

                                                                                                                 Ashland, OR

Tuesday June 9, 2009

     7:07am  I should make an update already this morning. I woke up around five or so. I only got five hours of sleep. All of a sudden the owners of the camp showed up, this street kid I've seen downtown Chris. He usually crashes there with his girlfriend. He was cool and he let me hang out. He just got in an argument with his girlfriend. He expects her to show up. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. Then his girlfriend showed up. That was my cue to leave and I packed up and left them alone. I'm going to walk into town and see what happens today. I only got five hours of sleep last night. I should probably take a nap before I go to school and type. I have more than typing to do, like name pictures and stuff.

     7:18am  I just walked downtown to Main Street.

     8:22am  I am walking to the school. I wasn't sure what I was going to do about food today. This morning I hung out over by the fountain. I went over by the public restrooms my friends Duane and Mariah stash their stuff under the bridge. That's their closet. I've smoked a joint with them in the morning like three days in a row now. I went over to the bench by the fountain and I found some bread. That'll be typing fuel. I haven't taken a shit yet, so I'll take a shit at the college too. I wish I had a towel. I could probably score a shower at the gym. I've got a lot of work to do.

     8:42am  I am at the bathroom at the college evicting my feces.

     11:27am  Bad news today. See, yesterday when I first went to the Hannon Library the guy at the front gave me a public access pass which is only good for two hours. Well, when I went to get on a computer the only one that didn't have a student at it was already logged on. I got on it and was delighted I could open up Windows Explorer and I was even able to install MS Frontpage on it. I was elated thinking I'd be able to do all of my computer work here at the college library. I even named like 500mb worth of my new pictures. I installed Cute FTP and started uploading them to my site. Well, it wasn't anywhere near done when I went outside for a smokebreak. That's when I met Bridget and Jen'r and we left to go smoke. I cut my upload. Well, today I was anxious to resume the upload. I went to the library and was given another public access pass. I sat down at an empty terminal and followed the directions to sign on. I signed on and when I hit Windows Key+E for Windows Explorer it wouldn't let me. It seems I have to be logged in as a student to have full access. That is such a huge bummer. Public access only let's you pull up a browser and surf the web. I was about to leave thinking I wouldn't even be able to do my typing, when I tried putting in drive letters in the address bar to see if it would read my USB drive. F: worked and I double clicked on the text file and it brought up notepad. I can still do my typing at the college. That's about it. Maybe I'll email Bridget and see if she'll give me her account information.

     11:38am  I just had an awesome presentation with this guy on a skateboard. I was loaded up and about to leave and the guy rode up and said he liked my shirt, he had seen it earlier. I gave him my intro and mission objectives but when I asked if he was willing to listen he told me he had to go to class. I'm going to see if I can somehow score me another two hours at the library.

     11:42am  I was unable to secure another two hours of typing. I'll come back tomorrow. All I have to do is type. Maybe I'll ride the bus to Medford and see if there is anyway I can do my work there.

     11:47am  I'll go to the public library and see if I can do any typing there. I am already leaving Black Bear Ranch in my typing.

                     I went in the 7-11 and refilled my ice. I also got a little hot water to make oatmeal with. I ate oatmeal with cold water last night.

     12:30pm  I totally overshot the library. I'm doubling back a little.

     2:22pm  I just got another whole two hours of typing done! At the public library. I told the librarian my predicament, that I didn't even need the internet and she was nice enough to let me type on a offline catalog computer. Perfect!

     3:44pm  I need to make an update. I ran into Wookie! I saw him last in Portland. We drove up to the park and smoked some badass weed. I'm all stoned. Wookie kicked me down a couple nuggets.

     4:22pm  Right on time. Dillon was nice enough to give me a cigarette on Main Street. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

                    I just had a marvelous presentation with Dillon.

     5:40pm  I forgot to tell you, I came to the bum feed at St. Mark's. They served badass food. I even got pastries for later. I won't be hungry. I've got some for tomorrow too. Man, I am sitting so pretty in Ashland.

     7:22pm  I decided to go try and find my camp early tonight, while it was still light outside. After a long hard search I finally found it. I kind of just accidentally stumbled onto it again. Oh yeah, someone who has crashed here before left some clothes. I found a good blue sweatpant. I recently lost my grey Starter ones. I'll be sure to wash them before I wear them.

Next day..

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