

                                                                                                             Ashland, OR

Saturday June 6, 2009

                   Oh shit, I'm so stupid. I found my rain poncho. It was in my grocery bag. Since it was in a bagel bag I disregarded it in my search. I'm so stupid. So I didn't lose anything last night.

                   Oh yeah, this morning. I only got about four or five hours of sleep. I wandered off. I'm on a side of a mountain here. There were no level places anywhere to make camp at. I found this big grove or roots. It was a hard angle to sleep at. And this morning, the ants attacked! I had to scurry and move all my bags and sit there and pick out each one out of my bags and clothes. All this at an awkward angle. I only moved my stuff about ten feet away to this log that's serving as a nice bench here. I should've crashed on it instead of the roots. I'm all stoned. I smoked a whole joint to myself. It's going to be tough when I get rid of all this. I've had like unlimited weed for a while now. I am having fun in Ashland. Ugh, last night it was a treacherous climb up the hill. Oh yeah, it was an enormous project removing all the ants. I can't believe I didn't get bitten at all. I haven't even eaten breakfast yet. I'm not hungry yet. I haven't taken a shit either. I don't have any toilet paper. I should've grabbed some yesterday. Anyway, I am all stoned and documenting. I am loving this adventure.

     7:22am  138loaded.JPG139woods.JPG140woods.JPG141camp.JPG

     7:27am  Me

     7:57am  143camp.JPG

     8:15am  144deer.JPG

     9:13am  145poncho.JPG
     9:28am  I've had a nice relaxing morning here. It's awesome here. I've heard a couple voices down there. Probably people hiking. I should probably pack up and leave. I had a productive morning. The sun came up and I was able to dry off my blue rain poncho. I'm going to pack up and leave now. I'll go into town and tell my story. I'm all stoned.

     9:51am  At long last I am all packed up ready to go and leaving, leaving no trace as usual. I've been having really relaxing mornings lately.

     10:00am  After a long strenuous hike through the woods, I walked out of these people's driveway. Their dogs were barking and everything. I just walked out of there. I'm going to hike all the way down the hill into town. The climb up here last night was a bitch.

     10:32am  I was walking down this street down the mountain and Bill pulled over and talked to me. I had walked by him in his front yard right before and he, like so many people around here, asked me if I was going to tackle the Pacific Coast Highway. The legendary PCH. I told him not yet and talked to him and gave him my website. He was driving a small pickup so I asked him if he could give me a ride down the hill into town. He said hop in and I jumped in the back. Thanks a lot, Bill. Everybody gets credit.

                    I think Bill told me he was eighty.

                    Bill brought me to the Ashland Food Co-op. He said I'd meet some really interesting people there.

     10:53pm  146peacepole.JPG

     12:53pm  I came to the grassy part at the front of Lithia Park and tried to take a nap, but I couldn't because the sun kept moving. Mariah and her boyfriend Duane came by and bought a nickel sack off of me, so I've got five bucks. I've had money all this time I've had all this weed. I am almost out. I'm going to go to the public library and check my email. I'll charge the battery for my digital camera too.

     12:55pm  All packed up and going to the library now.

     2:25pm  148lithiapark.JPG

     3:43pm  149listeners.JPG

     3:53pm  150deer.JPG

     4:02pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Nick and Tara at the park. I took their picture. What did you guys think? Tara: "It was rad. How long have you been working on that?"

                   While I was telling them my story this dude came by and let me spray some tincture in my mouth. Half marijuana/half everclear. I'm all stoned/drunk. He told me, "Give it half an hour and it will creep up on you."

     4:32pm  I am standing in front of the Old Masonic Walkway. I'm going to pass out my website here. I'm not scared.

     5:22pm  I just had an awesome presentation with beautiful Liz, whole Odyssey and all. She listened to me for like a whole half hour.

     5:25pm  Hehe, during that awesome presentation with that girl Liz, all these school kids came by the Lithia fountain. One girl I had given my site to before told me she checked it out. These other kids saw my shirt and I gave them the site. More kept asking me for it, so I gave them a big handful of them and told them to pass it around. Hell yeah, planting the seed hardcore in Ashland.

                   The kids are taking over soon. Babylon shall fall! ¡viva la revolucion!

     7:07pm  Yay! I finally got a hold of Peg! She said it didn't matter where I was, that she would go to the ends of the earth for me. She told me she loved me so much and couldn't wait to ride the bus up and visit me...wherever I am at the time. Which means I don't have to stay in Ashland if I can't find all the resources to update my site with. She told me to call her wherever I was in a week.

                    Work on a follow-up to the Note From the Rich. Oh yeah, earlier this lady gave me an Odwalla lime juice. I've been passing out my website like crazy to people.

     7:25pm  154listener.JPG

     9:10pm  I found my camp easy tonight. See, I went to the Minute Market and refilled my ice. Then I kept walking a couple blocks more and I looked down Glen Street and saw a field in between houses, an empty lot. I walked closer to it and noticed there was a trail. I walked the trail and it led around the corner by some bushes where I found perfect concealment. It's right next to somebody's fence so I am really glad there's no dog outside. It's still kind of light outside. I shouldn't smoke any weed right here. Not because of the smell, but because of my coughing.

                   I didn't have anywhere near the trouble I had last night. I only got five hours of sleep and attacked by ants in the morning. I had a good morning this morning in the mountains. The scenery was just breathtaking.

                   Earlier today I went to the public library. I only got 15 minutes on the express computer. Oh yeah, and I called Peg. I'm going to get some more loving pretty soon. I am hopeful that she is aware of the risks involved. The whole Herpes thing I'm not sure about yet. I think I just might have something. I asked her how long did she plan to come hang out with me and she said just a couple days.

     10:19pm  Going to bed. Setting my stopwatch.

Next day..

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