

                                                                                                             Charleston, WV

Sunday June 8, 2008

     6:18am  I got 5.50 hours of sleep. Last night I wandered over to shelter. They didn't have any beds available, so I crashed out in the front room right underneath the reception window. I woke up and there were like three other guys on the floor with me by the front door.

     6:36am  I am so stupid. Yesterday I was like half-asleep when Amanda's parents came back. I should have never opened that door. I realized I had Amanda's digital camera on me. See, I thought I would be able to get a hold of Amanda on her cellphone soon, so I volunteered it to her father. I took my memory card out and gave it to him. "Make sure she gets this back." I am so mad at myself. I could have a camera and be documenting Charleston right now! I shouldn't have given it back.
                   Ugh, that makes me mad. But I can't have any regrets. Everything happens for a reason. I really hope I get a hold of Amanda today. Man, her parents are damn evil. They don't give a fuck about her. They want her locked up in the hospital. Now that I look back I should've told them so much shit, but I had just woken up and opened the door. I only told them ignorance is bliss and thanks for making my story so interesting. I should've asked them if they had always been that ignorant. I think they know exactly who I am. When they had first come with the police and took Amanda downstairs I heard them talking outside, "We know you're with Victor Antonio from San Antonio."
                   Anyway, I need to take a shit. I woke up early in front of the shelter. I'm going to try and get their attention and see if they'll let me use the restroom. Then I'll walk into town and tell my story and try to get me some marijuana, hell yeah. I'm not going to sell my shirts anymore. I'll tell them, "I got shirts for trade...if you know what I mean." The bathroom at the transit mall opens at seven.

     6:49am  I had a great presentation with Jennifer at the transit mall. I came and got some water out of the fountain. Filled up my CamelBak.
     7:15am  There's a Gay Pride parade today. I'll go for the crowd and put my clown wig on.

                    I came over to St. John's just wandering around. They feed here, but it's too late for breakfast. Damnit, I left all my scraping tools at Amanda's. Oh yeah, I was able to tell this young couple my story. They were coming out of the church and listened to me outside. Whole Odyssey and everything. I really wanted to scrape a resin hit, but I didn't have a wire. Then I noticed how the drainage screen at the base of the church had these little wires. I can totally scrape my pipe with one of those," I told myself. I grabbed one and sat in the shade under a tree in front of the church and smoked. People are all walking by and I offer my website. This one guy quickly said no. "That's right, be afraid. Judge not. Have you always been that ignorant?"

     9:35am  I am having a great presentation with these two while we're waiting for the Gay Pride march.

     11:52am  The Gay Pride march is starting up. I'm here for the crowd so they can see my shirt. I sat down and cut out another sheet's worth of havethisbook.coms. There was this girl there with this beautiful dog who's name I overheard was Sadie. A beautiful black Labrador. I asked the girl if I could pet Sadie. She said sure, read my shirt and just invited me to smoke!
     12:09pm  I just donned my clown wig. I separated all the dreads in it and put it on. I'm standing here in front of the Capitol Street Cafe. I'm hungry, but I'll get some food later. Oh yeah, I just got smoked out. By this girl and guy.

                     Yeah, I have my rainbow clown wig on at a Gay Pride march. I'm not gay. It's an illusion. Psyche.

                     I just might be the happiest man in the world, but I'm not gay. I wear the rainbow colors because I am a beam of light for others to follow.

     12:17pm  I'm starting to yell at people when they walk by and ignore my advances for my website. This mom and eleven year old kid walked by me and I hit them up for a really interesting story. The mom seemed pretty young and cool. She had a tattoo on her back. Before I started my presentation she took a look at my shirt and told me, "Remember, he's eleven." As soon as I said marijuana the mom said, "Oh, we gotta go." I yelled, "Man, nobody wants world peace! Poor kids!" As they were walking off I told her son, "Look it up on Google. You'll find it."

     12:21pm  I just walked by and offered my website to these stupid ladies. One went, "Oh no, we're not dopesmokers." I told them I was just testing them anyway.

     12:37pm  I'm going to score lunch at the church today. Fenecia just gave me directions to St. John's. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

     12:47pm  I came to the church and stashed my bag in the coat room. I am waiting in line. I'm hungry. I still have my clown wig on, it's funny. Everybody thinks I got it at the Gay Pride parade. I'm not gay. It's an illusion.

                     There's shit in there, hehe.

                     Those two that bought me food last night at Benacino's, they were here at the bum feed. They asked me if I made it alright to the shelter and I said yes. I totally forgot who they were because I am all stoned still.

     1:21pm  I left the church. This pretty girl Vaughn who was helping serve at the church, she complimented my hat and my shirt. I smiled and told her, "I have some for sale or trade, if you know what I mean." She's a really pretty girl and I really want to tell her my story. I asked her what time she finished here. She said at two, but afterwards she had to go to a modeling agency. I told her, "I hope you didn't think I was crazy with my clown wig. I'm a journalist." She told me, "Oh, I'm a special kind of journalist. I journal on my MySpace." Anyway, I'm walking back to the transit mall. Maybe I'll go to Davis Park and stand around the gay pride march and tell my story some more.

     1:29pm  Back at the parade. I'm going to put my wig back on.

     1:52pm  I tried telling this one guy my story. At first he said he was willing to listen, but he would still do his thing when people walked by. He had a clipboard and was asking people if they were a registered voter. Some Ralph Nader bullshit. I gave him my website.

                   I finally got a hold of Amanda's answering machine. GR at the transit mall let me borrow his phone. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I just had a great presentation with these kids. They totally loved it. At the end one kid said I totally made his day.

     2:17pm  Art hooked me up with a cigarette at the transit mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:04pm  I'm walking down Quarrier Street. Howard, standing in front of the West Virginia Education Association, I asked him for a cellphone and he gave me fifty cents to make a phone call. I appreciate it, Howard. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:06pm  I am aiming for the capitol. I'm going to see if I can find Amanda's house. I hope she's there. If she's not there her parents probably have her locked up in the hospital. Let's see if I can remember. I hope I find the house.

     8:21pm  I came to the Exxon by the capitol and I'm going to use the payphone. Hopefully she answers. I'm worried about Amanda.

     9:04pm  I think I found Amanda's place, but nobody is home. She's probably still locked up in the hospital. I am so worried about her. It sucks that I left some dirty clothes there. I left my original WPTMJ shirt Ezrah gave me in San Antonio.

     9:44pm  I'm just standing around Davis Park looking for someone to tell my story to. I'll go to the shelter before eleven. Hillbilly just came up to me and asked me, "Are you hungry? Want something to eat?" He scammed some hotel for some Filet Mignon. We're pigging out now. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     10:51pm  Me and Hillbilly smoked some snipe-rats we made at Davis Park. Oh yeah, he's going to show me a squat-house not too far from here. I'm going to get a full-night's sleep, hell yes. Tomorrow he said he was going to go boost me a camera from Target! Hell yeah! Fuck the system! No accidents!

Next day..

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