


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday May 24, 2005

     5:36am  I just woke up. Man, I should have slept more. I'm hungry.

                   I'm taking a break from typing right now. I'm going to play a little Tetrinet. Oh yeah, in Tetrinet I heard some guy talking about I'm going to send them my story once I get my shit typed up. I have a whole month to type up.

                   My mom came home and I just watered her plants in the front, my weed plant behind the fence and my garden. I'm going to crash. I'm fucking tired. I didn't sleep enough last night. I just stayed on the computer all day. I typed up a lot. I've already got eight or nine days of May typed up already. Perfect.

                   [there is a missing chunk of history here i accidentally recorded over on june 11]

                   Right now I'm in front of Santa Fe Apartments. I'm going to walk to Cristan's and see if Bruno will hook me up with a taco for my plasma donating.

     7:51am  Fuck yeah, see this morning I couldn't find anything to eat at home. I didn't want to go donate plasma on an empty stomach. Then I remembered I would most likely be able to score a taco from Bruno, as usual. I had some money on me, so I was going to pay for the taco. I went in there and told Bruno I had a ten dollar bill. He said, "Don't worry about it, man." He hooked it up. He gave me two. Breakfast.

     8:12am  Big turn of events. I showed up at the plasma place like at 7:56am. There was a bigass line of people. It was all fucking crowded. Since Bruno hooked me up with two big tacos, I said fuck that, I'll walk downtown. I'll come back before 6pm to donate. I don't want to wait.

     8:31am  I just walked up to the Deco District HEB. I'm going to go smoke my friend Angel out at La Bella Apartments. I got a little weed. I have ten dollars for more, too.

                   Well, I guess Angel didn't want to wake up. I'm just going to keep on walking.

     8:37am  At the bus stop across the street from the HEB, I thought I saw some guy hitting a cigarette. I hit him up for one and he tells me, "This ain't a cigarette." He let me hit his joint. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   That dude didn't want to listen to my story. Thanks for the hit, brother.

     9:01am  Turned left on W. Ashby.

     9:10am  Coming up on the McFarlin Tennis Courts. Cool, there's two cop cars sitting there again.

                   Haha! The cops are asleep in their cars. They're just sitting there sleeping on the job. That's funny. I'm going to go look for tennis balls.

     9:14am  I was scaling the fence and my Bob Marley bracelet just died. That sucks! I got two balls though.

     9:20am  I scored eight balls!

     9:30am  I walked to the Diamond Shamrock in front of SAC and got some water.

                   Now I'm walking in front of SAC. The Shitty Ass College.

     9:40am  I came to the Diamond Shamrock on Euclid.

     9:48am  I'm talking to Christy. I'm telling her my story. What's your email?

                   I had walked to the Diamond Shamrock and these two pregnant girls saw me and yelled, "Hey, what's up?" She said I had met her like 6 months ago in Travis Park.

     10:43am  I am having a good morning in the park. I'm sitting on the bench across the street from St. Mark's Episcopal Church. I smoked everybody out. Everybody came up and I loaded hits for them in my one-hitter. I'm supposed to score a dimebag later on. I'm going to load up a hit for Hotdog James and give him a peace offering. He doesn't like me because he's brainwashed by money.

     10:55am  I have an update to make. Well, I changed my mind about smoking out Hotdog James. I saw my head-injured friend Carlos down the way and I thought, "Fuck James, I'll smoke Carlos out." I went over and Carlos mumbled something about weed. I told him, "Here, want a drag off this cigarette?" He told me, "Wow, how did you know I needed this?" I told him I was always glad to be of service. Right now we're walking to Ray's, where he says I can get a dimebag.

     10:58am  Kayla gave my friend Carlos a cigarette on Navarro and Commerce. He appreciates it. Everybody gets credit.

     11:13am  Reena Massey listened to my story in front of St. Mary's and Crockett. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

     11:15am  Damnit, I lost Carlos. Fucking-a, he took off. I was talking to this one lady right now. He just disappeared. That sucks, we were supposed to go get weed at Ray's. I hope he didn't jump on the bus and go without me.

     11:25am  I gave up on Carlos and decided to walk back to Travis Park. My immediate plans were hinging on Carlos. He was supposed to take me to Ray's to score some weed. He said he would pay my busfare and everything. I got to the park, then I got the sudden urge to go back where we split up, over on St. Mary's over The Riverwalk. I ran into Carlos again! I'm glad I changed my mind.

                     Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Carlos and I got off the bus about 10 minutes ago. We got off over by West Thompson. I can see I90 down there. We came to where Ray, JC and Lindsey and all of them live. I'm going to get some weed. Marijuana.

                     We're over by the Texas Department of Public Safety. DPS.

     11:58am  Dude, Carlos found a badass groundscore. He found some bigass industrial wire cutters. Damn, you can cut some fingers with that. What? Did you just find them on the ground? Oh, they were in the back of some guy's truck, huh? That ain't right. You don't steal from people. Thou shall not steal. If you're going to steal you steal from companies.

                     Page 245, The End of the Nine to Five.


                     Take the case of the frustrated parents. Second Wave civilization, as we saw, synchronized daily life, tying the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, of work and play, to the underlying throb of machines. Raised in this civilization, the parents take for granted that work must be synchronized, that everyone must arrive and work at the same tune, that rush-hour traffic is'unavoidable, that meal times must be fixed, and that children must, at an early age, be indoctrinated with time consciousness and punctuality. They cannot understand why their offspring seem so annoyingly casual about keeping appointments and why, if the nine-to-five job (or other fixed-schedule job) was good enough in the past, it should suddenly be regarded as intolerable by their children.

                     The reason is that the Third Wave, as it sweeps in, carries with it a completely different sense of tune. If the Second Wave tied life to the tempo of the machine, the Third Wave challenges this mechanical synchronization, alters our most basic social rhythms, and in so doing frees us from the machine."

     1:11pm  Me and Carlos are leaving for the bus stop now. We smoked a lot of weed at his trailer with his brother. I met his father and stuff. Oh yeah, right now my fake cigarette fell out of my pocket and hit the ground. I checked and I have a small hole in the pocket. So, I have to go to the thrift store after I donate plasma and get me some new cargo shorts. That's what I'll do.

     1:36pm  I'm talking to Carlos and I asked him if he wanted to make an entry for me. What's happened to us since we met in the park and I smoked you out?

                   Carlos: "This is Carlos speaking for the first time. Carlos from Alaska. The Alaskan native. Inuit. Uhh, Okay, I met a cool motherfucker today and it's this guy right here. He gave me some general knowledge which helps me out, to find the right sense of being. Anyways, I came more into walking and doing stuff. Now we're going to go smoke some weed. Earlier we went on the 62 bus from downtown off of St. Mary's and Commerce. Tomorrow I have go drop off some weed for this lady, serve her, haha. Then she's going to serve me. So we came here and smoked. Now we're waiting for a bus under a tree and I think the bus is supposed to come at any minute so I think we're about to go."

     1:50pm  The driver hooked me up. My transfer was 10 minutes late and he hooked me up anyway. We're going back downtown. Mission accomplished. I got my marijuana. A dimebag.

     2:12pm  Did I mention we are downtown again? We came in on The Riverwalk.

     2:13pm  Hector hooked me up with a cigarette. He works at the Hilton. On The Riverwalk. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:24pm  Popped out of The Riverwalk on Commerce. By that big red Curly-Q by Rivercenter Mall.

     2:31pm  Some dude gave me a cigarette at Travis Park. He was listening to headphones so I didn't log it. Some Mexican dude sitting on a bench. I'm going to go sit down and smoke it. I'll smoke some weed too. Oh yeah, I got my dimebag.

     2:56pm  I'm talking to Brian from Tennessee. When did you get to San Antonio? Last night, eh. Welcome to San Antonio. Anyway, what was your email?

                   The greedy ass at the hotdog stand wouldn't give me any ice.

     3:51pm  Miguel hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:26pm  What was your name again? Maggie gave me a cigarette. She said her friends told her about me. What's up?

                   Maggie: "Yeah, his name is Richard. He's kind of real tall, thin. Light complected with black hair. He said he met you at the park. Yeah, but he was tripping on acid. He told me to listen to you. That you had great ideas."

     5:03pm  I'm at the plasma place laying down about to get stuck. This morning it was all crowded. I'm glad I waited. Right when I walked up some guy recognized me and said, "Hey, am I still in your book?" I told him, "Yeah, I'll never forget you." Then I went in and signed in. I didn't have to wait that long at all.

                   Alright, Patty is going to stick me.

     5:08pm  Patty stuck me gooood. Oh, you make it hurt so good, Patty.

                   Cool, 223 milliliters on the first cycle.

                   Next cycle stopped at 418. 195ml on that cycle.

                   Before I got here I told my story to this pretty girl on the bus, Maggie. She was all ears, man. She was beautiful.

                   Next cycle, 608ml. 190ml on that one.

                   Cool, I'm at 789. Only have 36ml to go. Finished bottle is at 825.

     6:15pm  I got twenty bucks again! It turns out that the second and third time of the week that you donate you get twenty instead of fifteen. Or something like that. Hmm, I want a taco. Oh yeah, I'm going to buy some shorts at the thrift store.

     6:21pm  I went in the Taqueria Puro Jalisco and I bought me a delicious fucking taco. Chicken fajita with sour cream. It was damn good. I'm going to go to the bench in front of the Liberty Income Tax and smoke a cigarette. Smoke some weed too.

                   It was cool, right after I got out of the plasma place, I saw this black dude smoking a cigarette. I asked him if he could spare one and he said, "Nah, I only have one other one left." I told him, "I'll trade you a hit of weed for it." He was all, "Just one hit?" I told him, "Well, you'll probably get two or three out of it." I showed him my fake cigarette. He went, "Wow, where did you get that thing?" Everybody asks me that. I told him, "Man, these have been around since the sixties." I smoked him out, then I came to the Liberty Income Tax place and sat down and smoked some weed and smoked a cigarette. Now I'm going to walk to the thrift store.

                   Oh wait, I'm going to go check the China Harbor for fortune cookies. Hmm, if there isn't one outside I'll go inside and ask them, "Hey, can I have a fortune cookie?"

     6:40pm  Haha, I went inside the China Harbor. The young girl working there, I don't think she's Asian. I walked up to her and said, "Hey, can I have a fortune cookie?" She got this weird look and said, "Uhh, okay." She walked off. I didn't want to tell her my story. I didn't have time. When she came back I told her, "See, I find them all the time on the ground outside. They always mean something. I didn't find one outside today, so I'm asking you for one." She came back with three. She must've thought I was hungry or something. I told her, "No, I just need one." I'm not going to open the fortune cookie. I'm going to keep it in my pocket. I'll open it later on.

     7:09pm  I went in the thrift store. They didn't have any cargo shorts. That sucks. Oh yeah, I got some badass t-shirts though. I got two tie-dyes and this cool one with a picture of all these animals on an ark and it says, "Animals - it's their world too." Oh yeah, and I got another one that says, "Sow the seeds of love.." on the front and on the back it says "..and miracles will grow." It's like a religious shirt, but I'm going to get it anyway. That's my shirt. Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I skipped the fucking bill at the taqueria. I didn't pay them. Because I tried to pay after I ordered but the girl was all, "Sit down." Since I was a little high, I totally forget when I finished eating and just walked right out.

     7:23pm  I came to the bus stop. I'm going to go downtown. I have busfare. I'm going to go to the Goodwill downtown on Commerce and see if they have any shorts. I'll catch the last 88 home.

     7:35pm  6094, that's the number of this bitch ass bus driver who wouldn't give me a transfer. I told her, "That's cool, I can get a courtesy ride." She went, "Not from me." I went, "It's alright. It's all a number's game." I had asked her, "Hey, the Goodwill thrift store is on Commerce, right?" She got all snooty and said, "I don't know. I don't need to go there."

     8:03pm  I'm talking to Kayla here downtown. What's your email?

     8:04pm  I had a good presentation with this girl Kayla. Right after I got off the bus. Right after I told that bus driver, "I forgive you. You don't know any better," I see this girl Kayla. She had cool spiky hair. She just got off a Greyhound bus or something. I hit her up for my story and she listened to it. In the end she said, "We really need more people out there like you." Somebody's gotta do it.

     8:29pm  I'm talking with Shiloh and Bayley. They gave me a cigarette and listened to my story. I appreciate it, guys.

                   Man, I had this awesome presentation with these two blond girls. I think they were tourists. They came out of this parking garage. I'm not sure where I am. I bummed a cigarette off of them and told them my story. As they were walking off I told them, "Tell your friends...oh yeah, where are you guys from??" I heard them take off and start running away. I laughed and yelled, "Hahaha, wacka, wacka, wacka, I'm going to get you!" They think I'm all crazy.

                   Damnit, the thrift store closes at 7:30pm. That sucks.

     9:36pm  The 88 driver let me on for ten cents. Cool, cool. I'm going home.

                   Page 264

                   We do not yet have a vocabulary for describing these organizations of the future. Terms like matrix or ad hoc are inadequate. Various theorists have suggested different words. Advertising man Lester Wunderman has said, "Ensemble groups, acting as intellectual commandos, will . . . begin to replace the hierarchial structure." Tony Judge, one of our most brilliant organization theorists, has written extensively about the "network" character of these emerging organizations of the future, pointing out, among other things, that "the network is not 'coordinated* by anybody; the participating 'bodies coordinate themselves so that one may speak of 'auto- ; coordination.'" Elsewhere he has described them in terms Buckminster Fuller's "tensegrity" principles.

                   But whatever terms we use, something revolutionary happening. We are participating not merely in the birth o new organizational forms but in the birth of a new civiliz tion. A new code book is taking form—a set of Third Wave principles, fresh ground-rules for social survival.

                   It is hardly any wonder that parents—still mainly tied to the industrialera code book—find themselves hi conflict with children who, aware of the growing irrelevance of the oldj rules, are uncertain, if not blindly ignorant, of the new ones.] They and we alike are caught between a dying Second Wave* order and the Third Wave civilization of tomorrow.

     10:13pm  I'm at the Walmart. I've got $15. I'm thinking about buying some CD's. Hmm, I need to buy pants tomorrow.

                     I went to the smoking cabana at Walmart and Jennifer gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it.

                     Oh yeah, I called my mom from the Walmart. At first she answered and said she was all tired, that she had just gotten home. I told her, "That's alright, I guess I'll walk home. I just donated plasma today so I'll take it slow." She said Okay, but then I changed my mind. I thought, "I'm just going to call her back and tell her I'm going to crash in the woods at OP Schnabel. On the platform." I called her back and told her that. She felt all guilty and told me she would come pick me up. I assured her I didn't mind and would be there in the morning, but she wouldn't have none of that. When I called she told me, "I had brought you home food and everything, and you weren't here. I'll get you but you're going to have to wait like 20 minutes."

                     It's really funny how Christians have us all feeling guilty for being human, how you are automatically a sinner from they day you are born. But let's not feel guilty about killing the world with evil money. Fucking hypocrites, man.

                     I was sitting there waiting for my mom. I saw this lady walk by with a cartload full of stuff. I overheard her say to herself, "I can't believe nobody helped me." That was my cue. I jumped in with, "Hey, I'll help you! I've got nothing to do. I'm waiting for my mom." So I helped her to her car. Right now my mom came, cool.

     11:07pm  I just got home. God-damn, my mom picked me up and she wouldn't shut the fuck up. She just would not stop bitching. I got pissed off and yelled at her, "Mom! Why do you get mad at me because you chose to pick me up?! I told you I had the option of crashing in the woods. I didn't twist your arm! I really resent that, mother. Why do you get mad at me for what you choose to do?! Don't do it then!" Then she started threatening me, "Oh, I don't have to pay for your dental thing. You can save up your plasma money so you can go do the dentist." Ugh, my mom went through all this trouble to get a dental plan, just so I could go to the dentist before I take off traveling. What the hell? I mean, she brought me home two boxes of cereal the other day. Do you think I ever ask for that stuff? So this is my fucking punishment for her choosing to come get me. I didn't make her choose to do anything. She chose it! Damnit. When will she ever learn?? Damn the ignorance in this world.

                     I told her, "Damnit mom, everybody is brainwashed!" She said, "Well, we like being brainwashed." Fuckin-a, I don't have to clean up her mess all the time. She doesn't appreciate me for shit. I'm trying to save the world here.

                     Ha, she went through the trouble of hiding the Sonic that she had bought me so I can't find it. Ugh, there's other shit to eat.

                     11:32pm  Oh man, my mom frustrates me. She came back to the kitchen and asked me, "Oh, you already ate?" I told her, "Yeah, I ate a bowl of cereal because I was hungry. She told me, "Well, I guess you can eat the burger tomorrow." I told her, "I thought you hid it from me. Now you tell me." It was just in the fridge and I didn't see it.

                     Ugh, my mom is so damn petty and childish. She's shields herself with her stupid possessions. That's the only power she has, the illusion of power money gives her. Tonight I told her, "Don't you see mom. Nobody is paying me to sow the seeds of love and grow this miracle. What more do you want? I clean up your mess. What more do you need?" She got all defensive and said, "Oh, my mess? I don't make a mess." I told her, "Mom, your mess is all I clean." She went, "Well, what about outside on the back porch. Look at all those cigarette butts." I told her, "Mom, that's in the backyard which you never go in. Compare it to your mess inside for just one second. And I am the one who cleans it all. Almost every day I do your dishes and clean the kitchen. Argh, it pisses me off.

Next day..

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