

                                                                                         Portland to Woodburn to Eugene, OR

Monday May 7, 2007

     6:20am  Let's see, last night we went back to Jaime and Emily's and we scored showers. They had wireless internet at their house so I downloaded IRC for Aaron's Mac and spread my webpage around on it. Aaron knew of a place to crash, some place he used to work at. Some auto-glass repair place. They have a deck back here and we crashed out. Do you know the address offhand? 1635 SE74th Avenue. We just waked-and-baked. Even if we get caught being back here it's alright, because Aaron knows people. So we're packing up. The highway isn't that far. We're going to hitch out of here today, hopefully.

     7:36am  Whoa, that was awesome. We ended up walking over to by where Sara lives, off Glisan. I had to take a shit really bad and there weren't any gas stations closeby. I was aiming for Sara's, but we turned on the wrong street. We turned on 93rd on "accident." Lo and behold, down the street I see a Porto-potty! Holy shit! I got to take a shit. Thank you, Love. The universe provides.

     8:26am  Man, I have to make an update. What a beautiful time I am having in Portland. I have to pause and reflect. All because we turned on the wrong street. I've been to Sara's lots of times. I had to take a shit really bad. We didn't stop at any gas station on the way here or nothing. Right next to the Porto-potty there was an alley that went over to the right street, Sara's street. While I was taking a shit Aaron sat outside and wrote out a sign that said ASHLAND real big. We had magically found some perfect pieces of cardboard in the back of this truck at the auto-glass place this morning. We got these two awesome panels. I'm going to save a blank one and eventually make a huge WPTMJ sign. Then, I said let's go see if Sara's awake. I hope I don't wake her up, but I want to see her before I go. My good friend Sara. She's so beautiful. We walked to her apartment and I opened the mail slot and whispered in, "Hey Sara! I am sorry to wake you up, but it's really weird how this ended up being the onramp we're hitching out of town from, the one right next to your place. I just wanted to see you before I left." I thought about leaving her a note and started walking off. All of a sudden the door opens! Sara! I'm so glad I got to see her. She opened the door and instantly said, "Do you guys want to smoke a bowl?" She invited us in quick. There was some dude with her, but she didn't care. We smoked weed. She even gave Aaron a backrub with Icy-Hot. He needed is so bad. He was in heaven. While we were smoking and Sara was out of the room Aaron said, "You know what I need? I need some Icy-Hot. I have to stop and get some of that sometime." His back was all killing him. I went, "Maybe Sara has some." Sara came over and I said, "Hey Sara, do you have any Icy-Hot?" "Sure, I do," she says. She even offered to rub it into his neck for him. We're having such a great time. Hehe, I'm all stoned.

     9:19am  I'm out here on the back porch at Sara's smoking a cigarette. I was thinking about this one time when I told a cop my story. I think in Sandy(4-30-07 3:04pm). When I got to the part in my story when I say, "Do you know what I am basing all this freedom on?" He told me, "What? The Constitution?" Dude, that is just perfect for my story. In my script when I ask people if they know what I am basing all this freedom on, I'll add, "Well, besides The Constitution." As the mission evolves. What a great day today.

     10:26am We're leaving Sara's now. She even made us breakfast. What a magical farewell we had.

                     I was trying to talk Sara into taking off traveling with us. She's nowhere near ready, I don't think.

     10:53am  About ten minutes ago we got to the onramp on 205S going towards Salem. There's a couple bums on the corner flying signs for change. I walked over to one and said, "Hey, we're going to stand here too. We're trying to hitch a ride." Then we moved a little bit down the way so it's cool.

     11:57am  We were out there for like what, forty five minutes? About an hour. Before you know it, Scotty Dank pulled over for us. We appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:09pm  Be sure to look up MAPS. Psychedelic research. Scotty: "Legally, they're getting the right from the DA. The man who runs this is a doctor. He's like a new-age Timothy Leary. Because he's doing it through the proper channels, not just going, "I'm a fucking drug addict advocating drugs." He's saying, "I am a doctor doing my research that is necessary and valid and needs to be done. So therefore, I'm going to make sure it gets done." He's doing studies with LSD and terminally-ill patients who are dying and they're very scared of dying and he's giving them psychedelics to help them deal with their death. And it's working. And people with post-traumatic stress disorder are being given MDMA to help them have compassion again, and be loving again and accept life as beautiful again. So they're giving people drugs and having amazing results. Like undeniable results."

     12:14pm  I am so happy right now. I am in transit. I'm on my way to Salem. We scored this ride with this badass dude. We're manifesting shit left and right, dude.

                     We stopped at some rest area. I don't know where. I went on a successful snipe hunt. I bet there's good shit in the trashcans. I should probably check them.

     1:22pm  We stopped in the town of Woodburn. Scotty bought us lunch at the Taco Bell. We appreciate it, brother.

     2:18pm  We are sitting here riding in the car and Scotty Dank and he's telling me a story about this girl in downtown Portland on Saturday morning for breakfast. She was just standing outside with an awesome smile on her face with a sign that said FREE HUGS. She was getting the best response I've ever seen of anybody. There were all kinds of people walking up to her. Families with little kids and they were running up to her and giving her hugs. I was there trying to start my car and this other girl walked up who was a little younger. She just had the biggest smile on her face. She goes up to the hugger and asks, "Are you doing a school project? What's going on?" She said, "I did this in San Francisco and got a great reaction. People came up to me and gave me hugs and it was great." The other girl couldn't believe it. She was a little shy, and kind of temptative about it, she wasn't sure. She said, "Maybe I should take the sign and try it myself too." I was just sitting in my car and she just took the sign from the other girl. So I ran over there and told her, "Okay, I'll get a hug from you." She was really cute, anyway, hehe. There is another aspect to the story, because it has been done before and there is a website about it. But, the guy got shut down by the man. He was doing it and it became pretty big. They came and shut him down. I don't know what city it was in.

     2:47pm  We got dropped off like five minutes ago. At this beautiful rest area. I don't know what the name of it is. I'll find out eventually.

     2:51pm  Oh man, Scotty just came back. He came all the way back just to give me my one-hitter, my fake cigarette back. Hell yeah, man. That's so mission critical.

     3:04pm  Right now I came over to this rest area. I still don't know what the name of it is. I went and asked permission to ask for rides at the Visitor Center and they told me no problem. Then I hit them up for my story, but they didn't want to listen. They weren't interested.

     3:31pm  I had started flying a sign that said Ashland on it. I considered my WPTMJ sign. Then I said screw it, no signs. I'm just going to tell people my story and ask them for rides. This girl walked by with these beautiful dreadlocks and I hit her up for my story. She said, "Man, you've already told me your story. In Colorado. At the Red Rocks." What concert? Soundtribe and J5, when I went with Carol a long time ago(8-22-04). We didn't go to the show, just hung out on lot. I'll look that up. Awesome, what a small world. I'm still at it.

     3:37pm  Cool, we're having a little pow-wow. Let me get a cast of characters here. Aaron, Jackie, Justin, Fletch. We're having a little safety-meeting at this beautiful rest area close to Salem. Justin is smoking us out. Thanks for the burn, brother. I appreciate it.

     3:40pm  We're going to the hot springs. How much does it cost? Three bucks per car. Cool, if you hitchhike there it's free. What's it called again? Cougar Hot Springs over by Eugene.

     7:01pm  We are already in Eugene. What was your name again? Rueka was the brother who hooked us up with the ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     But we are still killing the world and ourselves because killing the world and ourselves makes money. Or maybe just because death makes money.

     7:19pm  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. Earlier when we got into town, see, I remember there being a Subway last time I was here that said Free Wireless Access, so Aaron and I walked over there. Across the street in this park at this picnic table I saw all these street kids. We went over there and hung out and smoked weed with them. They were all drinking alcohol, so I didn't tell my story. Aaron and I got directions to Skinner's Butte, which I've been to before. We're going to go camp out there, cool.

     10:15pm  Scott hooked me up with a cigarette up at Skinner's Butte. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..

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