


    San Antonio, TX

Wednesday April 4, 2005

     6:58am  We crashed on the front porch on Dallas Street last night. We didn't get that much sleep. She let me hold her around five. It was really cold. We just walked to Travis Park right now. I went and took a piss at the Greyhound station and she said she was going to go to the church and lay down and get some more sleep. I wonder if she disappeared.

     7:12am  I had a good presentation to start off my morning.

     8:39am  I smoked people out in the park. James said he would hook me up with a hotdog. He's so proud of being the hotdog man. I guess I'll wait to eat before I donate plasma. I should call my mom. She'll probably say, "One more day and I was going to call the police!"

                   Diana was at the church getting some more sleep. This girl just mystifies me. She hypnotizes me with that scar. I forgot to mention that I had another awesome presentation with this one homeless guy. I lucked out. He listened to my whole odyssey. The other guy there gave me two cigarettes, too. I forgot his name.

     8:49am  I walked over to James who was preparing the hotdog cart for the day. I asked him, "When will breakfast be ready?" He told me to leave him alone. That I would know when the umbrella went up.

     9:37am  Ramirez told me no on the 92.

     9:43am  91 told me no. I told him, "I forgive you. You don't know any better."

     9:51am  D.F. Alvarez gave me a ride on the 92. *Remember to get license made and write up new list of cities.*

     10:12am  I'm at the plasma place now.

     10:20am  I came to John's camp. He's not here, so I'm going to take a nap on his couch.

     1:39am  I woke up.

     3:06pm  Stuck at the plasma place.

     4:15pm  Done.

     4:43pm  Went to thrift store. Crystal let me walk out with that badass grey T-shirt that says, "Relax - I'm a professional." That's my shirt. Before I went to the thrift store, I went to Bay-Lu, but no weed anywhere.

     5:01pm  Nobody home at Santa Fe.

     5:16pm  I walked over to the bus stop on Williamsburg. When the 92 pulled up I asked for a courtesy ride and Chavarria told me, "Not today."

     5:22pm  This girl Mary came to the bus stop and gave me some change for bus fare. I appreciate it, Mary. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:24pm  Guillen let me ride for forty one cents. He told me, "But I'm not going to give you a transfer."

     5:44pm  I'm downtown.

     5:59pm  I'm waiting in line at the Sally's(Salvation Army).

     6:18pm  I finished eating at Sally's. Those greedy asses who work there don't let you get seconds. In a community of plenty, none should go hungry. These people need to learn the rules.

     7:13pm  I had Apok take a picture of me and my new shirt. Oh yeah, after I ate I walked over to Travis Park and ran into David(Ziggy). We talked and I smoked him out. He wanted to go do the Sunken Gardens thing we had planned to do that one night(4-12-05, after 2:41pm, paragraph starting with, "I don't know what time it is, but I'm walking away from the Salvation Army."), but I have to go to my mom's.

     7:39pm  2766 told me no on the 88.

     7:44pm  Sal recognized me. Said I met him at the Walmart on Mainland and Bandera, close to my mom's. He gave me change for bus fare.

     7:51pm  Hotdog James sold me a cigarette. He asked me for a quarter and I said ok.

     8:00pm  I got on the 88.

     8:15pm  I ran into my friend Sylvia.

     8:46pm  This bum got on the bus and complimented my walking stick. I tried to tell him about my mission. When I said money was the root of all evil, he, like everybody else, insisted that the love of money was the root of all evil. That money was a tool. Then he moved away and put his cap over his face. I asked him if he had always been that ignorant and he got mad and told me to shut up or else.

     8:50pm  Just got to the Walmart.

     9:02pm  I had exactly twenty five dollars on me and I needed to buy my tape recorder. I went to the electronics department and told the cashier I wanted to know how much the recorder was with tax, so I could go out and bum the change. I need $1.60 more.

     9:16pm  I went outside to the bus circle and the 88 driver was nice enough to give me some change.

     10:12pm  It was awesome. I went to the bus circle, but there wasn't that many people there. I got a calling to the gas station across Bandera on Mainland. I found a snipe and stood there smoking. There was a guy there in his car with two dogs. When I finished my snipe I told him my predicament and he promptly gave me two dollars. Thank you, Love. I had made a prayer in the Walmart parking lot right before I walked over. I told Johnny my story, odyssey and all. Afterwards, he told me he was a shaman and said he had something for me he had just found today. He gave me a quartz crystal. Also he gave me a little pendant with Jesus that says Sacred Heart Auto League. I'm in front of the UPS Store in front of the Walmart writing this now leaning on a lightpost. I'm going to go buy my recorder now.

     10:30pm  Oh yeah, I bought my recorder. When I had first gone in to see how much tax was, the kid working there asked me, "Where's your other one[recorder]?" Obviously he had heard about me. Afterwards, when I went back to buy it he asks me, "So where do you publish your stuff?" He told me that somebody had told him that I was documenting the generosity in San Antonio. I nodded and told him how I have been logging my life.

                     I should go back and try the phone again. Maybe my mom will be there this time and I won't have to walk home.

     10:45pm  I'm sitting outside the Walmart on a swing bench waiting for my mom. Oh yeah, I called her and she pretended to be mad for me not calling her in such a long time. She gave me the usual, "People have weekend minutes and they'll let you use their cellphone." She said she would be here in ten minutes.

     10:49pm  Oh yeah, I never mentioned when I got weed today. After I ate at the Salvation Army, I walked back towards Travis Park. These two homebums were sitting on the side of the street under the bridge where they feed sometimes. I had passed them when I was walking to Sally's and given them the peace sign. When I walked by again, I asked them if they knew where I could get some weed. Surprisingly, one asked me, "How much do you need?" I told him a nickel and he showed me a little cigarette pack cellophane baggy with some clean, seedless marijuana. It was a bit underweight for five dollars, but I said okay. It had just fallen in my lap. Almost too easy. Couldn't pass it up.

     11:02pm  My mom just pulled up in her car.

     11:06pm  We stopped to gas up her death machine at the Walmart.

     11:53pm  My mom had bought me some Pollo Loco. I ate good. I even have leftovers for breakfast tomorrow. Oh yeah, and I reminded my mom about how I needed to get my tooth pulled($26) and have a new ID made. She gave me a ten dollar bill. I have projects for tomorrow. Looks like I won't spend all day typing.

Next day..

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