

                                                                                                        Yreka to Montague, CA

Thursday May 21, 2009

     6:50am  I woke up about half an hour ago with only four hours of sleep. I am wide-awake though. I waked and baked. The sun is up and I am wide-awake and stoned. I'll take a nap later on if I have to.

                   Last night I wandered into this field and slept behind this cement wall. I'll take pictures.  Mount Shasta

     8:42am  I had a nice long relaxing morning waiting for it to heat up. I layered down my clothes and packed up. I am only leaving my imprint in the grass. I'll take a picture. I am going to walk into town. Maybe I'll try to get to Black Bear Ranch today. I think I might be real close. I want to say hi to Aaron and Hank[5-7-07] if they're still there.

     8:55am  I am walking into town, almost to Broadway. I took a picture of this big mural. This is Yreka. I still need to find a place to take a shit somewhere. I didn't shit in the field.

     10:25am  I have to make an update. I ran into Gilbert, another homeless dude. Gilbert holding spider. He came up to me and I offered to smoke him out and we took a walk. We came over to this park over by this bridge. I took his picture. Gilbert says this is the Greenhorn Trail. He told me they were feeding lunch at a church later on.

     10:32am  I am talking to Gilbert in the park. He has something to say. Gilbert: "There's a woman that's just staring at me and it brings back the good days. We used to listen to the birds, listen to the trees. It's a beautiful day today. We live our life day to day even if we have to do it the hard way. Do you know what I mean? Like a leaf will drop, but it don't. We're like the tree on the leaf and when that leaf drops things happen, we might go do something. We might get in a fight, get drunk. We might just find a beautiful woman, you know. That's why that bird whistles like that. We are all in tune. As long as we're in tune with life and we live or lives to the fullest. If we happen to fall off the road, or fall of the wagon as I say, we're just humans. We're human beings. See? We put in work. Our families dislike us for some reason and yeah, I can understand that. We're not all perfect. We just want to go home and have a family. And we want to love life. We want to love life to the fullest and if it takes a beer now and then, okay, hate us for that. But we don't even hate nobody, dude. I don't hate nobody. Because hate will come back on you. Hate will come back on you more than what you hate. You can't even sleep at night if you have enemies. You can't even have dreams. You can't even rest at ease. You can't even be, you know what I mean? Yeah, like I said before, if a leaf drops I'd take that as a sign."

                     You can obviously tell Gilbert is drunk. He's an alcoholic.

     11:32am  This guy just walked up and I offered him my website and he got scared and walked away. Fraidy cat. See what I mean?

                     Downtown Yreka

     11:44am  Right now this stupid ass girl from the Brickhouse Bakery here. I'm just standing on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette. I spit on the sidewalk and she came out here with a big bucket of water and pours it on the sidewalk and tells me, "Do you mind not spitting on the sidewalk?" I told her, "Whateva, I do what I want. The sidewalk is worse anyway." That's right, as long as you don't forget me. I had been standing right in front of their bakery and I saw them inside looking at me while I was smoking and talking to Gilbert.                  

     6:15pm  I am sorry I haven't been too updative today. I am riding in the car with my new friend Marilyn. She's 56. I met her at the free lunch at the church today. She was sitting across the table from me. I heard her talking to someone else about public serpents and that was my cue to bust out with, "The lizards are here. It's been this way for years." Her eyes gleamed at me and she started saying yes to every verse. We immediately hit it off and she invited me and Gilbert to go smoke weed at her house, she had a car. Gilbert kept trying to bum fifty cents from Marilyn for beer. Gilbert said he couldn't go with us because he needed to get a beer somehow. I was glad. We went to this old reptilian lady's house to pull some weeds, with which she was pleased, and now we're going to go to the free dinner at six at the Yreka Greenhorn Grange. We are already late. I'll tell you what happens.

     6:58pm  I'm going to go hit up Round Table Pizza. I'll see if they make any mistakes there. Marilyn and I are driving around.

                   They didn't have any mistakes.

     7:04pm  We drove to Ray's Supermarket to get some milk and I spotted a Mexican Restaurant, Puerto Vallarta.  Mt. Shasta

                     Deer in the backyard

     11:22pm  Man, I've had an awesome welcome to Yreka. I am hosted already. This girl Marilyn. She's 56. She lives in a three bedroom house by herself. She's got her medical card and grows her own weed!  In her living room she's got a mattress and a nice computer setup. Two computers. One on each side. Only one has the internet. She actually let me do what I am always ready to, format the other computer. It's an old Pentium 2 with Windows 98. I travel with a Windows XP CD and other software I use all the time, so it was a cinch and now I have a terminal to type on! So after I get caught up on my typing I can also use Frontpage on this computer, which I already installed, I can format my files with Frontpage and then upload them on the web terminal. I am totally going to be able to update my website here. The universe provides. I even have my own room to sleep in with a big feather down comforter. I'm going to sleep great. Welcome to Yreka, Victor.

                      Pretty Marilyn

                      Room I sleep in

Next day..

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