

                                                                                                                                     Arcata, CA

Thursday May 31, 2007

     8:10am  I forgot to make an update last night. Shit, it's recording fast. Last night it was getting pretty late, so I just decided to go to sleep. Umm, no, I wanted to find someone to tell my story to. I scanned the plaza looking for people. I saw some kid sitting on the other side. I walked over to him and he initiates conversation with, "I just got here tonight. I need someone to talk to." I ended up smoking him out. I told him my story at the laundromat. I told him he could crash with me, that I had a spot. He just got into town today and spent all day sitting in the plaza. He camped with me last night. His name is Jeremey, aka Star. We camped underneath my tree. I am supposed to be out at my spanging alley to meet shit, I forgot their names. The purple nugget kids from Portland. They're taking me to the East Coast. I walked to my spanging alley and hopefully they'll show up. I'll walk to the apartment over by the college later on, just to make sure. I'm going to go to the Safeway to take a shit.

     9:47am  Oh my god, Louise. I was standing at my spanging alley and she drove by and read my sign. She parked and came over and gave me twenty dollars!
     9:48am  Hell yeah, I was standing there and this lady parked her car and gave me a twenty dollar bill. She told me, "I love your sign. If it only were that easy." I told her to check my webpage. I logged her generosity.

     10:13am  These kids still haven't shown up. They were supposed to be here at nine. They were supposed to meet me at the spanging alley. Man, I got me like a protegĂ© now. Remember that rainbow hat that I got, from Bobbie? Well, I gave it to him. He is all sporting my shit. He made his own sign at the spanging alley that says Honk for World Peace.


He is going to watch my shit and I am going to walk over to the apartments I was at last night and see if they're still there.

     10:24am  I just walked to the apartments I was at last night.

     10:28am  Man, this sucks. I walked to the apartments where those kids were at last night. They already took off. Shit. I called them and left them a message on their phone. This blows.

     10:45am  I just walked to Long's Drugs. I left my Victor-clone at my spanging alley. Since I got a twenty dollar bill earlier, I'm going to buy me some cameras. I haven't been taking pictures barely at all since I left San Antonio in 2005.

     10:50am  Leaving Long's Drugs. I bought three cameras and some batteries. Triple A's for my recorder.

      11:06am  Mana just walked by and volunteered us some food. I appreciate it, Mana.

     11:12am  I am talking to, what was your name again? Nobody. He's got a poem. What's your poem? Nobody: "It's called Nobody's Quest. All the music and poetry. There once was a soul so fresh to the world and willing to go. It rode on imagination in hopes if would grow. With a drive inside so alive it could die. For all it could do was ask itself why. Why am I here, and why do I fear? Why do I feel so alone? I strive and I strive only to find I'll never get an answer, if I do it alone. For he who seeks shall find the answer, or some shit like that, I've been told. All I've seen defined is a severed reality and I can't stop getting old. The truth be told, the truth be known, the truth is that which we've always known. Just open your eyes and look inside, find that feeling you just can't deny. Feel the sensation as your heart starts to fly. Now you can see truth through all of our lies. "I see," said the soul. Nobody's my name. Everybody's the same. We all just complain and find somebody to blame extinguishing the flame of that we call truth."

     11:15am  Daisy and Daniel walked by and volunteered me some cheesefries. Jared did too. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.
     11:07am  Sloth let me use his cellphone in front of the bars in front of the plaza. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:13pm  License plate, California 7C29678, a black GMC truck. Dumbass trying to get in my way in my spanging alley. This dude from the realty place next to Don's. He had been parked in the alley a little farther back. When he goes to leave the motherfucker drives like twenty feet forward right behind my pack, and expected me to move out of his way. He pulled right up to my bag, with so much room to go around. He won't get out of my way. He's actually calling the cops. Thanks for making my story so interesting.

                     Have you always been so quick to judge? Haha.

     12:16pm  I tried to tell this dumbass my story and he wouldn't listen to me. Thanks for proving me right. I was just testing you. Your ignorant ass failed.

                     This dumbass. He called the cops. He could've so easily gone around me. He did it on purpose.

                     Man, what a spectacle. Hell yeah, everybody's going to read my webpage now. Hell yeah. That's right. Just play into my trap, hehe. I got this guy tied around my little finger. I took his picture and everything.

     3:24pm  Haha, it's funny. I'm standing here flying my WPTMJ sign on the corner in front of the plaza. This guy, who wouldn't accept my webpage when he pulled up I told him ignorance is bliss, like I tell everybody else. This guy actually drove around the block and pulls up to me again and asks, "Did you tell me ignorance was bliss?" I told him, "Yeah, will you check out my website?" He told me no and I asked him, "Don't you know what ignorance means? What do you have to lose? It's free." He finally took it. Haha, that was funny. Hehe, he doubled back around just because I told him ignorance was bliss.

     4:26pm  Some shit has happened. I finally got a hold of those kids who were going to take me to the East Coast. I borrowed someone's cellphone. I called and they didn't answer, but then they called back and I got a hold of them. It was just a big misunderstanding where I was supposed to meet them this morning. They thought I was going to walk straight to the apartment. I distinctly remember, right before I walked off last night, that I told them I would be at my spanging alley waiting. They're in Grants Pass, OR right now. I'm going to take off hitchhiking and try and catch up with them. I am going to leave my friend Jeremy behind. I don't know where he is. I have to get out of here.

     4:35pm  I am at the 101 North hitchspot.

     5:53pm  I am still trying to get a ride. I am having this huge internal dilemma. Should I try and catch up with these kids and go all the way to the East Coast? Or should I stay in town? I have a protegĂ© here. This guy is willing to do my stuff. He's got nothing better to do. He's going to help me on my mission. I've always said this was a solo mission, but hey, if someone can keep up with me and help me spread the word, then I'm all for it. He even made a sign Honk For World Peace and everyone was honking at him. I took a picture of him earlier. He's all helping me out. So now I'm thinking, hmm, should I stay in town and cultivate this assistant? Or should I try to catch up with Jay and the girl, I forgot her name and try and get to the East Coast? Then I was thinking, man, I can go to the East Coast anyway. Maybe I could take Jeremy with me. He's from the East Coast and I'd have a tour guide. So I've been standing here on the onramp thumbing cars. I took a picture of my setup with my signs. Everybody's smiling. Peace signs everywhere. Nobody has stopped to pick me up, so maybe I should stay and help out with Jeremy. I kind of lost him. I don't know where he went. I don't know what's going to happen.
     6:03pm  Hobo, this guy in a wheelchair just hooked me up with a nugget. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Hey, that's a sure sign right there. I just got hooked up with a nugget! That seals my decision. I am not going to hitchhike. I'm going to go water my seed with Jeremy. I got weed! Hobo just hooked me up! I love the random hookups I get with my signs.
                   After the cops kicked me off my alley earlier I went and flew my signs hardcore in front of the plaza, as cars were driving by. The cops didn't bother me at all there. They were all going past me. Ranger Bob even rode by on his mountain bike and I yelled at him, "Hey, Bob. Can I talk to you? I want to ask you about the barn." He just kept riding. Anyway, I hope I find Jeremy.

     6:49pm  Rebecca was nice enough to let me roll a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:04pm  I'm out here in front of The Garden Gate flying my signs. I hit Noreen Dodd up for my story and she knows Snoop Dogg. She's going to introduce me to him someday. Jeffrey Bell, Attorney at Law. Long Beach, California. LBC.

     7:34pm  I told beautiful Hannah my story in front of Long's Drugs tonight. She volunteered me like four, no five cigarettes. I appreciate it, Hannah.
                   I am sitting here in front of Long's Drugs scraping my pipe.

                   Paul just walked by and randomly hooked me up with three dollars. He told me, "Hey man, I checked out your website."


Next day..

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