

                                                                                                             Montague, CA

Sunday May 24, 2009
     10:05am  I haven't made any updates today yet. Today I have taken the daunting project of formatting Marilyn's other computer, her web terminal. It has Vista on there and it's got a million memory-wasting programs running. It's most likely infected with some malicious software, so I volunteered to format it and install Windows XP Pro that I always carry on me. I tried installing XP, but I had some complications. It kept saying it couldn't copy certain files. I was stumped and apologized to Marilyn that I compromised her internet machine. Luckily, Marilyn said she had the Vista CD that came with her Dell! Perfect. I gave Marilyn a spare USB drive I had and backed up her documents and then I formatted the hard drive with the XP CD. I am installing a fresh copy of Vista. I was sure to get all the drivers from for her computer first.

                     Marilyn kept bugging me to call my mom. It's only been like three of four days, but I call my mom more than my little brother does and he lives in the same town as her. I didn't call her because I thought I couldn't make LD calls from Marilyn's phone, but she let me use a phone card she had. I'm going to keep installing Windows Vista now. Later.

     7:19pm  Whoa, the filling in my tooth I got in San Antonio three years ago[6-13-05] just came out. The dentist had told me I wouldn't ever have to worry about it. I guess I get what I pay for, hehe. It's going to be a while before I am in San Antonio again, so I'm not sure what I want to do about it. Just like three years ago, I want to get it pulled. I don't want a complicated root-canal. I want a simple tooth extraction. I've got plenty of teeth. I can afford to spare one.

                   The computer says 7:31pm and the clock on the wall says 7:26pm. My watch says 7:20pm. Maybe this will be a timeless entry.

                   I am done making all of my HTML files and I am proofreading now. I don't know what I'm going to do about my pictures. I want to call this computer shop in town tomorrow and see how much it'll cost to get my pictures off of my camera.

     12:22am  I am finally going to bed. I had a good day today. I didn't do anything else but work on the computers. My stuff is almost finished, the update. I am already in May in proofreading and I've got all my HTML files made. I still haven't done all the links in the story, because I've been working on the offline computer. I'll probably get some time on the other computer tomorrow. I'm going to download an antivirus for Marilyn Trevino.

Next day..

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