

                                                                                                             Charleston, WV

Monday June 9, 2008

     5:46am  I just woke up. I got six and a half hours of sleep.

     6:21am  Donald and Capitol Street, in the building that says Creative Expressions, that's where my pack is stashed. Up in the ceiling. I hope nobody messes with it. I ran into Kenny this morning. This other guy who crashes in the building.

     6:33am  It was awesome how I was transported to a safe squat last night. I slept in an empty room on carpet. It was hot as hell, but it's alright. I stashed my bag in the ceiling. I'm paranoid about that. It should be okay.

     6:57am  I woke up on the floor with Jason Payne aka Hillbilly. We came to Davis Park to get some water. Jason: "I met my man last night, Victor Antonio from San Antonio. I'm helping him on his way. Making an entry. My name is Jason Payne, born in Charleston, WV."

     7:35am  I just left the squathouse again. I hope my stuff is safe there. I'm going to go take a shower and do my laundry at the Covenant House.

     7:53am  I came to to Covenant House, the big yellow house close to the shelters. I've got my laundry washing. I'm only washing a couple shirts. I hope I can score a shower too.
     8:35am  I just got out of the shower! There are some great resources in Charleston.

                   We came back to the squathouse and I gave Jason one of my shirts. He's sporting it now. Hell yeah, tell your friends, water my seed. The kids are taking over soon. Babylon shall fall! ¡Viva la revolucion!

     8:46am  Some guy just told me a stupid story about a Purple Penguin. It was so lame. At first I had started recording it, but I'm going to delete it. It was fucking lame. This guy was all A-D-D and shit. He didn't even let me get to my mission objectives. I didn't get passed ignorance. I'm all stoned. I'm going to hang out in Charleston until I see Amanda again. I could go look for her friend's house we went to yesterday. I don't remember exactly where it was. I remember it said Mathews on it. I'm walking down the street now.

     9:54am  I walked Lee Street and I'm turning left at this building. I'm going to walk to the transit mall again and try and run into Hillbilly, Jason again. He said he was going to go to Target and steal a camera for me.

     10:13pm  I walked back to the transit center again and ran into Jason, my brother. He's wearing a WPTMJ shirt and he's got a wad of cash. He said he's going to get me a camera today. Sweet, do I have to go? I'll just wait here. Welcome to Charleston, Victor.

     10:35pm  I came to the public library.

     11:17am  I left the library. 

                     After I got out of the library I sat down in front of it to smoke. I saw some girl sitting in her car and made sure she saw my shirt. I offered her my website and she asked me about it and I got to tell Cricket my story. She just hooked me up with some gum, awesome. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:38am  I'm talking to Cricket. We're talking about New Orleans. I told her about how I hung out in front of Razoo on Bourbon Street and got hooked up with weed and stuff. It turns out her uncle owns that bar! What a small world.

     12:01pm  These two teeny-bopper girls walked up to me and asked if they could have one of my shirts. I thought about it for a second and grabbed the extra one I was carrying in a cargo pocket and threw it at one. They were all fighting over it. I told them they would have to share it.

     9:28pm  I had a great presentation with beautiful Beth and Cute Ashley. Beth let me borrow her cellphone. Everybody gets credit.

     10:23pm  I saw this pretty girl sitting at the transit mall waiting for a bus. I walked up to her and noticed she was crying. I hit her up for my story and added, "It might make you feel better." She's not crying anymore. I made her feel better.

     11:29pm  I walked off aiming for the abandoned building I was shown last night. I just got here and went in through the unlocked door and up the stairs and I am situated in the same room me and Hillbilly slept last night. He's not here. He might come home and wake me up. This is such a perfect crashpad. I should leave pretty soon. It's almost too good to be true.

     11:38pm  I'm about to crash out. I can't wait to get a camera and take pictures. That's what I'm waiting for, to get a camera.

Next day..

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