


San Antonio, TX

Saturday May 31, 2003

                     I just woke up right now. It's the next day. The thirtieth or the thirty first. I'm over here at the bus stop by Elva's. I have to go to my mom's house today and get my toothbrush.

     11:52am  I'm at Travis Park. Pierre hooked me up with a cigarette again. He had given me one some time ago. Cool, Cool,

     1:30pm  I just walked over to the dudes apartment we tried to score weed at. He wasn't home again. I'm going to walk over to these people who let me party with them and crash out in their car one night(4-18-03, 12:41pm). I'm just going to say hi. Update them on my shit.

                   I walked up to the gas station where the dude lives, but he wasn't working either. I ended up waiting for the 91 and caught it to West Telemarketing. At West I went to the smoking cabana asking people if they knew where to score. Since I didn't get any last night I needed to make up for it and try to get a contact. No one at the smoking cabana knew where I could get any, so bored, I walked back to The Rocks by the bus stop. The Rocks is the cool place everyone smokes weed at. I thought maybe I might find a stoner back there who could spare a hit or two. I walked down the trail and right when I got to the entrance of The Rocks and saw nobody was there, this dude walks down the trail. He tells me, "Hey bro, wanna match me?" I told him, "Sorry man, I was going to see if you could spare a hit or two." He tells me sure. He asked me if I had any papers and I said of course, hehe. He rolls up a doobie and we smoke it. I tell him all my ideas and he was in total agreement. He had a big sack of weed and said he sold it, but he didn't have a phone number or way to contact him. Damn, that would've been the icing on the cake. Anyway, without me even asking he offers to give me the shake at the bottom of his big sack. I tried to fish in my wallet for a little plastic baggie, but he had this little bible-thumper pamphlet he put the shake in. It had tons of seeds in it. He took off and I stayed behind by The Rocks. I sat down and patiently picked out all the seeds by hand. It took me a good twenty minutes or so. I got the tiny plastic baggie out of my wallet and I had about eight hits worth of weed using my one-hitter. Perfection.
                   Oh yeah, I almost threw away the little pamphlet but it said, "Live in a world of peace," or something. That caught me eye. Let me go find it so I can copy what it says. Actually it says, "Life in a peaceful new world," on the front. I was close. Here's what it says inside. It's a lot of stuff:

                   "When you look at the scene on this tract, what feelings do you have? Does your heart yearn for the peace, happiness, and prosperity seen there? Surely it does. But is it still a dream, or fantasy, to believe these conditions will ever exist on earth?
                   Most people probably think so. Today's realities are war, crime, hunger, sickness, aging - to mention a few. Yet there is reason for hope. Looking to the future, the Bible tells of a "new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to [God's] promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell." - Peter 3:13; Isaiah 65:17.
                   These "new heavens" and "new earth", according to the Bible, are not a new material heavens or literal earth. The physical earth and heavens were made perfect, and the bible shows they will remain forever(Psalm 89:36, 37; 104:5).  The "new earth" will be a righteous society of people living on earth, and the "new heavens" will be a perfect heavenly kingdom, or government, that will rule over this earthly society of people. But is it realistic to believe that "a new earth," or glorious new world, is possible?
                   Well, consider the fact that such ideal conditions were part of God's original purpose for this earth. He placed the first human couple in the earthly Paradise of Eden and gave them a marvelous assignment: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it."(Genesis 1:28) Yes, God's purpose was to form them to have children and eventually to spread their Paradise over all the earth. Although they later chose to disobey God, thus proving to be unfit to live forever, God's original purpose did not change. And it must be fulfilled in a new world! - Isaiah 55:11.
                   In fact, when you pray the Lord's Prayer, or the Our Father, asking for God's Kingdom to come, you are praying for his heavenly government to rid the earth of wickedness and to rule over this new world.(Matthew 6:9,10) And we can be confident that God will answer that prayer, since his Word promises: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it." - Psalm 37:29.

                   Life in God's New World

                   God's Kingdom will bring earthly benefits beyond compare, accomplishing everything good that God originally purposed for his people to enjoy on earth. Hatreds and prejudices will cease to exist, and eventually everyone on earth will be a true friend of everyone else. In the Bible, God promises that he will 'make wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.' "Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore." - Psalm 46:9; Isaiah 2:4.
                   The whole earth will eventually be brought to a gardenlike paradise state. The Bible says: "The wilderness and the waterless regions will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron...For in the wilderness waters will have burst out, and torrents in the desert plain. And the heat-parched ground will have become as a reedy pool, and the thirsty ground as springs of water." - Isaiah 35:1, 6, 7.
                   There will be every reason to be happy in the Paradise earth. Never again will people hunger for lack of food. "The earth itself will certainly give its produce," the Bible says.(Psalm 67:6;72:16) All will enjoy the fruits of their own labor, as our Creator promises: "They will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage...they will not plant and someone else do the eating." - Isaiah 65:21, 22.
                   In God's new world, no longer will people be crammed into huge apartment buildings or run-down slums, for God has purposed: "They will certainly build houses and have occupancy...They will not build and someone else have occupancy." The Bible also promises: "They will not toil for nothing."(Isaiah 65:21-23) Thus people will have productive, satisfying work. Life will not be boring.
                   In time, God's Kingdom will even restore the peaceful relations that existed in the garden of Eden between animals, and between animals and humans. The Bible says: "The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them." - Isaiah 11:6-9; Hosea 2:18.
                   Just imagine, in the Paradise earth all sicknesses and physical infirmities will also be healed! God's Word assures us: "No resident will say: 'I am sick.'"(Isaiah 33:24) "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." - Revelation 21:4.

                   Surely your heart must be moved by the promises of God regarding life in his new world of righteousness. And while some may consider the realizing of such blessings too good to be true, they are not too good to come from the hand of our loving Creator. - Psalm 145:16; Micah 4:4.
                   Of course, there are requirements to be met if we are to live forever in the coming Paradise on earth. Jesus showed a principal one, saying in prayer to God: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." - John 17:3.
                   So if we truly want to live in God's new world, we must first learn God's will and then do it. For it is a fact: This "world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever," to enjoy eternally the blessings to be showered down by our loving Creator. - 1 John 2:17.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible quotations are from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

©1987, 1994 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved."

                   Isn't it just so weird that that pamphlets falls in my lap today. And it was used to hold marijuana, how fitting. It basically spells out everything I want for this world. Isn't it just kind of weird that it prophesizes a lot of the same stuff that I do? All this shit is just self-evident to me. I didn't need to read it to know it. I've never needed a rulebook to know the truth.

     3:32pm  Man, my day is just awesome today. I'm really living a dream today.

                   From here on I'm remembering stuff. I ran out of tape.

                   I walked all the way from Vance Jackson and Wurzbach to I10. I wanted to go to the GNC at the Colonnade and update Phyl on my status. I was sure she was working. She always is. I was almost to the Colonnade and was pretty hungry. I was going to try and get Phyl to hook me up with some Muscle Blast 2000, even though she'd already told me she wouldn't. Just then, I walked by the Fuddruckers on the other side of the shopping mall. Ah-ha. I'm going to go hit them up.
                   I walked inside the Fuddruckers and saw these guys huddled in a group close to the door. I walked up to them with my walking stick and asked them if they were the managers. One guy, Gustavo said yes. I introduced myself and told Gustavo I was a long-distance walker. I asked him if he could spare any gasoline for my stomach so I could keep on walking. He thought for a minute then told me, "Sure thing, it'll be a few minutes." I didn't say anything about marijuana to Gustavo, just in case. Man, I was one smiling fool. Fuddruckers has badass burgers. I couldn't wait. I walked up to Gustavo with tape recorder in hand and told him I was writing a book on generosity that the whole world was going to read, and that he was in it. He grinned real big. Hey, I have to give something back, don't I? Hehe.
                   I had to wait like five minutes or so. While I was waiting one of the dudes working there came up to me. He asked me, "So you're a long-distance walker? Where have you gone?" I gave him an extra condensed version of my California adventure.
                   Man, it was the best burger I've had in a long time. I put lettuce, tomato, onion and topped it off with some hot cheddar cheese. Mmmmmm. After I ate, I went up to thank Gustavo. He wasn't around so I told the guys to tell Gustavo thanks for the fifteen-mile meal. I then walked over to the GNC to visit Phyl. I updated her and told her how I had just scored big time at Fuddruckers. I told her the story about how I had gotten my rucksack(with my Muscle Blast 2000 in it) stolen in LA. I asked her, "Are you sure you couldn't hook it up, Phyl? When I'm done, you won't need this job." She told me she still couldn't. I told her thanks anyway, told her bye and took off.

Next day..

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