


San Antonio to Boerne to Comfort, TX

Thursday June 3, 2004

     6:34am  I woke up at 5:30 this morning. I took a shower. My lungs still hurt. I probably shouldn't smoke that much today. Oh yeah, my little brother asked me to give him his shoes back. He said he needed to use them today. So I'm wearing my boots. I miss those shoes already.

                   Oh yeah, since I'm wearing my boots I'm going to walk to OP Schnabel and take my hike to the Walmart. I haven't done that in a long time.

     7:15am  I didn't tell you. I walked Braun Road all the way to the Exxon already. I'm going to enter the park. I stopped and smoked a snipe, even though my lungs hurt. Smoked some weed, even though my lungs hurt. I'm going to take my nature-hike to Walmart. Man, I really miss this walk. I can't believe I haven't done it in a while. It might be because I haven't been wearing my boots.

                   Oh yeah, at my little brother's graduation Luis, my little brother's dad, asked me if I had read this or that. I gave him my whole script on reading, "I don't much like to read. I feel the less I read the more original my writing style will remain. But, I do read the books that fall into my lap. Because I am meant to. And, I transcribe all the good parts and put it on my webpage so the rest of the world can read them." Luis was all, "Well, you'd be surprised how much you'll learn if you read." I felt like telling him, "You'd be surprised at how much you'll learn if you stop planning things and just let them happen."

     7:45am  Man, I love these woods so much. After over fifteen years of coming back here, I still got lost sometimes.

     7:51am  Just passing the Legalize Herb sign.

                   I stopped at Snarlwood and marked it up with my marker.

     8:11am  I'm almost to the Walmart, right behind the big fence. I lost the tennis ball on my stick. It was already worn through and I have an extra one in my pocket. But I wanted to leave the worn out one at the bus stop. So people could see it.

     8:21am  Eddie hooked me up with a cigarette outside the Walmart. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     8:37am  I was at the Walmart and I talked to this old guy I bummed a cigarette from. He was Lithuanian, I think. He agreed with a lot of my stuff. When I told him I was going to get marijuana legalized he said, "Man, I hope so." I walked to the Mobil gas station across the street and got that lottery ticket cashed. They had eight cents in the take-a-penny thing. I told the guy, "I need these eight cents for a burger at the Walmart." He didn't care.

                    Oh yeah, did I mention that now that I am free to travel.  I'm going to go hit up the Kerrville Folkfest today.

     8:49am  I walked over to the buses and ate my taco from McDonald's. Eric didn't hook me up with a transfer.

     9:05am  Mr. Martinez hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:06am  Ron hooked me up with a cigarette at the Walmart. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:35am  The 609 pulled up. The driver said, "You were here a minute ago when I came last time." I told him, "I went inside to play videogames."

     10:06pm   I'm over here at the Chevron across 1604 by the main entrance. I'm going to go see if I can score some gasoline for my stomach from the Subway.

     10:25pm  Liz is hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach at the Subway. So I can start my walking. I appreciate it, Liz.

                      Cool, I got me some food. Now I'm going to walk to I10.

     10:35pm  I just had a really good six inch sandwich. With bacon and everything. Chipotle. She hooked me up. I need to thank her for starting my trip to I10.

     11:02pm  I just got to the park and ride under I10 and 1604. I'm going to get on the I10 access road and walk it.

                     After I rest my feet. I'm going to smoke some weed.

     11:11pm  I'm walking North now on I10.

     11:35pm  I'm walking the access road on I10. There's a big funeral going by. All these cops are escorting cars. I'm getting great exposure. Giving everyone the peace sign. Walking to Kerrville.

                      Passing over Leon Creek right now.

     11:58pm  I'm going to stop at this Citgo and rest my feet.

     12:13pm  This one guy just handed me a dollar In front of the Citgo. I didn't ask him or nothing. I was just sitting there resting my feet. They went inside and got a big corndog. They gave me a big thing of fries. For free. Sweet. I'm not hungry anymore.

     12:40pm  Walking into Raymond Russell Park.

     12:53pm  I just got this weird impulse to walk into Raymond Russell Park. I saw this girl sitting in her car. What was your name again? Sure, that's right. She listened to my story. She's going to give me a ride a little bit up the way. I appreciate it, Sure. Thank you.

     1:11pm  Greek Stonework is hooking me up with a cigarette at the Leon Creek Country Store. I appreciate it, brother. He's even got a card. I'll scan it and put it on my webpage. Cool.

     1:20pm  I found out where I got dropped off at. Over in front of the Korean Martyrs on I10. Old Fredericksburg. I'm going to go talk to these people.

     2:50pm  Silos, this Native American guy from South Dakota hooked me up with a cigarette. Don't suppose you could give me a ride to Kerrville? A little North?

     2:57pm   That sucks! Oh yeah, I helped out the Martyrs for a long time. I helped them put some shades up. After that, I bummed a cigarette off this Native American guy. I asked him if he'd give me a ride and he said yeah. Then I realized I left my water bottle at the Korean place. I went back and got it and when I came back the guy had taken off already. I'm dumb. I could be in Kerrville by now.

     3:07pm  Norm and Shay gave me a cigarette at Diamond Shamrock. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

     3:25pm  Gary Davis hooked me up with two cigarettes. I only asked for one. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:35pm  I am leaving the Pico. I'm still close to that church where the Diamond Shamrock is. The cashier at the Pico was cool. He agreed with me and everything. He couldn't listen to me though. He was working. I got his email though.

     3:52pm  Passing up a billboard that says, "Kerrville Exit 508." I wonder what exit I'm on.

     3:57pm  Mile marker 459.

     4:03pm  Passing Old Fredericksburg.

     I'm thirty two exits away from 508.

     4:15pm  Mile marker 458. Seventeen minute mile.

     4:30pm  Taking the Farrows Parkway Exit. There's a Shell station.

                   Exit 456. 

                   I'm at the Old Tymer Junction.

     5:05pm  Jim is hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.     

     5:10pm  I went in the Chevron and this dude commented on my walking stick like everybody else. He asked me, "Where are you walking from?" I told him San Antonio and he was all surprised. I told him, "Yeah, from UTSA." I didn't get that big a jump from that girl. Anyway, I noticed they had some old stale burritos. Like their kitchen was closed down. I said, "Will you hook me up with a stale burrito for gasoline for my stomach?" He sure did. He listened to my story too.

                   I'm hanging out in the Chevron telling this guy my story in between customers. I'm going to finish it before I leave. I might just take off walking since I've got a burrito.

     6:07pm  I asked this guy Jim going in if he'd give me a ride North. He's going to Boerne. He had told me his car was full, but he came back and fetched me. I'm sitting here telling him and his friend Matt my story. Jim hooked me up with three dollars. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. He gave me a Camel Wide too.

     6:19pm  We are entering Boerne. This is a pretty town. I've been here before.

     6:25pm  Sweet, those kids dropped me off at the Citgo in Boerne. There's a community center nearby. Some sheriff office and cemetery.

                   I should probably tuck in my marijuana rag.

                   North Main Street and North School Street. That's where the Citgo is.

     6:35pm  I'm walking on Business 87 North. Fifteen miles to Comfort and thirty eight to Fredericksburg.

     6:47pm  I just took a picture of a rainbow on Main Street and Market Avenue. I'm walking out of Boerne. I'm almost to I10. Badass, a rainbow. That was cool. Got a picture of it. Now I only have six pictures left.

     6:48pm  Passing King of the Hills Farm. Equine vendor. Thoroughbred race horses. Whoa, there's that rainbow again. 

                   Just passed a dead armadillo. Road-kill thanks to death machines.

                   Whoa, Boerne City Lake. Maybe I should go there and smoke a cigarette.

                   Yeah, those kids only gave me like a three mile jump. I was going to Boerne anyway. I would've walked here.

     7:00pm  Comfort thirteen miles. Mile marker 537. I'm going to rest. It's been two miles.

     7:34pm  I am leaving from my rest. I rested at Joy Pipe USA.

                   Oh yeah, I had two big scoops of my Muscleblast 2000. I'm hungry.

     7:40pm  Passing Spanish Pass Road. There's a place with a big cool airplane on display. Some stone yard.

     7:53pm  Mile marker 536.

     8:04pm  Some guy just pulled over!

     8:06pm  Javier y Francisco me estan dando un ride a Comfort. Muchisimas gracias, hermanos. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     8:30pm  Julie is hooking me up with some pizza. Some gasoline for the stomach so I can keep walking. I appreciate it, Julie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:39pm  I'm leaving the Chevron. I'm going to walk 87 to 10. Kerrville is this way I think.

                   Those guys gave me a fourteen mile jump to Comfort. I got like one mile from the chick at Raymond Russell Park. I got a three mile jump to Boerne. I took off walking and I just got picked up again and they hooked me up with like three or four miles. I don't know.

     9:00pm  The sun has gone down. It's all dark. I'm either getting a ride or I'm going to crash nearby.

     9:05pm  These dumbasses. They pulled up to the gas station and I tried to tell them my stuff. I told them my mission-objectives and asked if they were willing to listen. One guy says, "Keep talking, I am dying to here this. I want to know." Once I got into it he started getting all these faces while I was explaining myself. He said, "You know what, I don't know the internet." He started saying, "You fuckin' hippie." His girlfriend was all ready to take off and everything. I asked them, "Have you always been that ignorant?" They drove off. "Ignorance is bliss."

                   Cool, that girl gave me three cigarettes though.

     9:16pm  I'm walking to the other side of the highway. There's a Chevron and a McDonald's. The sign says Kerrville sixteen miles. That's it.

     10:35pm  I found me a place to crash! I staked out the Mr. W fireworks stand right here next to the Chevron. The door had been locked with a wire clothes-hanger. I'm in it and I'm going to go to sleep. The universe provides. Perfect.

Next day..

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