


San Antonio, TX

Friday May 13, 2005

     8:02am  I have a month and a day to leave. I'm out here on the back porch right now. Ziggy came over last night. He spent the night. My mom kinda likes Ziggy. He's still asleep. I came outside to smoke some weed. I'm going to get $30 from plasma today, so I'll get some more weed.

     12:05pm  Dude, I crashed back out and slept a longass time.

     1:40pm  Me and David are taking off. We're going to take the nature trail to the Walmart and catch the bus to the plasma place. He's reading my Many Lives, Many Masters book. He's got that to read while he waits for me at the plasma place. Today I didn't do much in the house. I swept the room I sleep in and organized my mission box. We're walking now.

     2:05pm  Walked by the Camino Bandera tennis courts and I see three tennis balls. The courts are locked, but all three of them are touching the inside of the fence and I can just pull them out underneath.

                   I just got all three balls. Perfect.

     2:17pm  Alan at the Exxon hooked me up with some Gatorade. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:26pm  We took the right hand trail right when we entered the park.

     3:18pm  We're at the Walmart already.

     3:24pm  Armando me dio un cigaro en el Walmart. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     4:09pm  I'm reading my Third Wave Book on the bus. On page 316 its says, "For each of us, no matter how seemingly unimportant, is a living piece of history."

     4:27pm  We just got off the 92 at Fredericksburg and Dechantle. I was reading my badass Third Wave book on the bus. I'm going to go donate plasma now. I've got a book to read. The cover tore on it. I should ask if they have tape so I can fix it.

     4:30pm  Turns out they closed at 4pm today. So no plasma today. I'll have to come back tomorrow.

                   We're going to walk to Santa Fe. I am hoping Lorenzo is home.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. We got resinated at Lorenzo's. He didn't have any weed, but we took some badass resin hits out of his glass pipe. I think we have decided we're going to walk downtown. Fuck, I'm kinda hungry. I wonder if I can score any food somewhere.

     6:14pm  Kevin hooked me up with some change for busfare. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Cool, right before the 91 came.

     6:17pm  I just had a good little presentation with Elizabeth. She told me she was getting off at the HEB, so I wrapped it up into a condensed version. She was all smiles.

     6:35pm  Downtown. Martin and St. Mary's.

     6:58pm  Brad hooked me up with a cigarette right in front of the parking garage by the mall. I appreciate it, Brad.

     7:15pm  We walked by the Travis Park Church and Romeo and his girl were up in, what would you call it? A cool little loft you have to climb up in. I'll take a picture of it someday.

     7:56pm  I forgot to tell you. We came over to eat at Bikers in front of Ms. Winnie's. The Christian bikers who feed here Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

     8:38pm  I asked these two, I guess they were tourists or something, these two kids in the park. I asked them, "Can I tell you guys what I'm doing?" They said, "That's alright, no." I asked them if they had always been that ignorant. Dumbasses.

     8:43pm  I ran into Chris. He said I talked to him in Travis Park once. Umm, I'll look it up, but I doubt I'll find it. You're going to have to narrow it down a bit.

     8:46pm  Tina just recognized me. She said, "Remember you smoked me out at the hospital that one day." At the hospital.

                   In my index when I say that we are still killing the world because killing the world makes money, at the end of that put, "Why doesn't anybody care?"

     9:41pm  Elva gave me some change for busfare at Travis Park. I appreciate it, Elva. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:47pm  The lady I just got change from, Elva. I told her what I was doing. She was real anti-marijuana. She actually said, "It makes you violent." Her bus came right then, so I spared her from having her mind changed. Saved by the bus.

                   Jake hooked me up with a cigarette again. When was the last time?

                   Whoa, I appreciate it. He just gave me a dollar!

                   Spare change for some marijuana?

     10:42pm  Caught the lineup bus.

     11:12pm  David and I caught the last lineup bus to Balcones Heights. I got off at the Subway to see if Sarah would let me use her phone. She let me borrow her cellphone. I called my mom. Damnit, her dumbass computer teacher at her school(which she trusts more than me because she pays her money for her services) told my mom there wasn't anything wrong with her computer and that she didn't need to format. God-damnit, I told my mom that was the whole point of taking it over there, so they could format it. Ugh, that pisses me off. My mom is having them put PowerPoint and all this bullshit she never uses on there. Damnit, mom. Why do you want what you don't need??

     11:26pm  I never told you, Shaggy had tagged along with us from the park. We came to the camp. He's going to crash over right behind the plasma place where somebody left a mattress on the ground. Oh yeah, when we got here there was this other guy there. He was out riding his bike and he stopped at the mattress to rest. He hooked us up with four cigarettes. Awesome.

Next day..

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