

                                                                                                                                     Arcata, CA

Wednesday May 16, 2007

     6:49am  I woke up about five minutes ago in the grass over by the highway close to Somoa. I have to take a shit. I'm going to smoke a cigarette first.

     7:19am  I am leaving my squat. I just walked down the road a little bit.

     7:48am  I just got out of the shitter at the Safeway. It was real fun. Man, I shit a lot. I have a dollar. I'm going to go to Don's and get breakfast. Chocolate buttermilk. Some crack food.

                  My little preciouses.

     8:23am  This hypocrite guy inside the donut shop, I hit him up for my story. He was reading the paper. He wouldn't listen to me one bit. He wouldn't let me get anything out. He's all wearing a marijuana patch. Hypocrite.

     8:39am  I set up my little shop here in the spanging alley. I have my backpack set up with my big WPTMJ sign. I have my one on top. I should take a picture.

     9:03am  Sir William Blake, I'm standing here at my old spanging alley. I hit him up for my story and he's listening to it. He smoked a brother out. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     9:45am  I had the strangest impulse to go to the Endeavor. On the way there this lady was carrying this heavy bag. I offered to help her and she gave me a dollar. I carried her bag to the bus station for her. The Endeavor's gonna be open today at 11:30. I'm going to come back later on. I'm going to go check my email somewhere. I'm going to go to the public library here.

     9:22am  I've had my watch an hour fast. Since I don't know when. I think since Black Bear with Carol. The library doesn't open until ten. I'm going to go tell someone my story in the Safeway parking lot.

     10:06am  Man, I had a good presentation with this lady in front of some hair salon, I think. She had to go to work though. She loved my story. I'm going to go to the library now. I did what I needed to do. Used my time wisely until the library opened. I bought me another chocolate buttermilk. My precious little truffles, heehee.

     11:11am  Red alert! Red alert! I just checked to see if my webpage was up at the library and it's not! It got cancelled! That's such a huge fucking blow to the mission, dude. I don't know why. I just got an email saying it wouldn't expire for another three months! My shit is due on the 20th anyway. I mailed my money order from Portland! My shit wasn't due until the twentieth! Four days from now. I freaked. I tried chatting with the online technician. They told me I had to call or email sales. I've got the phone number. I'll go use the phone at Round Table Pizza and find out how much money I have to spange up to save my website. Good thing I am in Arcata.

     11:28am  Okay, I called Dot5Hosting. I couldn't call from the Round Table Pizza. Then I realized it was an 877 number. I went to the payphone and typed it in and it worked. I talked to this guy, he sounded all stoner. When he answered the phone he was all cracking up. I told him, "I want to check my account status on" He told me that it was still up. He told me, "World peace through marijuana? Victor Antonio?" He told me that the balance was past-due and it probably wouldn't be up much longer. So I need to pay $20.85. I'm going to walk up to HSU and see if it comes up on their computers. Then I'll go spange all day and get it paid.

     11:48am  My webpage does work at the HSU library.

     4:31pm  I should make an update. I came to the library. I've been here for a longass time on the computer. I was spamming my shit on IRC. It's cool I can do that here. Some dude threatened me to get my site shut down if I kept spamming it. Anyway, right now I am copying my webpage to one of my Ziprives. Backing it up. Just in case it gets shut down I can throw it up on another server. It is up right now, but I am still going to go spange up twenty bucks in my alley. I'll tell my story and people will offer me money for my webpage. It's important. Anyway, I am almost done copying my website. It's been like twenty minutes. I need to manifest a cigarette. It sucks, they took those smoking posts away and now I can't get cigarettes at the library.

     4:42pm  Whoa, right now this girl just stopped and I offered her my webpage. She told me, "I saw this at The Beer Tree at the Forks of Salmon." She's from Gottfried. She knew Geba from Black Bear. Cool, there's a cop over there. I'm going to go see if I can tell him my story. I'm all out of weed too, so they don't got shit on me. I just took my last hit. I'm all stoned.

     4:45pm  I am back at my spanging alley. Displaying both my signs.

                   Man, everybody is being ignorant today.

     4:55pm  This Arcata elder I recognized walked by and I told him, "Hello, father. Do you have a cigarette?" He ignored me, but when he walked back he handed me a dollar. Awesome. I'm sure he remembers me.

     5:15pm  This guy Joey came up to me and said, "Hey man, weren't you writing a book?" I told him yeah, it's ready.

     5:25pm  Joseph hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Spare some change for world peace? Man, nobody wants world peace! Poor kids! Haha, I'm having fun.

     5:59pm  Justin Rene Peron Hays hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:32pm  I'm walking to Brian's house again. Brian was his name, not Michael. I looked it up on my website.

     6:48pm  I walked over to the Southbound hitchhiking spot. I'm going to get me a ride to Eureka.

     7:00pm  Jim pulled over for me. He saw my sign. You have to follow the signs. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:08pm  I am in Eureka. I'm going go to the Raven House and ask about Kati.

     7:36pm  Got a ride lickity-split. Already back in Arcata. I emailed Kati and told her I would be at the donut shop. I doubt she'll come.

     10:07pm  Leaf is being nice enough to smoke a brother out. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                     Be sure to read Arlo Guthrie's books.

     12:14am  Man, I am having the greatest presentation right now. Some great listeners tonight. Hell yeah.

     12:58am  Nishnob from The Great Lakes just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it.

Next day..

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