

                                                                                       Chico to Los Molinos to Yreka, CA

Wednesday May 20, 2009

     5:55am  I just woke up. I got seven hours of sleep.

     6:34am  I have had a nice, relaxing morning here at my camp behind the bushes. I am perfectly concealed. I am slowly packing up. I am all stoned. I'm going to get out of here pretty soon. I'm going to go find somewhere to take a shit. I am thinking about skipping town this morning. Maybe I'll thumb it.  Sleeping bag

     7:08am  I am up and at 'em now. Packed up. I crashed at Mercer Grove. These bushes by the road here. I got up and figured I would cross the street and look for a bathroom somewhere. I crossed the street at the light to the middle island and I turned around to take a picture of where I camped last night and I see a sign pointing to a library. That's perfect. That's the only reason I would go into town, to type at the college. I can type at a public library too. It probably won't open for a while though.

     7:18am  I walked down Mangrove about to come up to 5th Avenue and I see a Valero. I can make some oatmeal. I am not really that hungry. I can use the bathroom there.

     7:40am  I came into the Valero. I was going to tell the cashier working my story, but he got busy. I refilled my ice and got hot water to make oatmeal. I'm going to walk to the library now. I'm at Mangrove and 4th and I'm supposed to turn left on 1st. Three blocks.

     7:56am  I walked to the Butte County Library Chico Branch and they don't open until nine. There's a highway onramp over here. I'm going to go spread the word until nine.

     8:05am  Hooray, traffic!

     8:10am  A cop just barked at me to get off the island.

     9:03am  I had a big long smokebreak at the library and it's open now. I'm going to do some typing.

     11:58am  It sucks, I didn't mention. I lost a whole hour's worth of typing. When my time was up on the computer it just shut down by itself. I guess I should've read all the signs telling you to save your work. Oh, and I accidentally taped over some history because I rewound it and forget to forward it back. It sucks, I had type up my whole white-water rafting trip. I walked into town and stopped at the 7-11 and had a smokebreak. I just stopped on the sidewalk and this dude asks me, "Hey, where are you from originally?" Me thinking I had talked to him before told him Puerto Rico. I asked him if I had already given him my website and he said no so I did. I tried to tell him my story, but when I first asked if he was willing to listen he said he would just read the website. I closed out the presentation and asked the two favors. Alright, I am wondering if I am going to skip town or not. This town is boring.

     12:12am  I am trying to pass out my website in front of this sports store and the manager came out and bitched at me. I told him I wasn't asking for money or anything. I asked him if he had always been that ignorant and told him I was just testing him anyway. He was all saying, "Well, I've got a master's in business administration. What do you have a masters in?" I called him a good little slave. I want him to call the cops.

     12:43pm  Maritza, this beautiful girl from San Juan Capistrano. She stopped and listened to my story. Beautiful girl. I'm walking now. This cute girl walking down the sidewalk. I told her to check out my website and she said sure.

     1:09pm  Theresa just gave me some of her chocolate cream pie. I appreciate it, Theresa. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     1:20pm  I randomly got on the #10 bus. It's cool, this lady, I think she was homeless. She was walking around with this blind guy, she gave me some chocolate cream pie. She gave me a transfer, they called a cab. When I got on the bus I asked the bus driver for a courtesy ride and he was all, "I can't. There's cameras watching." I told him, "That's right. Be afraid. I was just testing you anyway." I gave him my transfer and just got on anyway, ha, psyche!

     2:07pm  I am here thumbing it in front of the Kwikee Mart on Highway 99.

     2:55pm  Jon was nice enough to pull over for me. I was out there for about an hour or so. I appreciate it, Jon. Everybody get credit.

     3:25pm  I just got dropped off in Los Molinos. Jon said if I get stuck one street down he lived at the house with a lion at the front gate, I think he said.

                   Los Molinos, the windmills.

     3:42pm  I'm going to hit up La Taqueria Mexicana. I might walk to Red Bluff. It's only fifteen miles.

     3:45pm  Maria en La Taqueria Mexicana me esta dando comida. Te lo agradesco, Maria. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     3:48pm  I scored a bigass burrito. I'm going to walk to Red Bluff. I was considering not, but I have food now. I have no reason not to.

     4:18pm  Walking. I have a burrito in tow. I'll take my first break around five.

     4:29pm  Passing over Mill Creek Bridge. I am looking for a smokespot. I should wait until I get hungry.

     4:52pm  The first shade I found and took a smokebreak at, I saw some brother pull up in a truck to move another car that was broken down. I gave him the peace sign. Then this other brother Eric walked up waiting for the bus. There's a bus! I started telling him my story and then all of a sudden the guy I had given the peace sign pulls up and asks us if we are going North. He's giving us a ride to Red Bluffs. Thanks a lot.

     5:29pm  Jody is the guy's name who gave us a ride. Black-Jody.

     5:43pm  I am in Redding already. That was magical.


     6:12pm  I had a big meal break at this bus stop in Redding. I am across the street from Guadalajara Fun and Fine Mexican Dining. That doesn't make sense. Anyway, I had a big meal break. That guy Jody before he dropped me off wanted to trade me some weed for a shirt. I asked him if he minded a used shirt. When he dropped me off he gave me a big nugget. I unloaded my pack to get the shirt, but then he told me not to worry about. When he asked for a shirt I told him okay, as long as he had the balls to wear it, but he told me not to worry about it. So I got more weed! I'm going to go to Downtown Redding now.

                    Crossing bridge

     6:44pm  I took another meal break right next to these three pillars in the shade. I am walking now. I think it's like a mile to downtown. Parkstatueducksgeese

     7:08pm  I am walking into town. I saw some guy sitting on his porch playing guitar. I just walked by him and gave him the peace sign. I am going to go back to him and ask him if he wants to smoke a bowl. I've got some weed to smoke.

     7:25pm  I didn't tell you, I went and smoked that dude out. He's listening to my story now. What was your name, bro? Rob Jones. He hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit.

     7:57pm  It was awesome. In the end Rob asked me if I wanted a sandwich and went inside to make one for me. I told him I could always eat. I walk for a living. I'm going to walk downtown now. Welcome to Redding, Victor.

     10:27pm  I am weighing my pack at the Greyhound Station. My big pack is 43.5 pounds and my backpack is 12.5 pounds for my frontpack.

     11:13pm  In all my zigzagging tonight I ran into Marge. Marge is this lady who saw me across the street and asked me if she could talk to me. I said sure and we hit it off great. She's sixty years old. We've been hanging out all night. I told her my story and she loved it. She was all distraught and I gave her a big hug. Anyway, she bought a Greyhound ticket to Oregon and wanted me to go with her, that she would buy me a ticket too. I told her I didn't want to go to Oregon this soon, that I still needed to finish up California. She offered to buy me a ticket to Weed, which is close to The Black Bear Ranch, I think. Thanks for mobilizing me, Marge.

                    Marge said, "You never know when you are entertaining Angels."

     12:25am  I never told you. About five minutes ago I got off the Greyhound in Yreka. Marge's bus came at eleven and my bus to Weed came at 3am. When her bus came I asked the driver if I could ride with them, if he stopped at Weed. He said no, so I asked him if I could get off before Weed. He said I could get off in Yreka, which also sounds familiar and close to the BBR.

     1:18am  I just got stopped by a cop. He just ran my ID and gave it back. Dickinson, I think his name was. He told me to be careful in the end. I told him I would and I would stay out of sight. He told me, "A lot of transients come through here and sleep in front of businesses." I told him I knew better and was sure to give him my website.

Next day..

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