


San Antonio, TX

Saturday May 3, 2003

                     Yawn, it's Sunday morning and I'm going to try and type yesterday up from memory. Because neither the cable modem or the telephone were working so I didn't have much to do today. I took it upon myself to clean up. I folded all my clothes and hung a lot up that were in the computer room, which is where I sleep. After that I tackled the dirty kitchen. I picked everything up, wiped down the counters, swept the floor and finally did the dishes. I did a damn good job if I don't say so myself. I did this all after six.
                     Hmm, my mom was out of town today and I wasn't sure she'd return tonight. She left me a note to call the Roadrunner people, but I guess she forgot the phone did not work. Afterwards, when I was done cleaning I decided to go for a walk. Since I did not have a phone I couldn't call anyone. I walked over to the elementary school where the bus stop was. Now, the tennis ball on my walking stick had worn all the way through and I needed a replacement. About a week ago I had found a couple tennis balls in the tennis court by the elementary school. I had remembered stashing one in the bushes by the bus stop. I went to the bus stop and started digging through the bushes. I must've looked weird. I couldn't locate it, so I crossed the street to look in the tennis court again.
                     Before, the gates to the courts were open, but I guess they fixed the locks because they were locked. I easily jumped the fence and looked in the trash can for old tennis balls. Damn, none were to be found. So I walked back to the bus stop and dug through the bushes one more time. No luck. I took off walking down Tezel all the way to Braun Road and then to Bandera, over by the entrance to OP Schnabel Park. I went into the Exxon right there and borrowed the phone. First, I called my friend Andrea only to find out she was studying. Then I called my friend Carlos'. If he would've been home I would've walked the five miles to his house, but alas he was not. Hmm, I guessed I was just going to walk back home.
                     After exiting the Exxon I saw some dude walking in with a cigarette in his mouth. I asked him if he could spare one and he said sure, to give him a second while he went inside. I told him, "Take your time, brother." When he finally came out, he walked to his truck and complimented my walking stick. I told him I was a long-distance walker and had returned from California recently. I gave him a condensed version of my story and he asked me if I was on a mission. So I told him my scripts. I asked him if he could give me a ride a quarter mile up the road and he said he lived right near the Exxon. I told him not to worry about it and that my boots were made for walking, hehe. He gave me a cigarette and I told him I was writing a book on generosity the whole world was going to read and that he was now in it. He told me, "In that case, have two." and gave me two cigarettes. Shweet.
                     So, after that I walked all the way back to my mom's house. When I finally got to her house her car was in the driveway. I walked inside and she, of course, was planted on the computer playing her stupid game. I asked her if she had seen the kitchen yet and she said she hadn't. She must've gone straight to the computer. She eventually got off and liked the cleaning I had done. From there, she invited me to eat somewhere. I said ok. We went to Jack in the Box on 1604 and Bandera and I was able to coerce her to stop at the Texaco and buy me a pack of cigarettes. My friend Garry was working and I showed him my new tattoo. Then we came home, ate and my mom jumped right back on the computer to play her stupid game some more. I just crashed out for the night.

                     Okay, I know that wasn't as detailed, but oh well. I was just rushing through it. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

Next day..

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