

                                                                                                             Nevada City, CA

Saturday May 16, 2009

     6:30am  I just woke up. I'm going to try to get to Coloma today, remember. That thrift store opening.

     7:00am  All packed up and leaving from camp. I'm going to try and hitch hike back to Coloma.

     7:30am  I went to the highway and thumbed it. I am not familiar with the area at all, so I don't know which way is the right way back towards Coloma. This guy pulled over to give me a ride and told me I was going the wrong way. I thanked him and gave him my website. I hopped to the other side. I hope I can get a ride. To get to Coloma I still have to get to Auburn and see what I can do from there.

     7:45am  I came to Broad Street and Highway 49 about five minutes ago. I'm thumbing it here in the right direction. If nobody picks me up before eight, I'm going to walk into town and forget about Coloma.

     8:00am  Walking into town.

     8:38am  Brian just hooked me up with a roach!

     9:02am  Leslie hooked me and Joshua Sean Cunningham up with cigarettes in this plaza at Union and Broad.  Nevada City Lions

     9:15am  I'm talking to Joshua, "Back in 1991, 1990 Nevada City was a town of celebration. One that you could go out and drink on the street. The last legal city where people could drink on the street. Every night there was celebration. Every night there was so many good music. Anyway, this little park here where the cannon is, Mercury Cannpn. George Calanan Park with the lion, Nevada City Lions dedication. You could play drums here and smoke herb. It's the same shit that goes on now there's a lot more crap now. The DA, they'd be up here watching us sell dimebags through these windows right here. They even did a tree camera one year. This is the Christmas tree for Nevada City. Anyway, this used to be all grass. So, they usurped one million dollars to get rid of a problem like John, like this scumbag piece of shit right here. There were too many motherfuckers just like this piece of shit hanging out all the time, not being constructive enough or something, you know what I mean. Like, they need more peacock feathers, or something. So they spent a million dollars to take all the grass out of the park where the hippies hang out. They would lay down and sleep and shit right in the middle of the day like a siesta sometimes. You know those fucking hippies. I like to hold my cock, huh huh huh huh. No, my balls too."

     9:37am  Josh's story of the peace pipe. We are taking turns. Joshua: "The original story is the Indians that first cultivated herb was tobacco. They would cultivate it to a certain strength where they would smoke it and have these big meetings. They would smoke it before the meetings so nobody got violent. The key behind that was that it would distort their mindset so much that it would be such a heavy hit, you couldn't be violent. If you wanted to, you know how tobacco makes you so lightheaded? Well, it would just make you really lightheaded to where you couldn't be violent. Everybody would just talk it out and keep on smoking the pecae pipe."

                     Dude I told my story to.

     10:40am  I am following these kids I met in the plaza. They're showing me a place in the woods where I can take a nap. I didn't get enough sleep last night. These woods are beautiful. This place is heavenly. Alright, later on.

     11:46am  Failed attempt at a nap. The sun moved and was shining on me. I'm getting up and I'm going back into town. I want to get a hold of Peg. I'm going to tell her how I think there's something wrong down there. It itches once in a while. I mean, it could still be from all the rough sex we had. They're not exactly blisters. It's just kind of sore, kind of raw. She's want to come visit me. I hope we can get another hotel and I can take a shower. I got most of the clown paint off of my face, but I could still use a shower. I'm going to chill in Nevada City for a little bit. This is a cool little town.

     11:52am  I am walking away from the park after my failed attempt at a nap. I was walking out and Sherry asked where I was going. I gave her my usual, "On my way to save the world," and offered my website. I started telling Sherry and her friend Mary and Mary volunteered me an ice tea. I appreciate it, Mary. Everybody gets credit.

     12:22pm  Rob hooked me up with a cigarette in Calanan Park. I appreciate it, Rob. Everybody gets credit.

     1:05pm  I didn't tell you. I went and took a shit in the park bathroom. In the woman's bathroom because the guy's is locked. I'm going to make my way back to Broad Street. When I walked out of the woods this lady saw me and told me I looked like I had a story. I borrowed her cellphone and called Peg and told her what I wanted to. Not in detail because I was borrowing a cellphone. I told her there might be something wrong down there and she said bummer. I told her, "Well, we did have quite a marathon in the hotel room." You never know.

     1:11pm  Rod was nice enough to give me a cigarette on Broad Street.

     2:16pm  Pat hooked me up with a cigarette on Broad Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Sweet, after he gave me the cigarette I gave him my website. As he was walking away I unloaded my bags and told him, "Here's what it's all about," and he read my shirt. He promptly took a joint out of a wooden case and walked back and gave it to me.

                   I scored a shave and washed my face in the public restroom.

                   Down town


                   Awesome, some random dude walked up and handed me a Vitamin Water! I think it's a guy I told my story to. I don't remember. I'm all stoned.

                   Look up on the internet about a pastor being tazed in New Mexico.

     3:24pm  I walked all the way to the Chevron on Sacramento Street. I wanted to get hot water for some oatmeal. Right before I walked in I met Mark outside and he asked me where I was going. I told him, "Right now I need some hot water for some oatmeal and am wondering if they'll charge me for a cup. He told the cashier that he had my back on the hot water. Thanks, brother. Oh shit, he just volunteered me a twenty dollar bill too! It's for a good cause.

                   How awesome. I'm glad I came to the gas station when I did. I ran into Mark and he gave me some money and asked me if I wanted to go hang out at his place. He lives right behind the Chevron less than a block away. There's a big tall tree next to the house with a small trailer and chairs and stuff. They call it the beer garden. These guys are all drunk, but I'm trying to get my story out still. Mark left soon after he brought me here and is not coming back until tomorrow. He introduced me to his friend, whom I had "coincidentally" already met earlier today when I was walking out of the woods. It seems like I can safely stash my bags here and walk around town. Mark even gave me twenty bucks! I went and bought cigarettes and I still have five packets of oatmeal to eat. Right now I just made three at a time, all different flavors and it turned out to be delicious. Strawberry Creme, Peaches and Cream and Maple Brown Sugar. They were delicious together. Thank you again, Allan.

                   Last night at the party it was awesome. There were these two 12 year old kids rocking music. One played guitar and the other drums and they were wailing together. Then all of a sudden, they switched and kept belting out all badass. Really talented kids. They really wailed. Prodigies. I got to see all that shit for free. Everybody else paid, suckers. I got to be a clown for free too!

     6:48pm  Yet another failed attempt at a nap. I lay my rain poncho down and tried taking a nap under the tree. I inadvertently made my bed where Mark and everybody pisses. I got up and have decided to walk to Broad Street and spread the word. It's awesome how I have a headquarters to stash my bag at and walk around free. I am only taking my CamelBak. It's hot outside. It shouldn't get cold tonight. I'm going to go downtown. I am wearing my sandals with socks.

                   Masonic symbol on sidewalk

     7:58pm  The McDonald family listened to my story great. They were all about it.

                   I feel all professional tonight with no bags or nothing.

     9:15pm  I came back to Mark's. I'm going to crash in the trailer. It's full of bugs. I'm going to sleep in my sleeping bag so I'll be alright. I think I lost my Leatherman, fuck.

Next day..

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