


San Antonio, TX

Sunday May 15, 2005

     12:53pm  Ah, it was a pretty uneventful morning. I woke up around seven or something. I did my laundry. The dryer messed up like it sometimes does when you open the door to check it. It wouldn't turn back on, so I went to the garage and found an extension cord. I strung it up in the backyard and hung my clothes up to dry. Oh yeah, my mom woke up. She gave me this awesome poncho thing she's had in the closet for eons. This rainbow thing she used to wear in Puerto Rico when they would go sing Christmas carols. She let David and I have these two lunches she brought home. We're going to go hike to the park and have a picnic on the platform.

     12:57pm  We're walking down Braun Road, right past the Braun Road Ditch, where I smoked out with those kids that one time(3-25-05, 3:46pm).

                     We were walking and all of a sudden I see this black mass of hair on the ground. I told David, "That looks like a wig. That doesn't look like a dead animal." He kicked it over and it flopped over a bit. He picked it up and put it on his head. I took a picture.

     1:36pm  David and I came and ate our lunches at the platform and another brother showed up. What was your name again? Nick showed up and he smoked us out with a little KB! What's your email? We came here on purpose. We came here to meet Nick so he could hear my story.

                    Nick: "I just came here randomly. I was just driving in from Boerne and I wanted a place to smoke. I was driving by the park and I remembered the treehouse."

                    Oh yeah, this guy Nick. He asked me while we were talking if I had gone to NIOSA(Fiesta). I told him, "Hell yes, I was all over Fiesta. I jumped in the parade and was giving cops handshakes." He asked me if I remembered talking to this one girl at a bus stop(which doesn't quite narrow it down any). He said she had told him about some guy at Fiesta that was trying to make everything free and get weed legalized. I told him, "Hell yes, that was me." Badass, my presence is known.

                    Man, that was just awesome how that dude Nick just showed up out of the blue. He had just been driving by and got himself something to eat, then decided he'd go eat at the treehouse in the park and smoke. That's where me and Ziggy were.

     3:21pm  CarrolAnn gave me a cigarette in front of the Walmart. I appreciate it, CarrolAnn.

                    Where in California are you from?

                    CarrolAnn: "Where Michael Jackson goes to trial. Santa Maria, California. Oh, by the way I'm stranded. I don't know how to get home."

                    CarrolAnn hooked me up with two other cigarettes. One for David too. I'm going to show her how to get home on the 609.

     3:48pm  I'm splitting up with David now. He's going to get on the 88 and go downtown. I'm going to wait for the 610 and try and score some weed somewhere. If I don't then I'll go downtown. Right now this CarrolAnn girl, the lady outside the Walmart. She had been standing right in front of the smoking cabana. I hit her up for a cigarette and she gave me one. She told me she was from California and she said she was stranded. I thought, "Hmm, let me see if I can help this lady." She told me she was trying to get to Finesilver Ranch, which I knew where it was. On Braun Road not too far away. I suggested she ride the bus, so she followed me to the bus circle. I tried to tell her my story. She agreed to listen, but right when I started, right after I told her my mission objectives only, she told me she had to go inside and use the phone to call Onstar, or something. So forget that lady. David got on the 88. He's going to go try and hit the Salvation Army for lunch at 5:30pm. I'm going to go score some weed somewhere.

                    Oh yeah, and David kinda surprised me this morning. He told me, "Victor, I think I want to get a place to stay. I want to get a job and be sure to have somewhere to go when it rains." So maybe I overwalked him. But, that's a good sign. I am totally prepared to do this by myself. He doesn't have to come with me. It's his loss. As much as another person would help me with my mission, seeing that there's power in numbers, it would only work if the other person could keep up with me. I've been at this for years, so I might just do this solo until the apex. Like I say, I have to play this game by my rules. Plus, I'm sure David's fucking tired of following me around. I'm always walking in front of him. Actually, these past couple days I made it a point to stay behind him to slow my pace. He was probably also sick of hearing my story. Hell, just today he heard it three times.

     3:56pm  There's the 610 to Medical Center.

     4:14pm  Sauceda hooked me up with a transfer for ten cents. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:19pm  I just talked to this very pretty lady in Spanish. She's from Argentina. 

                   Dude, that was awesome. At the hospital, right before I got off the 610 I realized I didn't have a transfer. I asked everyone on the bus for fifteen cents, but nobody gave me any. So I went up to the driver to see if I could bum one of him. Right before I was going to ask him, I found a dime on the floor! Fuck yeah, I picked it up. Then he almost didn't let me get one for ten cents. He told me, "You need another nickel." I went, "I can't believe you're not going to give me one for ten cents, you greedy ass." He did in the end. Sauceda.

                   Haha, the guy next to me saw me talking on my recorder and got up and moved to the back. I all made him feel uncomfortable, haha.

                   Mr. Bravo on the 92 hooked this one guy up with a courtesy ride and even gave him a transfer.

                   I got off the bus right in front of Warren Inn. This guy had gotten on right in front of Paul's Pizza. Mr. Bravo hooked him up. He was just going to the next stop on Winnetka and Fredericksburg. That's where I got off. I logged Mr. Bravo's generosity right in front of that dude. When we crossed the street I asked him if I could tell him a really interesting story. He told me, "You already have. Like three times."

                   I met up with Justin, Samantha and Ian and Evan and we went to smoke some weed in the ditch behind the apartments. Justin has something to say:

                   Justin: "It's a white blob. They didn't know what it was, but what I believe it was was a giant jellyfish. They injected it with something and it killed it and made it bubble up like a slug in salt. It was like real big. Like a good twenty feet in diameter. It had little drooplet-things. They weren't tentacles. When they cut it open it had fish inside of it. It would absorb fish. That's how it ate. It would like suck it up from the bottom. It was in the Bermuda Triangle. I guess on Bermuda Island. It washed up on that shore over there. That's why they say the Bermuda Triangle is like one of the weirdest places. But, did you know that on the opposite side of the Earth, where the Bermuda Triangle is, there's something called the Dragon's Triangle, dude. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean and that's even stranger. It's deep underwater. I read a book about this shit. They found a fucking ancient Greek civilization kinda things. They just found like pillars, ya know, and little fucking statue faces way down at the bottom of the ocean. They called it the Dragon's Triangle. There's three islands right there."

     6:04pm  What was your name? I'm talking to Richard and he's hooking me up with this free payphone number trick. Dial 1-800-572-5835, it rings twice and then you hear a dial tone. You dial 465-1974 and then you hear another dial tone, then you dial nine and make your call. I'll try it.

     6:35pm  Jim hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. I wanted a cigarette bad. I'm all stoned.

     7:30pm  I am leaving Oaklawn, grandma's house. Her name is Charlotte. This really cool old lady. She's Justin and Samantha's grandma. I've heard Samantha call her mom a couple times. I've decided to walk to Crossroads Mall. I'm going to walk to Hobby Lobby. I want to go see if they have that happy face light up thing I had found that I lost.

                   It started raining hard! I got my poncho on. I'm walking to Crossroads.

                   Oh shit, I forgot my water bottle at grandma's. I'm going back to get it.

     7:40pm  The shittiest thing happened. I lost my water bottle. Just like I lost my wallet over there(4-26-05, 2:46am). There were lots of people there. Someone must've taken it. See, I started feeling really dizzy after smoking so much, so I just lay down in the living room, with my bottle still attached to my belt. I crashed out for a little bit with my back to it. It's missing now. I noticed after I already left and I walked back to get it and nobody knew where it was. What the hell?! That's the second disappearance of my stuff at those apartments. I got my wallet stolen here too.

                   I'm dumb. I should have known Crossroads Mall was closed right now. It's Sunday. I'm stupid. I was hoping maybe Hobby Lobby would be open.

                   I walked to the bus stop over by Santa Fe and Nanos gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:39pm  I forgot to tell you. I walked out to the sidewalk when the bus came and Ms. Smith was driving the bus. I didn't have to pay a dollar. She even gave me a transfer. I'm going to go downtown and catch the 88 back to the Walmart. Oh yeah, and right before the bus came I was shouting my story over the cars to this kid at the bus stop.

     9:42pm  I forgot to mention. I'm already on the 88 heading to the Walmart. I just told this one Mexican guy in the back my story. He just got off on Bandera and Wilson. He agreed with everything I said. What a rush. I've had a good night. I'm going to walk home from the Walmart , unless my mom picks me up. That'd be cool. It's kind of cool how I got detached from David. I feel a lot more liberated. He couldn't handle the walking.

                   People are so quick to turn off their ears and turn on their mouths.

     10:09pm  I'm at the Walmart. I'm going to go use the courtesy phone.

Next day..

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