


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday May 21, 2003

Emails with

                   Umm, I don't think I recorded this day but I just remembered something interesting that happened.

                   See, I was out of weed for the first time since I got back from LA. I hadn't bought any, people had just been hooking me up. Since I'm using that one-hitter a little goes a long way. Well, like I said I was out. I was bored so I decided to catch the bus to Planet K, the headshop and ask people in front if they'll smoke a brother out. I stood out there for about thirty minutes when someone pulls up in a Datsun Z. It's Terry, the manager I hadn't seen since I got back from California the first time I went. She got out of the car and I told her I had some stories for her. She told me she had to do some things first and asked me if I would be around for a while. I told her I could, that I had all the time in the world. She went inside and I kept asking people. I can pick out the stoners in the customers and I only asked people who looked like they smoked(which was the majority of the customers that pulled up). Hey, this method had worked twice before, not too long ago.
                   Anyway, I went inside and started telling Terry my California story. Some customer's arrived and I told her I would continue it later. I bummed a cigarette off Terry and walked outside, right before this guy I had been meaning to ask left the store. See, I was only asking people as they were leaving the store. It would be stupid of me to ask them coming in. They could tell the worker's inside that I'm outside asking for pot. Well, this cool dude who had walked in earlier and said peace back to me walked out with this girl. I jumped into my ideas with him when he left the store. He listened attentively and had plenty to say himself. While I was talking to him Terry comes outside and just stands around for a minute. After she listens to me telling Steve(I think his name was Steve) the same script I was telling her, she tells me to come talk to her when I go inside. Hehe, I told Steve, "Shit, she's going to tell me to stop asking people to smoke me out. I was just waiting for her to. Then I'll stop. Let me go face the music."
                   I walk inside and Terry calls me over. She cops this big authorative mom attitude with me telling me, "I have been made aware that you are asking people for pot outside." I told her, "Yeah, since when does it hurt to ask?" I gave her my whole shpeel. She got even madder and said, "It hurts to ask when customers are bringing it to my attention because you're bothering them." I told her, "They can just tell me no." I told her that it had worked twice before. She was all offended, saying I was using her clientele because I knew they were like-minded. She was all ranting about how they're always trying to shut her down(bullshit, that place makes too much money).
                   I said, "Terry, come on. You sell bongs and HighTimes Magazine. Do you really think the cops don't know people who shop at Planet K are ninety nine percent stoners? You're just paranoid." I didn't, but now that I think about it I should have told her I thought she was full of shit. That I made it a point to ask people as they were leaving, not going in. That one of the employees probably figured it out by just looking outside. Anyway, she told me to get off the property and not to ask people in front of her store anymore. I should've told her no, to call the cops, hehe. I cannot for the life of me understand how the manager of one of the best headshops in San Antonio can be so damn ignorant.

                   Well, that's all I wanted to say about the twenty first.

Next day..

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