

                                                                                                             Ashland, OR

Sunday June 7, 2009

     6:30am  I woke up about ten minutes ago with seven hours of sleep, hell yeah. This is a perfect squat. It just might be my squat in Ashland from now on.

     6:48am  158imprint.JPG

     7:28am  Umm, I just got rousted by a cop. Officer Vanderlip. He didn't do anything. The people who's house I was next to heard me coughing last night and in the morning. I thought I had muffled my mouth enough, but guess not. I was just sitting there and I see a policeman looking around. I think to myself, "Oh shit, the jig is up." He sees me and tells me, "Come out of there, please." I told him to hold on, got my ID out of my wallet, put my sandals on, quickly covered up my weed and walked out of the bush. I walked up to him and told him good morning, officer. He didn't even come and look around where I camped, he stayed back and let me come to him. Anyway, first thing I do is hold out my ID to him and he takes it and starts running it. He asked me what I was doing there and I told him I was a journalist, a long distance walker and that I'd been all over the country for seven years. He repeated himself, "But what are you doing here?" I told him I was just camping for the night. He told me they had gotten a complaint that I'd been coughing all night. I honestly denied it saying I was sleeping all night. "Are you sick?" he asked me. I told him no, that I might've coughed once or twice, but I'm only human, and I smoke cigarettes, hehe. He asked me if there was anybody else here and I told him no, that I walk alone. He asked me if I knew the people who owned the property I was on and I told him that I didn't see any no trespassing signs posted, that I just walked the trail through the field and found concealment. He told me to hold on, that he was going to ask the owners of the property if they wanted to file charges, that I might get a ticket for trespassing. When he came back eventually he told me he was unable to determine who the owners were and to just pack up and leave. He thanked me for being so cooperative. I thanked him back for his cooperation too. I thought I had found the perfect campsite last night, but guess not. Those snitches inside the house tattled on me. I was all stoned the whole time talking with the cop. I'm all stoned right now.

     8:16am  I am downtown already.

     11:09am  I should make an update. I just had the most awesome presentation with Aaron earlier. Aaron is this other street kid who always smiles when I had seen him before. He let me tell him my story and then this other dude showed up ad he listened too. I told them my whole odyssey and the note from the rich. Aaron was very reactive to my story nodding his head up and down the whole time. After I was done Aaron asked me if I was hungry and I told him the usual, "I walk for a living. I can always eat." We came to the Co-op and we got some bagels and cream cheese and I made some oatmeal. We came and sat down right outside the Co-op and I'm going to smoke a cigarette. I'm going to smoke now and then go into town and tell my story some more.

     11:29am  I had an awesome presentation with Billy Boy. He shook my hand and everything.

     12:09pm  Over by the creek Andrew just came up to me and volunteered me some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     3:25pm  I just woke up from a nap in the park.

                   I just had yet another presentation with this couple right now. I came and assumed my post in front of the Old Masonic Walkway. I put my clown wig on too and I was taking a few tokes here and there too. I always am.

     5:03pm  Another big group of highschool kids walked by and one asked me, "Hey man, have you been to Sacramento?" He saw me there. Hell yeah, I'm everywhere.

     5:30pm  I had an awesome presentation with Arty. He told me to keep up the good work. I didn't even tell him my story. The first time I asked him if he was willing to listen he said he'd rather check out the website. So I told him I would just close it out and asked him to do me the two favors. Then I hit him up for the Note From the Rich, "Can I tell you something else? It's not nearly as long and kind funny." He listened to the whole thing and said it was all true in the end.

                   I was walking up the sidewalk and I see this beautiful girl walking holding a flute with a crown of leaves in her hair. When we crossed each other I told her she was beautiful. She said I was too and I started talking to her. She was hesitant to let me tell her my story. She was out today trying to get some spare change from her flute playing to pay her rent. Xyara, I took her picture.

     6:03pm  Nice, right in the middle of talking to Xyara Gonzo walks up and says, "Wow, you still got that tape recorder." I knew Gonzo from the White Buffalo Farm in Paonia[5-27-06 : 2:14pm]. What a small world.

                   Wow, I've been recognized twice today. That one kid saw me in Sacramento and now Gonzo from Colorado.

     6:58pm  I just had an awesome presentation with John. I am blowing people's minds left and right tonight. My story has gotten so awesome. It's evolving.

                   Everybody is telling me to keep up the good work today. I can't stop.

     8:00pm  I walked to the Minute Market and refilled my bag with ice. Oh yeah, I talked to Gonzo and asked him if he knew of a place to camp at. He told me, "Yeah, just camp in the park. Just walk like a mile and find a spot." Whoa, I didn't know this park was that big. All this time I've been here I've only hung out in the grassy part at the front. I'm going to go try and find a campspot before the sun goes down.

     8:12pm  I asked Tell for a cigarette and he walked up with a joint and let me hit it. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:25pm  About half an hour ago I found a campsite easily. I walked up the hill and found a flat spot. It's like right off a trail, but it looks like barely anyone hikes it. I'll pack up early and leave tomorrow just in case.

Next day..

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