

 Arcata, CA

Thursday May 17, 2007

     7:40am  Dude last night I was all worried about how I was going to make twenty dollars. I had started asking people for spare change, but I got tired of that. I just hit them up for my story. Last night, like way after midnight I was spare changing for a donut. I had seen these kids in front of the bars before, and I saw them again in front of Don's. I asked them for spare change and they said no. Then they changed their minds and handed me a little change. Then, all of a sudden they gave me a twenty dollar bill! Oh shit! That's exactly what I need for my webpage! Presto-Manifesto. So I got my webpage paid. I was worried it was going to get shut off. That's crazy how I just got twenty bucks like that. Now, I have to go through the trouble of getting my money in digital format. It costs money to get one of those temporary credit cards. My bill is twenty dollars and eighty-five cents to begin with. I won't have that much room to play with. I'm going to pack up all my stuff.

     8:50am  Nishnob, this brother I met last night, let me crash at his apartment last night. He is on his way to the College of the Redwoods and he's going to drop me off at the plaza. I'll go get a donut. Eat some breakfast.

     10:51am  Robert, at the donut shop, he hooked me up with some supplies so I could make my little flyers. I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:13am  I spent like a whole hour sitting down writing out my flyers. I made like three sheets of paper's worth. Sixty five times three. I have a pocketful of them now. Cool, I'm loaded. I'm packing heat, hehe. I have plenty to give out in Arcata now. Umm, I'm going to go buy a new pipe. I got twenty dollars. Ahh, I really don't think my webhost will ever shut me down. I'll get it paid later on. I need to go buy a new pipe since I lost mine last night. I gave it to that guy, Nishnob or whatever his name was.

     11:45am  Be sure to look up Allan Watts.

                      I ran into Rasta John. I'll look him up from before(9-27-03-1:02pm, 10-07-03-1:39pm, 12-08-03-9:58pm).

     12:04pm  I just walked into HSU. I'm going to get on a computer and check my email.

     12:40pm  I never told you that I walked all the way to the library and checked my email. I was able to talk to Kali back and forth. She's going to help me with my webpage. Let me show you the email I sent her:

Hi Kali,
The unthinkable has happened. My website is in danger of being cancelled. Apperantly they never got that money order I mailed from Portland, so it's remained due since the 20th of April. I am in Arcata right now, but it's a bit hard to find anyone who will lend me their credit card(trade for cash). Also, they stopped doing the month-to-month payment plan, so I owe them $20.85 right now. For the next three months.
My website is my livelihood and if it goes down I become defunct. If you can't help me out with this, it's cool. For some strange reason I don't think they would really shut it down, even if I never paid on it. But better safe than sorry.
I miss ya Kali and I wish we could have hung out once more before I left. Here's the number for my host if you can help me out. It's for a good cause. 1-877-378-5349,

Thanks and praise for the love we share,

- Victor Antonio

She wrote back:

From: "Kali Dugan" <>
Subject: Re: Ack, need help.
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 12:38:52 -0700
To: "victor antonio" <>

Hi! No sweat!

I got 20 bucks...let me call them and see what I can do..

     3:42pm  I had an awesome presentation with Alexandria. Ali just hooked me up with twenty dollars! I wasn't asking for anything. I appreciate it, Ali. Everybody gets credit. Ali: "You're awesome, Victor. Keep going." I can't stop, I can't stop. It's my job.

     3:59pm  I had an excellent presentation with Patty right now. She listened to me beautifully.

                    I just hit up Officer O'Conner for my story. He didn't have time to listen to me, but I gave him my webpage. He nodded his head when I said marijuana.

     4:31pm  Beautiful Jennifer from San Diego, with the most beautiful eyelashes in the world, I was frigging hypnotized by those lashes, man. I told her my story. Hell yeah, what a great presentation. I'm giving this shit away, man. I've got forty bucks in my pocket.

     5:44pm  Dude, I just bought me a little digital camera. It's a Philips keychain digital camera. This other homeless dude came up while I was flying my sign and invited me to go eat where all the hobos hang out by the railroad track close to the Cash Oil. They had food and shit. This shrimp stuff. I ate. And this one guy had told me earlier that his friends found a digital camera in the trash. I got me a tent too. I traded the CD player I had for it. It's a big dome-tent. More weight-training. Now I'm going to walk into town and fly my sign at the spanging alley.

     5:57pm  I went to go ring Brian's door again, the guy in the wheelchair. He was already outside. He rushed inside real quick telling me he didn't have time to talk to me right then. I told him that my webpage was up. He turned around and got it from me, then just went inside. Hopefully he'll read it.

     6:34pm  Man, I treated myself. I had forty bucks and my webpage was paid for by Kali. I went and bought me a new one hitter. It has this cool thing that pushes out. I upgraded my one-hitter. I got me a little screw-on lid for my pipe too. I even bought me some mushrooms for six bucks from some guy at the donut shop. I'm going to go shroom up in Redwood Forest tonight. I should go pretty soon. Ahh, I'm going to go back to my spanging spot and fly my sign a little more. It's fun.

                    I spent all my money and didn't even buy cigarettes.

     6:45pm  Mark and his girl Shannon walked by and he just volunteered me some ice cream.

     6:57pm  Rob just hooked me up with a cigarette in the plaza.

     7:50pm  I didn't tell you. I'm going to walk up to the Redwood Park and find a campsite. I got a tent today.

Next day..

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