

                                                                                                                                   Arcata, CA

Monday June 4, 2007

     6:30am  I woke up around six. It was drizzling. I'm going to walk to the Safeway and take a shit. Last night at Long's Drugs this dude told me to stop by his RV by the hydroponics store, this blue and white one and that he would smoke me out. He told me to come by around five or six. It's going to be around seven, because I have to take a shit.

     6:38am  I forgot to tell you. I am at the Safeway right now taking a shit. I usually leave my backpack at the front, but I just walked in with it. I have to pack up some shit that got wet last night.

     7:40am  I forgot to mention. After my shit at the Safeway I walked over to the RV by the hydroponics store. I showed up at seven and he's smoking a brother out. I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit.

     8:05am  We came to The Endeavor.

     10:33am  I had a good morning at The Endeavor. I still haven't gotten that mail from Kali. My website is still up. At least last time I checked yesterday it was. I'm all stoned. I got smoked out hardcore in front of the Endeavor, in front of the baseball field. I'm going to tell my story to someone. I'm all stoned.

                      I'm full as hell too. I had a big breakfast and lunch. I volunteered at the Endeavor this morning. I helped make stir-fry. I chopped up vegetables.

     11:36am  Hell yeah, I just walked to my spanging alley right now and some guy came up to me and said, "Hey man, I checked out your website. It's really cool." Hehe, guess where he works. At Prudential Redwood Realty. In Karen Orsolic's office. He walked in there, so I'm thinking that's where he's from. That's the people I had a big deal with the other day, when that dumbass pulled his truck right up to my pack(5-31-07-12:13pm). That's hilarious that the young dude that works there thinks my website was cool.

     11:46am  Sweet, this guy just came up to me and said, "Thank you so much for that note." See, I had made lots of copies of The Note from the Rich in Portland at Free Geek and I've been handing them out like hotcakes. I asked him if he had checked the webpage yet. He said he hadn't yet. I gave him another little paper, just in case. Hell yeah, I am everywhere. I am friggin' famous in this town. He told me, "Thank you for that note, man. It's the truth."

     12:01pm  Frank just hooked me up with a cigarette at my spanging alley. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:07pm  Constantine just came up to me and offered me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     12:18pm  Check out Suggested by Constantine.

     1:27pm  I forgot to tell you, about twenty minutes ago me and Jeremy, I ran into Jeremy again, and Mike, this Irie brother from Jamaica with dreadlocks, he just got into town, for some reason we just got a whim up our ass to go to the beach. We're going to try to hitch to the beach. You know I was here for over an hour the other day and nobody picked me up. Oh well.

                    I'm going to fly my signs again, hehe.

     2:11pm  Megan and Rhianna, these pretty girls who stopped by and listened to my story. Right across from the footbridge.

     2:35pm  Great presentation right in front of the old Arcata theater. This lady. She didn't have time for the whole story, but she gave me a hug.

                    I just got kicked down a little roach. Sweet.

     3:41pm  This dumbass at the Blue Grass Bar for Men's Haircutting, or some shit like that. This barber right next to the old theater, he's calling the cops on me. I'm going to take a picture 

of his tattling ass. Haha, he saw me pull my camera out and got out of the way so I wouldn't take his picture, haha. Sucker. He had just come outside with this snooty attitude and told me I couldn't camp there. I wasn't doing shit. I was looking for listeners there, just smoking.

                    I haven't been too descriptive lately, which I have been disappointed in. I am still out here waiting for by bus ticket, not doing anything. Trying to find people to tell my story to.

     9:28pm  We just got hassled by the cops at Don's. See, I had left my backpack inside Don's to go smoke a cigarette right outside. I had been sitting down for hours writing out my little papers. When I go out to smoke, the stupid bitch cashier comes out and tells me, "If you go outside you have to take your stuff out with you too."

     9:31pm  Oh yeah, Irie Mike and I got kicked out of the donut shop. The bitch inside called the cops. She told me I had to take my pack outside with me. I told her I was going to smoke a cigarette and be right back. Like, I was going to be right on the other side of the window where my bag was smoking. I mean, I had been sitting for hours writing my little papers. I actually bought like three donuts while I was there. When she told me to take my bag I told her no, that I would be right back. Well, her discriminating ass calls the cops. The cops shows up and when they're talking to me I see a flash go off. This other brother, another journalist had taken a picture of the cops while they were hassling us. Sky, he came up and talked to us. He offered to pay for cover and drinks at the bar close to Don's, but the Bouncer kid said we couldn't go in there, because of what happened with the cops next door. Discrimination is for yesterday, damnit. Damn the ignorance in this world.

     10:58pm  I am having a good time tonight, man. This guy Sky hooked Mike and I up with twenty dollars each! We stopped by the Safeway on the way to camp. Sky hooked us up. He used to be a traveling hitchhiker kid, but he had kids and had to sell out. He saw us get harassed by the cops and had a camera and was taking pictures and shit. He came and talked to me. He wouldn't listen to my story, but I gave him my webpage and he took pictures of me and my signs. I hope he emails them to me. With that money we bought some weed, hehe.

                    I just thought of a script change. When I explain how I repeat my stories over and over, at the end I'll say, "That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

Next day..

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