paragraph that starts with: "Oh yeah, on the bus over here I ran into Jimmy.") was there. I walked in and asked if Olivia was working. Crystal told me that Olivia didn't work there anymore. That she had told me that last time. I laughed and told her, "It's the marijuana," right in front of all her customers. She cracked up and I left.

     5:35pm  I walked to Bay-Lu apartments. I was hoping that fifteen year old kid Fernando(4-27-05, 1:32pm) was outside and would hook me up with a fat nickel sack. He wasn't outside. I walked around his apartments and when I came to the front again there were those kids on the balcony that I had talked to yesterdayat 12:09pm. I only had two dollars and wanted to buy a joint. They had told me I needed five. Today when I saw them I told them I had five. Then this one dude says, "You need ten." I reminded him how they told me yesterday I only needed five. He said ok. I'm thinking that's the usual scam they try to get more money. When the dude came back with my weed, first him and his friend had to go inside for something. He didn't just come back and hand it to me. I suspected they were pinching my sack. Boy, I was right. The weed that they showed me was like not nearly as much as Fernando had given me for five. I was sure that they got it from the same guy. I wish I knew where the dealer lived. I'd go tell him my story. Afterwards, I bought two cookies and a lighter.

     6:06pm  I walked down Fredericksburg a little then decided I would try my luck getting a courtesy ride. Mr. M.A. Maltos hooked me up on the 92. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:33pm  Downtown.

     6:45pm  Bill gave me a cigarette at Travis Park.

     7:07pm  It's so funny. All the squirrels know me in Travis Park. None of them fall for my stick anymore. Actually, all the squirrels I tried hypnotizing today took off running the minute they saw me. I have, after all, been tormenting them with my stick for years now. Oh yeah, then when I was standing right where the buses stop, this nice crazy lady came up to me and started telling me stuff. Damnit, I can't remember, but I tried telling her my stuff and she found it hard to listen. Her bus eventually came and she told me farewell.

     7:20pm  This flamboyantly gay dude saw me and I hit him up for some spare change for bus fare. He gave me a whole dollar. Then he shook my hand and wouldn't let it go. I forced it away and told him thanks. He didn't want me to put his name in my book.

     7:37pm  Mr. 2766 pulled up driving the 88. Nobody got on, so he started taking off. I waved at him not to go and he started shaking his head no, as if he knew I was going to ask for a courtesy ride. I yelled at him and pulled out the dollar the gay dude had given me. We were both cracking up when I got on the bus. He asked me if I needed a transfer and I told him, "Yeah, I lost my wallet. I need to start another stash." He laughed.

     7:48pm  We had to stop at Culebra and Kensington to wait for a train to pass.

     7:52pm  Train finished. I'm killing time by numbering the pages in my little composition book. Hmm, I wonder if 609 to UTSA is still running. I could catch that from the Walmart to Braun Road and Tezel and it would be a closer walk home than the Walmart on Mainland.

     8:06pm  Finished numbering. 160 pages.

                   The driver told me the 609 wasn't running anymore.

     8:23pm  Arrived at the Walmart.

     8:31pm  I started walking home. I walked right behind the carwash by the KFC and I found an overturned business card on the ground. It says Kathy Cannon realtor Multi-Million Dollar Producer. 4416 Ramsgate, Suite 102 SATX 78230 and

     8:50pm  I walked across Bandera to the Citgo on Guilbeau. I went inside and bought a couple honeybuns for the walk home. Then all of a sudden, this dude who had pulled up in a truck pulls up to me and asks me what my name was. I told him Victor Antonio from San Antonio. He goes, "Victor. That's right." He says I had met him in OP Schnabel park one time about a year ago and told him my legend. I asked him if he wanted to smoke weed and he told me no. I asked him if he had a cigarette and he told me no. Then I asked him for a ride to my mom's and he said yes!

Next day..

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