


San Antonio, TX

Saturday May 14, 2005

     5:51am  I just woke up. Me and David just woke up because of some light drizzle. We had crashed out on the ground on top of the sleeping bags. I slept pretty good. David said his sleep was pretty irregular. He said like it is when he usually sleeps outside.

     7:21am  Charlie hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Labor Ready. I appreciate it, Charlie.

     7:41pm  I'm standing in line in front of the plasma place. It opens at 8. Let's see, we woke up this morning and it was misting bad. I had a $1.50, so we went to Cristan's Tacos and Bruno hooked me up with two tacos for a dollar fifty. We're in line at the plasma place now. David's not going to donate. He's going to read my book.

     10:17pm  I'm done "donating" plasma. I got thirty bucks. Three ten dollar bills. Ziggy told me he would be waiting over by where Shaggy slept last night.

     10:30pm  I already donated plasma and got David. He was crashed out. Right now we're walking to Santa Fe.

                     Brazos told me no, greedy ass!

                     Caught the 92.

     12:47pm  I forgot to mention, we're downtown.

     12:55pm  We came over to the San Francisco di Paola Catholic Church. They're handing out sack lunches.

     1:50pm  I'm talking to Cintrell. What happened? Cintrell: "I was standing in the park like less than five minutes ago and I thought, "Man, I haven't seen Victor in a while." I was walking on the left hand side of Travis Park where the clock's at. I began to turn around to walk back and here comes Victor coming on the right hand side where the Greyhound station is."

                   What was your name? Jay? You told me something different last time. Sidewalk, that's right. This kid Sidewalk walked by with a Dead Kennedys shirt and he hooked me up with the rest of his cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:21pm  I'm telling Josie my story in the park. What was your email?

     2:40pm  Man, I had a great presentation with Josephine right now. She gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Josephine. In the park. She sat there in the bright sun and listened to me. Hell yeah.

                   Hmm, where's David?

     3:17pm  Some dude who I couldn't make out his name on my recording gave me a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:25pm  I just had a badass presentation with this kid who just got on the #5 bus. Before the bus pulled up I got to ask him the two favors. When I had started he told me, "I don't think it can happen." Afterwards, when I asked him to do me the two favors he told me, "I don't doubt you. Anything is possible."

     3:39pm  I'm telling Kyle my story at the bus stop.

     3:43pm  Ray hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, Ray. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:47pm  Maria me dio cambio para el autobus. Te lo agradezco, Maria. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   Page 39, The Meaning of the Market. Damn good section.

                   "The consequences of this fission were momentous. Even now we scarcely understand them. First, the marketplace— once a minor and peripheral phenomenon—moved into the very vortex of life. The economy became "marketized" And this happened in both capitalist and socialist industrial economies.

                   Western economists tend to think of the market as a purely capitalist fact of life and often use the term as though it were synonymous with "profit economy." Yet from all we know of history, exchange—and hence a marketplace—sprang up earlier than, and independently of, profit. For the market, properly speaking, is nothing more than an exchange network, a switchboard, as it were, through which goods or services, like messages, are routed to their appropriate destinations. It is not inherently capitalist. Such a switchboard is just as essential to a socialist industrial society as it is to profitmotivated industrialism."

                   Page 51 too:

                   "In Second Wave societies even political agitation was conceived of as a profession. Thus Lenin argued that the masses could not bring about a revolution without professional help. What was needed, he asserted, was an "organization of revolutionaries" limited in membership to "people whose profession is that of a revolutionary."

     4:20pm  David had crashed out on the bus. He was taking a nap. The bus doesn't even have a lot of people on it. There's tons of empty seats everywhere. Then the greedy ass bus driver who gave me a problem when I got on earlier, came to the back and yelled at David, waking him up. He yelled, "Get up, get up! You don't pay for these seats!" Shit, like he does or something. Good thing we got a rich Uncle Sam. Greedy ass. Thanks for making my book so interesting.

                   David made sure to lay right back down when the driver walked off.

                   Thanks for making my book so interesting, punk. Hopefully I'll be able to get his name when I get off the bus.

                   The greedy asses name was Cattan.

     5:08pm  Jay hooked me up with a cigarette at the Walmart. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:38pm  Just got off the 610 at the Citgo by my mom's. Oh yeah, I had gone inside the Walmart and bought a camera. Me and David.

Next day..

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