


     Boulder to Morrison and back, CO

Sunday August 22, 2004

     6:57am  I woke up like five minutes ago. Man, I got the best squat here. It's all private and stuff.

     7:23am  Ian hooked me up with a cigarette in front of some rent place. RentX. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:32am  I was walking and I just got to the mall right now.

     7:55am  Dylina hooked me up with some change for my bus fare. Thank you, sister. Everybody gets credit.

     8:05am  Jay hooked me up with a dollar here in the mall. Everybody gets credit, thanks. I had asked him if he could spare any change for my bus ticket to Denver. He just kept walking and I told him, "All you have to say is no. You don't have to be so ignorant." He called me over and gave me a whole dollar. I can't believe that line was productive. I say it to everyone who obviously ignores me. Just to make them think.

                   Wow, I have ninety three emails just from Boulder.

     9:52am  I've had a pretty productive morning. I sat there in the mall for like forty five minutes scraping my one-hitter. I had stumbled onto the perfect tool by the courthouse earlier. It was around all these canvases they had put up. I thought, "Hey, I can scrape my pipe with that." I came over and sat down and bam, followed through. I'm all resinated now, hehe.

     9:55am  David pulled out a book he just got. It's called The Search for Infinity. It says, "The Search for Infinity, Solving the Mysteries of the Universe. By Gordon Frasier, Egil Lillestol and Inge Sel. Let me read the summary.

                   "We eventually reach the dim boundary...there we measure shadows, and we search among ghostly errors for landmarks that are scarcely more substantial."
- By Edwin Hubble.

                   "What is the universe made of and where did it come from? There have been many attempts to answer such questions from before the times of the ancient philosophers. Yet only today we are beginning to come close to some of those answers. The Search for Infinity describes the two very different voyages that scientists embark on to begin to answer these questions. Looking out across the vast distance in space, powerful telescopes peer back in time towards the origins of everything at the big bang. Looking inward, the largest machines on earth probe the ultimate constituents of matter by smashing together particles accelerated near the speed of light. Recently, the search for the infinitely large and infinitely small have dramatically come together as the conditions needed to explore quarks, replicate the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang and reveal what was happening at the origin of time itself.
                   The Search for Infinity explains the great discoveries, from the structures of the universe to the most fundamental particles. It looks at the vast power of the latest particle accelerators that have uncovered the inner world of atoms. It takes on the search for the beginning of space and time, revealing the dramatic findings of cosmology: black holes engulfing stars in whirlpools of collapsing matter, pulsars roaring out of their signals at the edge of the visible universe, and the faint echo of The Big Bang. The Search for Infinity gives insight into the greatest scientific questions of our time and the significance of the answers that have been found. It is a book for anyone who is curious about the nature of the world around them and fascinated by the great achievements of the human mind."

                   I just talked to David and I'm going to Pueblo, Colorado and hopping on a train. He said there was a big hub there.

     10:25am  I just had an awesome presentation with these two girls just sitting there. They told me I should be a teacher. That I should go teach. I smiled and told them I already was. I'm going to educate the masses.

     10:34am  I ran into Ivan and Jeremy. I might be able to go to the Reggae on the Rocks with them.

     10:57am  We came over to Friday's or some bar. All these kids are about to head out to Reggae on the Rocks. I'm talking to Rachel and she's telling me something interesting.

                      Rachel: "All thoughts and actions transpire across civilizations of people, if you make them. You create the world around you by what you do. There was actually a scientist who took a gallon of distilled water and poured it into three test tubes. On one he wrote, "I love you." On one it was, "Go away." On the other one, "I hate you," or something like that. Each of these once he put thoughts, energy of that phrase, that emotion into what he's writing and he let them sit for a couple weeks and everyday he would read, think about them that way. After a certain amount of time put them on slides and looked at the individual cells under a microscope. The one that said, "I love you," was all snow flaky. It was a prettier shape than the other two. The one that said, "I hate you," is all sporadic. Haven't you ever just been in a good mood or something and you come in contact with someone else and you just know you made their day better by how you acted. It's kind of what you're doing. I really like what you're doing. Actually, I had heard about you before I had even talked to you."

     11:40am  I'm hungry, so I'm going to go get some more donut holes from the General Store.

     11:51am  Lisette gave me a cigarette here at the mall. I appreciate it, Lisette.

     1:05pm  Man, I have a huge update to make. I ran into Ivan and the kids again. They invited me to some place. I hopped in the back of their Blazer and they brought me out to these 

mountains. It's beautiful out here.

                   We are at Redrocks Amphitheater in Morrison.

                   Man, look where I ended up today. This place is just beautiful. I think I only have one picture left. I took some pictures


out the window when we drove up here. I should've saved them.

                   Emily just walked by. She's selling muffins, but she gave me one. I appreciate it, Emily. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:11pm  Matt hooked me up with a cigarette. I didn't even ask him for it.

     2:48pm  Emily, who took a picture of me earlier with my sign. I'm telling her my story now. She's telling me about some moon cycles.

                   Emily: "Okay, so the moon travels around the world in 13 cycles, the 28 days, how it's supposed to be. There's tones and there's fields. You know how nothing in this world is ever on the same day? Your birthday is never on the same day. Neither is Easter. Leap Year, whatever the fuck that is. It was all created back in the day by Julius Caesar when he was trying to change the Roman into an empire. He tried to change time to get the people to follow. That's exactly what he did. He turned time into money. He turned the world into a horrible place. But, there is actually a natural cycle going on. Your birthday is on the same day every year. You have a galactic signature. You can trace where you are on a 54 year cycle. You're supposed to be able to pass through your third birthday and your 55th birthday in the same day. You're supposed to be able to time travel forth. Time is a fourth dimension. Time factored by energy equals art. It's coming about. It's going to be said. In 2012 everyone will realize it and it's going to switch over, hopefully."

                   We had a good safety-meeting on this big rock.  

     4:02pm  Man, I'm getting some awesome publicity. I'm walking around the parking lot here holding my sign up. On my way to save the world. Everybody is looking at me and wishing me luck and everything. They're all, "Do it, do it."

                   One guy just came up to me and said, "Good luck with that. We're all counting on you. You know that." "I know, somebody has to do it," I told him.

     4:04pm  Whoa, I was just walking around with my sign and some girl said, "Hey, come here. I just have to give you a hug." She gave me a big warm hug saying, "I just had to do that." She got back in her car. 

     4:51pm  These kids told me, "Hey, you're going to save the world. You need some sandwiches." They were all trying to charge me money. Five dollars a sandwich. Screw that. I'm doing this for free. My job doesn't pay me money.

     5:37pm  Rhonda is hooking me up with a cigarette here in the parking lot. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:04pm  I had an awesome presentation with Rhonda, who gave me the cigarette. Hell yeah, dude. She was telling me, "I can't doubt you, I can't doubt you."

     7:15pm  I'm already back in Boulder. We ended up not sneaking in or nothing. I got some superb publicity though. I was walking around holding up my sign. This one girl even gave me a hug. But, I left my backpack in the Blazer.

     7:29pm  Jim hooked me up with some change for a hotdog. Everybody gets credit.

     8:10pm  Lori hooked me up with some change for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, Lori.

     8:11pm  Trent hooked me up with a nickel for my ticket. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                    I just had a badass presentation with that guy who gave me the nickel.

     8:39pm  Eckhard hooked me up with a cigarette in the mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:53pm  Miguel hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:00pm  John walked by with his wife and gave me a dollar. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:02pm  Al's hooking me up with another cigarette. He said he gave me one on Friday.

     9:27pm  Dan hooked me up with a whole dollar for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     9:30pm  Ryan walked by and gave me some change. He told me I had already told him my story. Thanks a lot, brother.

     9:44pm  Marie hooked me up with a whole twenty dollars! I appreciate it, Marie. Everybody gets credit. Thanks for proving me right. It's human-nature.

                    I scored me a whole twenty dollars!

     9:50pm  Jim is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:14pm  Eric and his friends invited me to smoke. We came to this park to smoke some weed.

     10:44pm  I just had this awesome presentation with this guy and this girl. They were all into my story. When I got to the part, "I would just love to tell you my amazing story about how I took off walking to California from Texas in 2002. It's about ten to fifteen minutes long. It's worth every second," the guy just walked off. The girl didn't want to, but she eventually followed him. I yelled, "Tell your friends. Water my seed." She was all laughing.

     12:10am  I haven't logged that much tonight. Oh yeah, I got twenty dollars! That's awesome. I walked all the way to my squat by the Flowerama. I went to the Conoco and bought me a bag of donuts and an apple pie. I'll have the donuts for breakfast.

Next day..

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