

                                                                                                             Ashland, OR

Wednesday June 10, 2009

     5:40am  I woke up around 5:10am or so. I'm going to wake and bake.

     6:48am  007deer.JPG008deer.JPG009deer.JPG010deer.JPG                 
     7:15am  I have had the most relaxing morning on this little clearing I found the first day I crashed in these woods. How perfect. The trail is barely visible. I hear voices every now and then, but I don't care. I think I am smoking too much weed. I've been stoned for months straight. I've got four hours of typing to do today. The public library opens at noon, so I'm going to walk to the college and do my two hours there, then walk to the public library and do two other hours there.

                   Today is a black shirt day. Yesterday was a green shirt and the day before that was a white shirt day.

     7:41am  011camp.JPG012camp.JPG

                   Man, I got recognized so much yesterday. It was cool how I ran into Wookie. I can't believe I remembered his name. Oh yeah, I had a deer come visit me this morning.

     8:26am  Up and at 'em.

     8:50am  I popped out on Pioneer Street. I am remembering the way I came so I can find it at night and won't have to come out here like at six 'o clock to find my camp. I've got some typing to do. I've got like three of four more days until I am caught up.

                   Screw the college. I don't have to walk all the way out there. I can type all I want at the public library. I should get caught up today.

     10:54am  This morning I woke up and waked and baked. I had to be smoking something last night to repel the mosquitoes. This morning I woke up and I eventually got motivated to pack up and walk into town. I made a point of how to get back to camp for tonight. I came to the plaza and there's no one out here. Oh yeah, earlier in the bathroom I tried braiding my own goatee, but I couldn't. I still need to get it braided by some pretty girl sometime today. I even trimmed up my goatee and moustache. Chris, the kid with the girlfriend that I camped at their spot the other day, I told him some stories and smoked him out. He's going to show me where the free box is. He needs some socks.

     11:50am  I just had an awesome presentation with Eric right now. At the end I told him thanks for listening and told me, "Thanks for talking to me."

     12:25pm  I spent some time hanging out in the plaza talking to Chris. I told him my Brewster County Jail story.

     4:50pm  I just got a lot of typing done at the public library. There was a bum-feed at four 'o clock and it's probably too late now. I'm not sure where the gazebo is, but I'm going to look for it. Hopefully there will be some food left.

     5:37pm  I just walked all the way to the plaza.

     7:47pm  I spent exactly two hours typing at the college library. I'll be caught up tomorrow. Oh yeah, the computers at the public library has MS Frontpage.

     8:19pm  I went to the 7-11 across the street from the college and refilled my bag with ice.

     8:50pm  I just had a badass presentation with Nick, some dude at the 7-11. He listened to me hardcore. I'm going to try and bum a cigarette.

                   Nick enjoyed my story, but he was a little suspicious. He said, "I want to know what's behind all of this."

     10:11pm  I am leaving from the plaza. I walked all the way from the college on Siskiyou Street. I went to the plaza and some street kids were there. Some drunk dude came up to me and asked me where the cameras were. I told him I had a camera, but he meant the hidden ones in the trees the voices told him about. He asked me if he could borrow my walking stick so he could beat somebody up, but I strictly forbade it. Then he went off on a big long drawn-out story about fighting and problems with his father and stuff. And me without my violin. Man, I hate alcohol. I'm going to walk to Pioneer Street and hopefully I'll remember the route to my camp today. I got four cigarettes worth of tobacco out of the ashtrays at the Safeway on the way back downtown. That crazy drunk guy did make me some badass vegan food. I ate and I'm walking to camp now. Tomorrow is another day. I need to take a shower. Not because I feel dirty, but because I consciously know how long it's been. Last shower I took was a kneeling one in O'Brien[5-31-09]. I'm looking for my camp now. I am so used to hauling this big heavy bag. I am so strong. I just feel really strong right now. I need to get my tooth pulled and get an STD screening. Other than those, my life is completely stress-free.

     11:44pm  I should make an update. I'm lost. I can't find my camp. I thought I'd recognize the way, but I didn't. I think I overshot it by over a mile. I doubled back and I'm going to start from the trailhead again. I hope I find my camp soon. I'm going to smoke a cigarette right here. I've got four of them for the night.

     11:54pm  I had a nice smokebreak and smoked some weed. The reason I couldn't find my camp is because the battery in my flashlight died. I stumbled around in the dark and got even more lost. I desperately looked through my stuff and in my blue pouch I found some really used AA batteries. Only one battery worked and it was real dim, but sufficient, I guess. That was the key problem in not finding my camp right now. No light. I doubled all the way back to the trailhead and I'm going to try and find it again. Please, Saint Anthony. Let me find my lost campsite.

     12:15am  Right before my flashlight died again I found another flat spot. I'll take pictures in the morning. It's a really nice spot. I guess I was meant to find it and camp here because this is where my battery died.

                     Where I crashed Sunday night there is an emergency candle. I was hoping I would find it so I could use it, but I never did. I'm going to eat, smoke and go to sleep. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

     12:25am  Almost ready to go to bed.

Next day..

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