

                                                      Black Bear Ranch to Forks of Salmon to Gottfried, CA

Wednesday May 27, 2009

                     Looking up hill at Black Bearback porch, goatbaabarngreenhouseagain

     11:10am  I've decided I'm going to leave. None of the people I am looking for are here. But, I did get word that they are all still in the area, even Aaron and Hank! I updated my website a lot. Luckily they had a laptop upstairs with internet. I added some new conversations to it. I also redid the order of all the links. On the left side it is mainly most my stuff with all the NWO order stuff on the bottom. Then, the right side I've got all external links and stuff. I thought I was going to go out the main entrance, the miles long driveway to the place, but I changed my mind. I'm going to walk the trail that goes behind the ranch to the road and get a ride. I'll pass God's Hand, this swimming hole. I've got a couple cans of food. I got some applesauce and some corn.


     12:38pm  I just got out of God's Hand, the swimming hole. It was cold as hell. All I did was jump in, jump out and smoke a cigarette and that's it. I had to leave my bags up on the trail and then go down the slope to the water. I grabbed this long Lion King towel I got from Allen in Cameron Park and got in the water. I thought I was going to use my Volcom cargo shorts for swimtrunks, but screw it, there's nobody else out here. I got in naked. I don't need to get my shorts wet. I'm going to keep hiking now.

                     Stupid-me, I left my tobacco down by the water. I had to go back down to the water and get it.

     12:45pm  Oh yeah, you can tell why this place is called God's Hand. See the fingerprints?


     1:47pm  Had a long break by the water and I am now leaving from God's Hand.


     1:59pm  Quick pause to switch out a tennis ball on my stick. I'm still hiking.

     2:08pm  I am taking another rest. I am exhausted. I hope I am almost done. I don't remember any of this shit.

     2:21pm  Up and at 'em. I took another breather, smoker I mean. I am all stoned.

     2:28pm  I think I am almost to the road. I think I recognize this part. This is the part where I was following Carol in the dark and I tripped and fell and got pissed off at her. She had taken my flashlight and wanted to lead so I was following her in the dark and tripped. Alright, I'm going to go. It's not even worth taking a picture of.

     2:30pm  I just got to the road. I need to find a shady spot so I can thumb it.


     4:39pm  I forgot to tell you, after like three long hours of standing there waiting for a car to drive by. It got to the point where I'd take a ride going either direction, I didn't care. Carla was nice enough to pull over for me. She was going the wrong way, but I didn't care. She's riding with her four year old son Josh in a Subaru. Carla is 32. I appreciate it, Carla. Thank you for mobilizing me. Everybody gets credit.

     4:50pm  We were headed in the direction of Cecilville. All of a sudden I see a truck coming in the opposite direction. First one in over three hours. Both vehicles slow down when we get near and I tell Carla, "Hey! They're going my way." She sticks out her head and asks the dudes in the truck if they could take another rider and they said sure. Then, out of the blue, Travis gets out of the truck and gives me a big hug!

                   Whoa! That means if Carla wouldn't have stopped for me, soon afterwards Travis would've driven by and picked me up! What a small world. Travis had been to Black Bear already and they told him I stopped by looking for him. He was looking for me right then. Tom is driving the truck. Travis has this huge dog named Porterhouse. I'll be sure to take pictures. He even ordered a Saint Bernard Keg for him from He paid eighty bucks for it.

     5:25pm  We came to Forks of Salmon, to the Beer Tree. Travis is going to try and call Carol. I need to get a hold of Carol and Aaron too.

     6:35pm  Cathy, she's going to the same place we're going to and taking all our stuff in her van. We're going to Gottfried. Thank you, Cathy. Thanks for mobilizing us.

     7:07pm  We came over to Vi's house. Viola's.

                    View from back porch

                    Vi makes soaps and stuff. Travis just gave me a hemp balm bar as a present. Vi makes these too. I can use it to dread up my goatee. or

                   Travis showing me how to fold military style.

     9:25pm  What a great day I have had. I really need to take pictures of the view here. It's breathtakingly beautiful. Me and my good friend Travis, we were all reminiscing about the Boulder days. When I told Travis I had extra shirt for sale or trade he said he wanted to buy one. I gave him my last new white one I had. He asked me if I wanted him to pay him and I told him whatever. He handed me an almost full pouch of American Spirits. A couple minutes later when I go to roll one I open it up and find $24! I thought he had left it in there on accident so I asked him if he wanted it back and he said don't worry about it. I seriously had been content trading the tobacco for it, because I know full-well that Travis has the balls to wear the shirt and help me spread the word. Way to support the cause, brother. I only have one new black one left. I'm not going to sell that one.

     10:48pm  I'm going to bed. I crashed out on the back deck. I've got a sleeping pad to sleep on. Oh yeah, I got to tell Viola my story. She listened to it great and liked it. I'm going to bed now. I'm all stoned. Oh yeah, Viola gave me some tincture stuff. It's like a half weed and half alcohol mixture.

Next day..

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