

                                                                                                             Ashland, OR

Monday June 8, 2009

     4:22am  I woke up around four with six hours of sleep. What an awesome camp I found. I'll take pictures. I might try to go back to sleep, but six hours is enough. I waked and baked, of course.

     5:26am  I am up and at 'em. I switched out to a new tape, a thirty minute tape. I've had yet another relaxing morning in my camp in the woods. I'm going to leave. I took a shit in front of a log and covered it up.

                   Today's mission is to go to the college and do some typing. I have a whole sixty minute tape to type up.

     5:50am  I am walking. It's all bright outside already. It's really weird how it gets dark all late around nine or ten, then by five in the morning it's light outside again. It's crazy. The nights are short.

                   Right now I am walking by the park playground and they have this badass pyramid thing you can climb on. I wish I would've had one of these when I was a kid. It looks Masonic almost, hehe. Butler Playground.

                   I can't believe it's taken me so long to walk into the park. I just hung out in the grassy area before. I don't usually hang out with anybody unless they're listening to my story. I let people come to me in this town. I love my new marijuana top hat.

                   I'm walking out of the park and I see this homeless guy crashed out on a bench by the pond. I was a bit paranoid of getting busted camping in the woods, but that bum is straight up asleep on a park bench. There are signs everywhere that say no overnight sleeping.

     5:56am  This town is utterly dead right now. I just came to the plaza. I've got two bucks in my wallet. I'm going to walk down to the Minute Market and buy a milk. I've got some frosted flakes. I'm going to go on a snipe hunt too.

     6:46am  I had a good breakfast break at the Minute Market. I bought a thing of milk and ate a whole cup of frosted flakes. I'm using the cup that Marilyn gave me. I took a shit this morning in the woods, but I'm going to take another shit since I just filled up with frosted flakes.


     7:15am  I walked to the restrooms by the creek about ten minutes ago and they're locked still. It sucks. I wonder what time they open. I'm hanging out by the bridge. I switched my socks out. The sun is feeling good right now.

     11:22am  I tried to take another nap in the park. My friend Aaron who took me to eat at the Co-op yesterday came by and asked me if I was hungry. We went to the co-op again and he bought me a sandwich. I'm going to walk to the library right now and check my email.


                     Search for that profile from Chico. It had some good links on there and I forget to mention the name, so I'll have to search for it.

     12:55pm  Leaving the public library. I thought I might have something holding me down to Ashland, but I don't. These kids yesterday told me that they wanted to make a movie, they were just waiting to find someone who knew what they were doing. That's me. He told me he would email me. I wonder if I should leave or not. I thought there might be a party night in this town, a night farmer's market, like Second Saturday in Sacramento, but I don't think there is. I'm going to walk to the college now so I can finalize my update.

     1:18pm  I took a little lunchbreak at the gazebo in Triangle Park. I ate the vegetarian sandwich that Aaron bought me at the co-op. I'm going to walk to the school now. Hopefully I will have a good surprise with the computers.


     1:30pm  I just walked to the Hannon Library. I took a picture.

     3:47pm  Bridget hooked me up with a cigarette. I gave her my website earlier. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     4:53pm  I had a wonderful presentation with Jen'r and Bridget. We walked a block or two and sat down in the grass to smoke and hear my story.

     5:12pm  I had an awesome presentation with those two girls. Odyssey and everything. Bridget seemed really moved by my story. Bridget told me she had something she wanted to give me. I told her to surprise me. We're walking to her dorms and she's going to give it to me. She said it's something she's never had the balls to use. It'll be a surprise. Bridget is her name. Eighteen years old.

                   Whoa, I'm walking away from the college and I just passed La Casa Del Pueblo Mexican Restaurant. I'm going to eat, watch.

     5:22pm  Ramon en La Casa Del Pueblo me esta dando comida. Te lo agradesco, Ramon. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     5:44pm  Hell yeah, called that shit. I should've known there would be a Mexican restaurant right in front of the college. I am stuffed. Ramon gave me a big quesadilla.

                   You see, everybody? We don't need money to live, damnit!

     6:30pm  I just totally plastered the bulletin board here in the plaza with havethisbook.coms. I collected all the unused pins on the ground.

                    I met this couple and we came under this concealing tree and I told them my story and we smoked. The dude had a lot to say and was very verbose. Enough to confuse people. After I finished the first story I told I asked, "Can I tell you another story?" He cut me off and said it was his turn.

                    "Yes, I started with my friend investigating what I call the structure of human experience, one's everyday experience of the world, their surrounding environment full of things and beings like and unlike us. At the same time I was inquiring into the structure of existence as a whole. What allows for the possibility of the universe as a whole. Historically this has been thought of as metaphysics, a science that came into being because of Aristotle. I mean, the only reason this is significant is because this way of thinking influenced directly by Aristotalian thought has imposed a certain view of the world, a tradition. A tradition inspired specifically by the Greeks, but it's been carried on historically. A rigorously logical way of looking at existance as a whole. Space time and the relation of space time as far as space time at an infinitesmal point and then space time as far as the infinitely large perspective is concerned."

                    That all seems a bit complicated. I keep things simple. I don't know nothing.

                    "Yeah, the not knowing nothing, I think we are beyond that at this point in human experience."

                    It's hard to know anything when nothing at all is as it seems.

                    "The difficulty in changing one's world view as far as being human is concerned, is the fact as you are pointing out, memory. Memory, such as yours, a habitual pattern of thinking extended over a period of time that allows for the possibility to store information. That storing of information keeps one from altering for example one's view of the world. If one, while beginning to acquire knowledge doesn't question that knowledge while it is being acquired, paradoxically, any knowledge you are given if there are no ground to begin with or if that ground is in question, should be inquired into. Any conversation whatsoever, but it depends on the individual. How willing they are to suspend any knowledge of the world whatsoever. Clean slate. It's a metatative process such as Buddhism or some form of Eastern spiritualism. Desplacement of the ego. It's just the displacement of one's own imagination. One's own imagination, I believe has this godly aspect, quote unquote, simply because we have the capacity to abstract to withing a certain position within our imagination. There's something about that and what that allows us to relate to. I mean, what we're talking about, this is knowledge. There are certain things we can and cannot know, but there is knowledge of the world that we may or may not have depending on what it is that we are inquiring into. For example, science and it's investigations.
                    If you look at our own being, there is a certain programming to it. Desires, passions, ideas. Every being is said to be an animal, that which has life. Either individually, or generally. As far the species are concerned. But, it has those faculties, the idea. The ability and the capacity to ideate, whether it's potential, meaning is has the possibility to become actual through one's articulations, whatever it may be, or it very well may be dormant, such as trees. There is some, I believe plantlife has this idea that's there to begin with or what it's going to become. It's the origin concerning our being, our primitive being. Our relationship with the surrounding physical, material, these metaphors, physical and material, it takes away the mysticism of it. The illusion is the world view that we imbibe in, we dwell in. That's what dicates are view of human beings, our view of the physical world as well as the possibility of any view of the spiritual world.
                    With a certain method that I have come to acquire, I could understand any beings constitution to begin with whatsoever. What they're destined to become, just by who they are to begin with. Every human being, we're living in a time where we see the fact that there is this quote unquote harmony. The fact that there is repitition entails that. Repitition of the stars, the sun. Although the theories of science are subject to alteration.
                    The difficulty is to get the other, whoever it may be outside of their mythos, their interpretation of the world that they are mythating which is just simply a narration of any kind within their own view of the world through their own experience. Although that's the case, that doesn't necessarily entail that we don't share a certain relationship to begin with which is our being here and now. The fact that you and I can even communicate says that our being is shared in some way. Throughout history they question it, how is language possible, but it's a historical moment in time.
                    The values at this point, as far as human existence are very concrete. There's no abstract value that was there historically. As far as these ideals that human beings have to begin with. The idea of truth. The fact that even, although in different languages truth may be spoken of differently, that's why it's phonetic. Everybody has a word for truth, like every culture. They have some sort of primal principle that they call truth with a capital T, god, that allows for the possibility of any being whatsoever said to be a being, Eastern or Western. That's the problem. Existence isn't the problem. Man's ideals are the problem. Existence is working perfectly fine. Man's ideals when they are thought to be absolute to begin with and not subject to, just understanding that one is human and one is finite that there are some sort of gaps that we have in our own thinking that we can't understands the whole. When man understand that, when man let's go of one's ideals, then I think that's when man is going to be reunited and free. You cage yourself in ideals. Every human being does. It becomes your cage and you become self-alienated within that cage."

     11:35pm  Ahh, I've been searching everywhere and I couldn't find the same place I crashed last night. I walked around for an hour or so looking for a place to camp. I finally found another little level spot. I'm going to sleep pretty soon. I'll take pictures in the morning.

Next day..

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