


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday May 12, 2004

     5:50am  I've got a big update to make. See, last night I crashed early so I would be up before my mom left. I needed to be sure my files weren't compromised by her. Last night I went in my little brother's room and got his alarm clock and set it for like 5:30 in the morning. I ended up waking up before that. At 5:05, or something. I took my medicine and hit my inhaler-bong. I went to the bathroom, I shaved. I took a hit of weed outside. I ate a bowl of cereal. I am waiting for my mom to wake up. I'm going to tell her, "Mom, I have devoted my whole life on this mission for the last four years. I will not stop at anything. If I have to I will take your hard drive out of your computer." Ugh, she just can't stand the fact that I know her better than she knows herself. She just pisses me off.

                   Did I tell you I made her read that letter from Fawn the says everyone is in this big state of denial. I asked her, "Did you learn anything after reading that?" She told me yes. I told her, "If you don't change your ways, you have eight years to live. The Mayan calendar ends on 2012, also. Damnit mother, don't you see how important it is what I'm doing?" She told me yes, patronizing me, I guess. She pulls this shit. Right in front of my face. She just takes the computer. Right in front of my face.

                   See, last night we got in a big argument and I took off in her car with her credit card to get my medicine. I'm sick here. Dude, she recommended I go to Brady Greene in the first place. I was only doing what she told me to. I waited three hours and got my medicine. Oh man, that shit pisses me off so much. I'm just going to wait and see what happens. I'm going to go fly my sign and make some money. I need to get out of here. I need some things before I leave though. I need a new pair of shorts. I need a new recorder. Then I'm going to get out of here.

                   I gotta wait for her to get up.

                   She's up. It's show-time.

                   My mother has a friggin' masters in psychotherapy, damnit. She should know the symptoms of denial. She's exhibiting every single one! Duh. She just wastes her life away. She's a high-paid babysitter with a masters in psychotherapy.

                   Ugh, she pisses me off so much! I'm trying to help her! I'm trying to save the world! Why do I have to do this by myself?! Why does she get in my way?!

     1:24pm  I've had a long day at my mom's. I am supposedly going to leave for good now. I have my Quadforce of Wealth intact. I've got my backpack, my Adidas bag. I'm still tied down to San Antonio though. I have my STD test to get results from. Then I have court the first of next month. That sucks.

                   It's all raining. I'm going to put on my poncho.

     2:27pm  I'm already at the VIA bus stop.

     2:58pm  I'm going to fly my sign over by the highway close to Woodlawn.

     3:06pm  Liz hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, Liz. She even gave me a cigarette. Thanks. Everybody gets credit. V92-LVN.

                   These kids pulled up in a car and said, "Hey, we saw you at Marleyfest."

     3:30pm  James hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     3:34pm  Jana gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, Jana.

                   Oh yeah, these cops pulled up. I saw him turning around the corner and I knew he was going to tell me shit. I walked all the way to his police car. He got on the intercom, "Come in." I went up to him and said, "Man, I'm just flying my sign. I'm not asking for anything." He goes, "I hope you don't stand out here too long." I asked him why and he said, "The minute someone hands you some money you're going to jail." I told him, "Man, aren't you supposed to be upholding my constitutional freedom of speech? Isn't that your job? This is America." He drove off.

     3:39pm  This guy in a black car gave me a dollar, man. WHK-21Z. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:45pm  Another cop came up and told me I needed a permit. I told him, "I'm not asking for nothing, man." He said, "If you're out here flying a sign you need a permit."

                   Oh yeah, some cop had stopped and told me, "Oh, you need a permit." He told me to go 515 South Frio and get a permit. I started walking away making my entry. He got on the intercom and said, "You're dropping money." A dollar bill had fallen out of my pocket. Haha, he saw money fall out of my pocket and he drove off. He couldn't do shit. He had told me, "If I come back around and see you again, you're going to jail." So that's my cue, Balcone's Heights, here I come.

     4:09pm  I think I just got on camera. I walked right in front of some guy with a camera, just so it would get the peace tattoo on the back of my neck. I'm making history today.

                   I'm going to go buy a joint.

     4:30pm  I ran into Randy, who I've talked to before. He gave me four cigarettes! That's plenty, man. Plenty to share. I appreciate it, brother. It all comes back. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I came to Travis Park. We were playing baseball with my stick and my tennis ball. I came over and, I forgot her name, she gave me a cigarette that fell out of her ear.

     5:32pm  Veronica has been hooking me up all day. She gave me some Oreo cookies.

     5:40pm  This dude, I forgot his name already, he's catching the 14. I had met this guy the other day. He came up to me and asked, "Hey, how's your thing going?" I told him, "My project is evolving great. Every day is a new chapter." He asked me, "Don't you remember me?" I told him, "Sorry, no. Didn't we catch the bus somewhere?" He's all about getting into school and making the grade. That's what he wants to do. He told me that was the only way you can change the system, from the inside. I beg to differ, man. I told him, "Just watch me fuck the system from the outside. The kids are taking over soon and I'll be the first in line. Success may be a number's game, but money doesn't have to count."

                   I've had a good day. Good day.

                   I've got like twenty tapes already I need typed. I need a new recorder because I can't use this one because the playback is messed up. I need twenty five dollars.

     5:51pm  Victor hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thank you.

                    It's awesome how I got a transfer. His name was Victor. Thank you, Love. Thank you Saint Anthony.

     6:15pm  I came by the Pair of Dice tattoo parlor, which is now SpaceTime, to say hi to Patrick. Jason, a coworker of his hooked me up with a cigarette and some other guy walked by and he hooked him up too. We appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:24pm  I circled back to Travis Park. Hey, they're giving out food in Travis Park! I'm glad I came back.

     6:26pm  The people giving out food in the park ended up being Project Save. Whoa, I just saw some guy walking off with a whole cake! They gave me this yummy almond coffee cake. Which I'm going to take over to my friends and share it. Thank you, guys. Everybody gets credit.

     6:55pm  I don't think I mentioned it, but earlier I had thought to go find that guy James' trailer over by the river. See if I could crash there tonight or something. I was walking around and I got the urge to go back to the park. I scored this cake that I was going to bring over to his house to share it with them. I crossed St. Mary's and I hear someone yell, "Hey!" Dude, it was James! Oh shit. Things happen for a reason, you know. It turns out he's moved and doesn't live there anymore.

                   That was weird.

     7:18pm  James has a story.

                   James: "Approximately three days ago I go down to the social security board to have a meeting with a client from Austin who tells me that my wife is going to be getting a disability check. Well, she has a claim notarized from Austin stating how much she's going to get. He can't back up his story, tells her that that paper has been authorized and sent illegally and she was automatically denied from her claim. Now, how does that happen here in Texas? How can a claim come from Austin, from the board of trustees stating my wife is going to get a disability check, but then they turn around and say there's no money to pay her. Where's the budget going? Where is the income coming from the government? How come there's no money to pay my wife for her being disabled?"

                  Umm, somebody email me and answer him.

                   I am still so amazed at how that things worked out tonight. I was going to show up with a pie and everything. Bearing gifts. Then I saw him when I was looking for the 42 stop to catch the bus out there. 

     7:44pm  Manny went and bought me a pack of Reds. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:22pm  Lindsay came over and handed James and April ten dollars! That's very generous of you, Lindsay.

     10:13pm  This guy James and his girl April are going to hang out with me tonight. They're trying to get some money for a motel room, but if not, we're going to squat. They're going to show me a place to squat.

     10:25pm  James wanted to walk. I told him, "No man, we'll get courtesy rides. Don't worry about it." We stepped on this bus that said GARAGE on it. James and April were talking to him and the driver saw me. He was all, "Oh yeah, this guy's always asking for a free ride." He just told us all to get on. His name is Victor, I think. They all know me.

     10:46pm  Me, James and April are walking over to some bridge. I don't know where it is.

     10:51pm  Man, my recorder is all messed up. I have to recap. I'm not sure if it recorded because I can't play back. Let's see. James and April and me, we walked over to this bridge by Soap Works Apartments. It's a possible squat for tonight. We're going to see if we want to squat there. Dude, I even switched out batteries and everything and it didn't work. Well, it's turning now and the little light's on. I really hope it's recording.

                      I'm worried about my lungs. It hurts when I breathe. It hurts when I cough. I should really go to the doctor.

Next day..

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