


San Antonio, TX

Thursday May 5, 2005

     7:30am  I woke up. I'm going to eat breakfast and type some. Then I'll go get my license made.

                   Today is May 5th. My older sister Diana's birthday. I should call her and wish her happy birthday. I have had a big change in my loggings. I just bought my new recorder again at the Walmart. It sucked not having a recorder, but I totally compensated for it by writing in my little composition book. I can do this shit for a long time. It's so much more detailed if I write it down in my little book. I'm just filling it up. Maybe I'll just keep the tape recorder around just to have as a visual aid for my storytelling, and I'll still write on paper.

                   I just smoked some weed. I'm going to get to work typing.

     12:30pm  I'm leaving for the day. I'm leaving my mom's house walking to the bus stop. I have a ten dollar bill. I'm going to see if it's enough to get my ID made. At the license office over on Babcock and Hillcrest.

                     It's really cool that I got my tape recorder back, but I won't use it as much as I used to. I still want to write stuff down. I have to make it to the bus stop on time.

     12:41pm  Kevin hooked me up with a cigarette at the Citgo. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:55pm  There's the 610.

     12:53pm  The 610 came in front of the Citgo. I paid with eighty one cents and nice Mr. 733 gave me a transfer.

     1:17pm  I have decided that I am going to use both my recorder and my little notepad to log my stuff from now on. It's going to be so detailed now. I won't miss any important thoughts now. Sometimes I feel awkward talking into my recorder so I miss a lot of stuff. I can write most anywhere though. Then when I go to type it up, I will put it all together with the time stamps. Ahh, as the mission evolves. Also, with writing I can take my time thinking through what I want to say. It's a good thing that I finally get to practice writing with my right hand. Up until now I barely wrote much at all. Not to mention, it kills time great on the bus, hehe.

     1:35pm  I got to the hospital and jumped on the 520 to go to the DL office.

     1:39pm  Leaving hospital.

     1:46pm  Mr. Armendariz gave me a transfer. I appreciate it, sir.

     1:48pm  I just got off at the DL office. I'm going to go get in line. I hope it's free for an ID card and I can keep the ten dollars, hehe. I'll get some marijuana with it.

     1:52pm  ID cards are fifteen dollars and my mom only gave me ten. Umm, I'm going to get out of here. It's a good thing Mr. Armendariz gave me a transfer.

                   I should go to the social security office and get a new SS card.

                   Screw it, I don't need a social security card. I need a license. That's what I need.

                   Oh yeah, and at the DL office I ran into this kid. I was standing in line and like a few seconds before I found out it was fifteen dollars, this kid recognized me. He said, "Hey, Victor!" He gave me his email address. He said I had met him over at some apartments last year right when I got back to San Antonio. When I got smoked out at those apartments close to DeZavala(11-15-04, 8:28pm). I think I took a picture of that guy hitting a bong or something.


He said it was good seeing me again.

     1:55pm  Mondo hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Taqueria Mi Jalisco. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.    

     2:06pm  Walked to Hillcrest. I'm going to catch the 520 back downtown. I've got nothing to do today.

     2:13pm  I picked up a little pamphlet that says, "Leave me alone! - Are you sure you want God to leave you alone? Someday you will stand before God!" I read through it and it's full of scare-tactic brainwashing. Damn Christians for making people feel guilty for being human. As if it were our fault alone that we are imperfect. If you want to point fingers, all signs point to the government. They know how we can near perfection, but perfect people are free. Free people cannot be controlled by anyone but themselves. If we were free we would be governing ourselves, making government 100% pointless and unnecessary. A thing of the past.

                   Let's murder the government and govern ourselves finally. Just take all their power away. Nobody has to die before their time.

                   And do it again, yeah!

     2:30pm  I got off the 520 on Zarzamora/Buena Vista.

     2:32pm  Aretha hooked me up with a cigarette at Zarzamora and Buena Vista. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:38pm  Cool, I had a great presentation with this black guy and girl at the bus stop. When the bus came, right when I was about to step on the bus, I see a transfer on the floor. I picked it up real quick. I'm sure the driver saw me get it. I just got on and handed it to him and sat down. I think it was bus #75.

     2:51pm  I just took a picture of the statue of San Antonio in front of the Bexar County Courthouse.

     3:05pm  Walked to Travis Park.

     3:36pm  Daniel hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    I should send my sister Diana a birthday email, it's Cinco de Mayo today.

     3:42pm  I had a great presentation with this guy who had PUNX tattooed on his knuckles( He was waiting for a bus, so I wasn't able to tell him the odyssey story, but I told him the spirits' part.

     3:57pm  Instead of saying, "You know how much people love pretending they don't exist," say, "I'm working undercover. The same exact ignorance I am fighting is also shielding me. Everyone thinks I'm some crazy homeless guy and you know how much people love ignoring them."

     4:30pm  I had a great presentation with these kids from Denver right now.

                   Cool, one of these kids from Denver is giving me a cigarette. What was your name? I appreciate it, Andrew. Everybody gets credit.

     5:16pm  6649 hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it.

     5:18pm  It was cool. 6619 hooked me up with a courtesy ride to University Hospital.

     5:41pm  This guy on the bus just told me, "Excuse me, I saw you in the parade." I told him, "That's what I was there for. For you to see me." I didn't tell him much of my stuff before his stop. He had to cut me off, but he told me, "Next time I see you, I want you to finish. I want to learn more. I really liked seeing you in the parade." What a charge!! I repeat, what more do I need to motivate me?! I am soooo positive I am on the right track. I should tell the driver about what just happened, hehe. I'll ask her, "Do you believe everything happens for a reason?"

     5:51pm  I got up and told her what happened. I asked her the question and she answered no, that she didn't believe everything happened for a reason. When I get off the bus I should tell her, "Thanks for mobilizing me. I was just testing you. You passed. Have a great day and drive carefully."

     5:55pm  4152 told me no. He said, "You never have any money."

                   Haha, that driver that told me no just walked by me and asked me, "Are you working undercover?" I told him, "Yeah, everybody thinks I'm a homeless guy and you know how people love ignoring them." I told him my mission-objectives, but he didn't have time to listen.

     6:09pm  91 driver, I think her name is Ms. Ellis, she pulled up I smiled and asked her if she would hook me up. Smiling, she said, "Remember, I want you to write a whole chapter about how nasty I am. Because I know that's what you do. Bye!" I laughed and gave her the peace sign.

                   What a glorious day I've had. Everybody knows what I'm doing. It's even cooler that I am wearing a shirt that says, "Relax - I'm a professional." I am going to celebrate some more and smoke some weed.

     6:39pm  West Telemarketing.

     6:48pm  I ran into Maita at the smoking cabana at West. I had a great presentation earlier with these girls who recognized me from Walmart. She said she used to work there and would always see me. I'm everywhere.

     7:13pm  Haha, the little piglet at West Telemarketing is running me off. Hehe, that's funny. I'm recording this right in front of him. I had some great listeners at the smoking cabana, I had this one guy captivated. He was late for work, but he told me, "Keep going, keep going." Then all of a sudden the security guard walks up and says, "Okay, preacher man." See, right when I first got there I went in the 8000 building and asked if I could fill up my bottle at the water fountain and the security guard let me. Anyway, when he comes outside to run me off he was all, "I give you an inch and you take a yard. I let you get water." I told him, "Oooh, big deal. I would have made you feel like a big greedy ass if you didn't let me get water." He pretended like he grew some balls and got in my face trying to scare me. I told him, "What? You think you scare me or something. Please, like you have any authority. Hurry up and call the cops you little piglet."

                   He had told me, "You have to leave the property. We got some complaints." I agreed to leave and started walking through the parking lot out to Prue. I saw these two guys in a truck, so I went and hit them up for my story and they wanted to listen. All of a sudden, the piglet walked up. Shit, let me see if I can get his name. He's standing right next to me walking me off the property. I can't read his nametag. I've had such a great day.

                   Eric is his name. I couldn't read the last name. Man, I am so much the talk of this town.

                   Oh yeah, and while I was walking through the parking lot, with him behind me making sure I leave, I stopped and took the snipe I had behind my ear and lit it, just standing there smoking. I told the piglet, "I want to see how much of your time I can waste." He yelled, "Get out of here! Now!" I told him, "Wait until I finish my cigarette, punk." He all pulled his radio out and I told him, "Do it already. Call someone with some real authority. What the hell is taking you so long to do your job? Any stupid wetback can be a security guard. It takes a real man to be an officer." He started calling me a computer geek, and Internet geek. I told him, "You want my lunch money too, little girl?" I pissed him off and he got in my face. I told him, "Lay one finger on me. I dare you to."

     7:49pm  I came to the Pizza Hut at Babcock and Prue. They told me they didn't have any mistakes right now. I'm going to go across the street to the Chevron and bum a cigarette.

     7:51pm  BB, like a BB gun, hooked me up with two cigarettes at Chevron at Babcock and Prue. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     8:02pm  I'm talking to Mike Gomez. He walked out of the Chevron. What's your email?

                   Some awesome shit happened right here at the Chevron. At first I came over here to get a cigarette. I walked around the corner where the benches are and I saw this guy smoking a cigarette. I hit him up for one and he gave me two. I logged his generosity and started telling him my story. Then I noticed he was wearing a Subway uniform! Oh shit! I got through a lot of my story, then I asked him, "Hey, do you think you could hook me up with a sub for my walk home?" He said sure and asked me what I wanted. I told him to surprise me. He just came outside and delivered it to me.

                   Then this guy had pulled up. This hip-lookin' kid. I told him my shit and he was really interested too. He didn't have time to listen to much. I got his email though.

                   It's going to happen soon, it's going to happen soon.

                   Cool, I'm walking through the woods and the fireflies(5-1-03, 8:45pm) are out tonight. Awesome. The sun isn't even all the way down yet. I just came to that Tiki Camp(3-25-05, 8:43pm) over off Prue Road. I thought I heard some voices. I yelled out, "It's Victor." They'll probably know who I am. I'm going to go back to Prue and keep walking towards OP Schnabel.

                   College is slave-training.

                   Be sure to change my Quotes link. Instead of it saying, "quotes i've collected over the years in the order in which i received them," have it just say Universal Truths.

                   It's a beautiful night, you all. There are fireflies everywhere. I just love it!

                   And be sure to add, "And why on Earth would we want to kill the world?"

     9:15pm  Oh, I didn't tell you. I came to the platform in the tree and smoked a cigarette and took a hit of weed. I remembered I had some paint markers on me. I wrote Victor the Liberator on the platform. Actually, I wrote Victor the Liber, but then the white maker started running out, so I had to finish it with the red ink. I'll take a picture of it sometime in the daytime. Hmm, maybe it'll come out with the flash.

                   Umm, I'll just take a picture of it in the day one day.

     9:34pm  Just popped out of the park on Bandera and Braun. Going to go to the Exxon and see if my friend Matt is there.

                   I went to the Exxon and when I walked in the door my friend Matt says, "Hey, there's the man with the plan." I gave him an update and bummed a cigarette off him.

     9:48pm  Ha, a cop just pulled up and he got out of his car. When he walked by I told him, "Good evening, officer." He asked me how I was doing and I told him I was the happiest man in the world, like I tell everyone else. He told me, "Good for you."

     9:55pm  David is hooking me up with a ride home from the Exxon. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:57pm  The eagle has landed. I'm at my mom's house. I had me an awesome night! I just had me yet another great presentation with the guy who gave me a ride. When I got in his car he told me, "Tell me a story, tell me a story. What are you doing?" I got my platform out and I told him about all the email addresses I have. I even told him the part about how I am San Antonio and everything. He didn't have time for the odyssey. I'm home. I'm going to eat me a bowl of cereal. Then I'll jump on the computer and play some Tetrinet. I'm so happy. I had a great day. Thank you so much, Love. I am just everywhere. It's going to happen soon!

     1:04am  I stayed up on the computer. My mom left me forty one dollars. Twenty six to get my tooth pulled and fifteen to get my license. I guess she forgot she gave me a ten dollar bill this morning. I got some marijuana-money, hehe. I'm going to go to bed. I'm tired. I'll take a shower first.

Next day..

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