


San Marcos, TX

Wednesday May 28, 2003

                   Okay, I seem to have lost some history. Okay, last time I checked I was downtown on The Riverwalk talking to Elva and Amy. I needed to somehow get ten dollars for my Greyhound ticket to San Marcos to deal with my jail stuff. I started talking to these two girls who work downtown. You know, they are some of the people that give directions and and sweep up trash on the sidewalks. I told them all my stories and they were amazed.
                   Anyway, this wonderful woman Elva tells me that she'll give me all ten dollars when she gets off at work at nine. She told me to meet her at nine, at the same place I met them on The Riverwalk. She shows up at nine and gives me all ten dollars. I had given Amy my metal one-hitter pipe and microcasettes to hold on to while I went to San Marcos. I felt I could trust her. I told them that now I had to stay up until four in the morning to catch the Greyhound to San Marcos. Elva was gracious enough to invite me over to her place to crash. She lives in a trailer and has two or three kids. So I go over there and she lets me crash on their couch.
                   At four they try and wake me up to go catch my bus, but they told me I wouldn't budge. So they let me sleep. When I finally wake up I freak because I missed my bus. I called Greyhound and luckily there was another one leaving in a couple hours. I ride the bus downtown and ride the Greyhound to San Marcos.

                   Umm, it gets sketchy here. I remember that in San Marcos I told the cops how I had already been in jail for six days and how I didn't have any money. They ended up letting the time I spent in jail cover all the fines I had and bam, I was free. I just had to have it on my record and not challenge it in the future. Simple enough. What a joke.

                   Anyway, I wasn't sure how I was going to get home from San Marcos, so I went back to the Greyhound station. Luckily, the same lady was there that I traded those movies I had for a bus ticket home last time. I went up to her and said, "Remember those movies I traded you last time? They didn't work, right?" She told me they hadn't. I told her that in my bag I had a CD with the update file that would enable all the movies to work. I gave it to her and she hooked me up with another bus ticket back to San Antonio!

Next day..

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