


San Antonio, TX

Saturday May 28, 2002

     10:09am I just woke up.

     1:34pm  I am leaving to go donate plasma. I didn't do much this morning. Just working on the computer. I got some downloads going.

     1:52pm  I walked to the Citgo and got some water. I'm waiting for the bus now. Let's see if the 610 lets me on.

                   Cool, there's the bus.

                   6756 let me on for fifty six cents.

                   I had a really good presentation with this guy on the 610. I am at the hospital already. He told me, "Yeah, man. I see you everywhere! I always wondered what you were up to. I thought you were homeless."

     2:42pm  My good friend Ms. Smith pulled up on the 92. I'm on my way to the plasma place.

                   Aww, Ms. Smith hooked me up with a transfer too. I was sitting there reading my Third Wave book and she came over to me and said, "Here Victor, here's a bookmark."

     3:09pm  I just got off on DeChantle, close to the plasma place. I'm going to go to the taqueria and pay them back for skipping the bill last time(5-24-05, 7:09pm).

                   Oh yeah, the the plasma place is closed already. I think they close at three today, so I can't donate. That sucks, I can't get thirty bucks.

                   Oh yeah, I ate a taco on top of the mailbox in the parking lot. All of a sudden I see this guy come out of the plasma place and yelled at me, "Hey, are you going to wait?" I yelled back, "Depends, do you have any marijuana?" He said yeah, so cool. I guess I am going to wait.

     3:43pm  Gonzo is hooking me up with a cigarette outside the ZLB. I appreciate it, Gonzo.

     4:11pm  Jania, she gave me a cigarette in front of the Nabi. Err, the ZLB.

                    I never told you the 92 came. I'm going downtown.

                    Cool, there's three people on the bus with walking sticks today.

     6:11pm  Me, Romeo, Brandy and some other guy who I forgot his name, we came to the parking garage right behind the Travis Park Bank. We came to the sixth floor and smoked some marijuana. I just wanted to make that update.

     6:27pm  I'm here telling Amber my story at Travis Park. What was your email?

     7:43pm  I'm talking to T in the park, telling him my story. What's your email? houstonzfinest@hotmail or

     8:07pm  Haha, this stupid cop. I was standing there next to that tree where my tennis ball got stuck up in before. See, before someone accidentally got my ball stuck up there. It was up there for weeks. Then one day I came to the park and noticed it was on the ground. I still don't know how somebody got it down. It was way too high. Maybe a squirrel did it. When I got to the park today, I tried throwing a tennis ball back into the little crotch of the tree where the other used to be. There's like a little cup in the tree where the branches divide off the trunk. Stoney saw what I was doing and he asked me if I had an extra tennis ball. I gave him one so we were both standing there throwing tennis balls up into the tree. This cop on a mountain bike pulls up, notices my weed pin and asks me, "Do you have any weed on you?" I told him, "No. I don't do drugs. I smoke weed." He said, "Well, that's a drug." I went, "Says who? The government? You trust them? They're killing the world." He went, "Well, I work for the government." I said, "Yeah, I know. You're helping." He repeated, "Do you have any weed on you?" I told him, "No, I've got nothing hide. I wish I had some weed. Listen, I'm not doing anything wrong." He said, "Well, you look like a fool." I said, "Oh really? Have you always been so quick to judge?" He got flustered and said, "You know what? I'm going to leave right now and save your ass." He rode off. Ding, ding, ding. Victor.

     8:25pm  I'm still at the park here waiting for the bus. I've got two dollars in my wallet. I'm going to have to pay busfare. I don't have a transfer with the letter of the day, E. Right now some guy in the park asked me, "Hey, do you have anything in your bag to eat? Like any chips or anything?" I told him no, and I walked off. Then I thought, "Hmm, I've got two bucks. I can give him one." I gave him a buck. I figured all I needed to do tonight with money was ride the bus. I'm going to donate plasma tomorrow."

     8:38pm  I'm still here at Travis Park. I'm sitting here where the buses stop. I saw this pretty girl walk by. I was considering hitting her up for a story when she walks by. She walk by and we make eye contact. She tells me, "No, I don't want to hear your story." Haha, it's somebody else I've already told before.

                   I had a great presentation with this girl Crystal. She got off on Louis Pasteur and Fredericksburg. She listened wide-eyed to all of my story.

     9:46pm  I'm at West Telemarketing. It was awesome, I just impulsively got on the 91. I had been planning to get on the 88 and ride it all the way to the Walmart on Mainland and walk from there. At the last minute I saw the 91 pull up. I thought, "Ahh, it's probably going to leave before I walk up to it." As I was getting closer I thought I could catch it. I jumped on it and paid with a dollar. I'm at West Telemarketing now. I'm going to walk to the smoking cabana. I'm going to turn my marijuana light on. I'm going to the smoking cabana and I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette. I don't need to bum any. I have a pack in my pocket.

     10:06pm  I came to the smoking cabana to smoke a cigarette. I got a hit of weed ready. There is barely anybody here. I thought it would be crowded, but it's Saturday and there's barely anybody here. At the smoking cabana, all of a sudden my friend Millie shows up. I had talked to her at University Hospital one time(4-11-05, 8:20pm). She asked me, "Do you even remember me?" I told her she looked real familiar. She said, "I told my boyfriend about our badass conversation and everything." She offered to give me a ride to Babcock at eleven. So that's like in an hour. I'll just chill here at the smoking cabana until they run me off, hehe.

     10:39pm  This dumb telemarketer who I tried telling my story to at the smoking cabana, he just wouldn't shut up about Jesus. He didn't let me get through my whole platform. His cellphone kept ringing. Oh, and he was going to call a cab because he didn't want to ride the bus. What a dumbass. I couldn't even tell him the spirits part. He just wouldn't shut up about Jesus. I told him his ignorant ass could just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.

     10:46pm  Awesome! I ran into Gypsy-Jo. I haven't seen her since Marleyfest in Austin(4-17-05, 8:04am). She told me that her friends had been looking at my offline webpage and they said it was badass. That they made a lot of copies to give to people. She wrote down her number on my hand.

     11:02pm  Alfred hooked me up with some change. He's a janitor here at West and he found it cleaning up and felt he found it to give to me. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     He all came up to me and held out his hand full of change. I went, "I don't need any change. Have you always been so quick to judge?" He told me no, that he had found all this change behind the machines he was cleaning and then he saw me and felt I am who he found that change for. He told me, "I'm doing my duty." It seemed like this guy really wanted to give me the change, so I accepted.

                     I bet you anything the security guards have told him about me and that I've been at this for years. I bet that had something to do with his generous act.

     11:38pm  I am at my mom's house already. I just got dropped off by my friend Millie and her boyfriend. I'm glad I was able to get a ride. It started monsooning bad! It was an awesome light show with all the lightning. It's cool that I have a reason to stay inside and work on the computer. It's raining outside.

Next day..

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